Daddy, Here Is Mommy



0Ding Zigeng's eyes narrowed, the blue veins on his hand were exposed as he held the poker card.    


Such an attitude had already exposed the thoughts in the depths of his heart.    


Hee Shen saw that his repeated warnings had no effect and sighed inwardly.    


He had done his best.    


Ding Zigeng had always been secretly in love with Xu Jianan. At this time, Lu Yiyao could already see through it.    


No one could guess Lu Yiyao's thoughts.    


Although he said that he and Xu Jianan had always been 'putting on an act', that sentence just now was clearly to protect her.    


Lu Yiyao took a sip of the red wine and replied coldly. "Right."    


The cold reply was like a bomb, even more shocking than before.    


"Third Young Master, you … You're real... "Girlfriend?"    


"That's right."    


Xiao Mo's face was filled with disbelief, and his hand holding the poker card was slightly trembling.    


"OMG, third young master, you surprised us all today … "What's going on?"    


Lu Yiyao didn't care about their shock and threw the card in his hand towards the table.    


"I won."    


"Oh shit, I have a good hand, but I actually lost?"    


Xiao Mo's face was full of grievance as he handed the chips over unwillingly.    


Ding Zigeng's face was gloomy, but he did not say a word.    


Hee Shen asked in a testing manner. Third Young Master, when are you going to bring us to meet your real girlfriend? "    


Lu Yiyao smirked. "Soon."    


Only then did the person at the card table confirm that there might be some sort of secret between Lu Yiyao and Xu Jianan.    


Lu Yiyao stood up, looked at the chips on the table and said coldly.    


"Today's account is on my account, so I'll be leaving first."    


Hee Shen and Xiao Mo also stood up and nodded.    


When Ding Zigeng saw him leave, he could no longer suppress the anger in his heart and smashed his fist on the table.    


The chips fell quite a bit.    


"Second brother, what's wrong?"    


Xiao Mo didn't know what he was thinking and had a puzzled expression.    


However, Hee Shen understood and patted his shoulder.    


"Why do you have such a huge reaction?" Isn't that what you want? "    


"Brother Chen, what do you mean?"    


Xiao Mo was confused.    


"Isn't he just toying with Jianan's feelings? Jianan was completely devoted to him. How could he treat her like this?    


Ding Zigeng's face was ashen, and his handsome face was covered in vigorous anger.    


"You … Sigh … "Come, let's drink …"    


Hee Shen didn't know how to comfort him. He sat down and poured him a glass of red wine.    


"Second brother, you … "Don't tell me you …"    


Xiao Mo seemed to understand something, and his watery peach blossom eyes were filled with surprise.    


"Shut up."    


Hee Shen glanced at him and scolded him.    


The wine was mellow and fragrant.    


His mind was filled with all sorts of thoughts.    


Lu Yiyao came out of the 'in the world' with neon flashing and mottled tree shadows. He raised his wrist and checked the time. It was already 11 PM.    


He couldn't help but glance at his phone, which had a clean screen.    


What's wrong with this little thing?    


Could it be on purpose?    


The throttle rumbled as he drove towards the Sunlight Century Apartments.    


After entering the elevator, he subconsciously pressed the button for the 15th floor. The speed of the elevator was very fast. In just a few seconds, his heart was filled with countless emotions.    


When the elevator reached the fifteenth floor, he did not step out. Instead, he stood there for two seconds before pressing the button on the sixteenth floor.    


The password opened up the security door. Without changing his shoes, he walked in.    


Walking towards the French windows, looking at the myriad lights outside, his cold and proud back exuded a touch of loneliness and desolation.    


It was as cold as the cold.    


Who would have thought that the most respected and powerful man in Yunjing would be so lonely?    


As he continued to read, the corners of his lips gradually curled up, and his deep eyes were filled with anticipation.    


She's back.    


He would no longer be alone.    


A moment later.    


He went into the bathroom and took a shower. He changed into black silk pajamas and sat on the sofa for a while.    


He suddenly felt a surge of hunger.    


He stood up and opened a bottle of red wine.    


He poured half a cup and shook it lightly.    


The orange light was reflected in the glass and was dazzling.    


He took a sip, then downed it in one gulp.    


As the fragrant wine slid down his throat, his stomach began to faintly feel uncomfortable, and the hunger in his stomach grew stronger and stronger.    


At this time, it would take at least half an hour for Ding Mo to deliver the food.    


However, if he continued to endure like this, he probably wouldn't be able to rest well for the entire night. Furthermore, Tang Yi had told him to take care of his stomach.    


Lu Yiyao frowned and thought for a while. Didn't I make a meal in the afternoon and still not eat it?    


With that in mind, he put down his wine cup and went downstairs in his slippers.    




Lin Ange was sleeping soundly on the sofa when she heard the doorbell ring.    


"Who is it now?"    


She muttered something in a low voice and pulled the thin blanket over her head.    


The noisy doorbell rang louder than the one before, making her feel less annoyed.    


No matter how strong his sleepiness was, it wouldn't be able to withstand this annoying sound of 'killing for life'.    


He rubbed his eyes, slowly pulled away his heavy eyelids and lifted the blanket. Ye Zichen pouted and walked towards the door angrily.    


"Who's so bored? How annoying! "    


He narrowed his eyes at the cat eye as he walked in the doorway.    




Seeing the tall shadow outside, she was shocked.    


Why does this person look like 'Uncle Lu'?    


Stand up, pat his face, frown, and look again.    


It really was him?    


What was he doing here again?    


A slender arm appeared in the peephole.    


Ding dong.    


The doorbell rang again.    


Accompanying it was Lu Yiyao's low and cold voice.    


"Lin Ange, open the door."    




At this moment, it was impossible for Lin Ange to ignore him.    


Taking a deep breath, he rolled up the corners of his mouth and opened the door.    


"Little uncle?" What are you doing here? "    


"Lin Ange, are you deaf?"    


Lu Yiyao glanced at her with his long and narrow eyes. His deep facial features were covered with a layer of anger.    


"Little uncle, why don't you take a look at what time it is …"    


Lin Ange complained as she stood in the doorway, rubbing her eyes with one hand.    


Her hair was long and loose like seaweed, her cheeks were red, and her pink housedress was wrinkled.    


Lu Yiyao's cold pupils were slowly heating up and his throat was a little dry. He resisted the urge to hold her up horizontally and raised his sword-like eyebrows.    


"You want to shut me out again?"    


Lin Ange only glanced at him once before turning her head to the side, her face flushed red.    


Isn't this Uncle Lu a little too arrogant?    



She had actually put on her pajamas in the middle of the night. Even if he had something urgent, he shouldn't be so 'casual'.    


He asked patiently.    


"Uncle, it's so late. What's the matter?"    


"I'm hungry."    


Lu Yiyao did not hold back at all and directly revealed his' purpose for coming here '.    


"You're hungry, why are you here?"    


Lin Angemei blinked her long eyelashes as if she was being combed. A deep shadow fell over her eyelids as she asked in confusion.    


"What do you think?"    


Lu Yiyao's tall figure pressed forward towards her and squinted his eyes.    


The cool air and the rich aroma of the wine assaulted her. Lin Ange couldn't help but take two steps back as the corner of her mouth twitched.    


"How would I know?"    


Lu Yiyao glanced at her and his throat seemed to be on fire. The Adam's apple rolled with difficulty and the corner of his mouth moved.    


"You have all my food."    




Lin Ange was stunned for half a second. For some reason, she felt that his words carried a different meaning.    


After thinking for a moment, he came to a realization.    


He had come to mention the bags he had left at her house that afternoon.    


"Oh, just wait, I'll go get it for you."    


She pursed her lips and walked towards the living room.    


Just as he took a step forward, Lu Yiyao suddenly grabbed her slender wrist and pulled her into his embrace.    


Lin Ange felt the world spinning around her and her mind going blank.    


Lifting his eyes to look at Lu Yiyao's unfathomable pair of cold eyes, he saw that those deep eyes seemed to hide a vast amount of stars, making one's heart palpitate and sink.    


Plop, plop …    


His heart was beating very fast.    


Lin Ange stammered, her cherry-like lips trembling.    


"Little Uncle …" What are you doing? "Let me go quickly …"    


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