Daddy, Here Is Mommy



0The cell phone's ringtone, which he usually liked, suddenly felt very noisy.    


Lin Ange kicked the blanket with her feet and hooked the phone into her own hands. She picked up the phone and prepared to turn it off.    


"Open the door."    


The low, mellow, cold voice penetrated the phone and reached her ear.    


Lin Ange was startled for a second. Why did this sound like Uncle Lu?    


Lin Ange hurriedly pulled her head out of the blanket and rubbed her eyes. She was shocked when she saw who it was.    


It was Lu Yiyao.    


He was a bit annoyed. Wasn't it just a shirt?    


"Little uncle …"    


Lin Ange half sat up, suppressed the suspicion in her heart and calmly called out.    


"Open the door."    




Lin Ange only thought that she had misheard him, and a tiny crease appeared between her brows. She looked a little dazed.    


"Little Uncle, what did you say?"    


"Open the door."    


The clear and cold voice carried an irresistible domineering power.    


"Open the door? "Little uncle, you're …"    


Lin Ange shuddered as a warm current rolled down her belly. She was afraid that she would need to go to the bathroom again.    


I heard they scared the shit out of me.    


No one else was as frightened as she was.    


"How many more times do I have to say it?"    


Lu Yiyao was holding three big bags in one hand and his phone in the other.    


"Uncle, you …" "Are you at my door now?"    


Lin Ange lifted the thin blanket and stood up, a layer of cold sweat covering her palms as she asked cautiously.    


"What do you think?"    


"Uncle, you …" "Wait a moment, ha …"    


Lin Ange was scratching with her claw in her heart. Her small face was covered with a mask of puzzlement and her head was full of question marks.    


Why is he here?    


What was he doing here?    


How did he know I lived here?    


Despite his reluctance, he still walked towards the door with his slippers on.    


When she reached the door, she did not hurry to open it. Instead, she peeked outside through the peephole.    


Her picturesque eyebrows fell into her eyes and her heart skipped a beat.    


It really was him?    


She tightened her grip and quickly opened the anti-theft door a crack, but didn't have any intention of letting Lu Yiyao in.    


"Little uncle, what are you doing?"    


Lin Ange rubbed her nose with a puzzled expression on her face.    


"Open the door."    


"Uncle, this …?"    


"Lin Ange, you're trying to shut me out."    


Lu Yiyao narrowed his deep eyes and shot two cold glints straight at Lin Ange. His carved facial features became more and more deep.    


"Yes, yes." That's what it means. "    


Lin Ange nodded honestly.    


"Lin Ange, I'll give you two seconds. You have to consider carefully."    


Lu Yiyao put his phone back in his pocket, while his eyes filled with darkness.    


Lin Ange was taken aback. She pursed her lips as two red clouds flew up on her cheeks.    


"Uncle, I'm doing this for your own good. Your girlfriend won't be happy if someone secretly takes a photo."    


Even though he had a relationship with him four years ago, by mistake. However, he was Lu Hengyuan's uncle after all. If he were to get someone to bid for something, it would not be good.    


Besides, he had a girlfriend.    


"Oh, really?"    


Lu Yiyao's long, narrow eyes swept across Lin Ange's red face, and the corner of his mouth twitched imperceptibly.    


Lin Ange nodded vigorously like a chick pecking rice.    


"Yes, uncle, women care a lot about this aspect. If … "I'm saying, if your girlfriend finds out, she wouldn't dare to complain to you, but she would feel very, very sad in her heart …"    




"Thus, little uncle, I can only shut you out."    


Lin Ange's eyes were curved and her pair of clear eyes were pitch-black and bright. Her small face was covered in a long smile.    


She thought that what she said made a lot of sense.    


"…" Lu Yiyao.    


Lin Ange saw that his face was dark and did not say a word. A chilling air seeped through the gap in the door.    


His heart shuddered inexplicably.    


In order to ease the awkward atmosphere, she pursed her lips, paused for a moment, and looked at Lu Yiyao.    


"Little Uncle, what's the matter?"    


Lu Yiyao was silent. He didn't answer and just leaned towards her.    


Deep in the shadows, Lin Ange suddenly felt an invisible pressure coming towards her. Swallowing her saliva, she asked timidly.    


"Little uncle, what are you doing?"    


"How can I tell you if you don't let me in?"    


Lu Yiyao replied to her in confusion.    


"Eh …"    


Lin Ange was momentarily at a loss as to how to respond. Her mouth was dry from talking for a long time. He wasn't listening at all. He was stunned for a while and then moved his body a little backwards.    


"Little uncle, what is it that you want to talk about here? It's really a bit inconvenient for you to go in."    


"Inconvenient?" There are men at home. "    


With a cold expression, Lu Yiyao lifted his thin lips and tightened his grip on the bag.    


"Uncle, what are you talking about?" How can there be a man in my family? "    


Lin Ange's face reddened as she hurriedly tried to defend herself.    


"Then why not?"    


"You are Lu Hengyuan's little uncle, we should avoid any suspicion …"    


Lin Ange bit her lip lightly and explained with a smile.    


Even if she had nothing to do with Lu Hengyuan, they were, after all, engaged.    


This could not be erased.    


"You caused such a ruckus at the wedding, did you still want to marry him?!"    


Lu Yiyao said coldly as he raised his thick, sword-like eyebrows.    


"Are you kidding? All the men in the world have died, and I won't marry him."    


Lin Ange's heart tightened as the corners of her mouth curled into a cold and arrogant ridicule.    


When Lu Yiyao heard this, a trace of an indifferent smile flashed across his eyes. He slightly raised his chin and said in a low voice.    


"Since that's the case, why should we avoid it?"    




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