Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C258 I'll Set You up

C258 I'll Set You up

3"Are you so afraid of him?" Lu Qi narrowed her eyes at him.    


Tan Liming was panicking in his heart.    


"Qi, it's not that I'm afraid of him. It's... I'm still young. I want to live a few more years!"    


In Jindu, even the children in the kindergarten knew not to provoke Mo Shihan.    


And he was still fighting with Mo Shihan over a woman?    


Wasn't this because he felt that he had lived too long?    


"Why don't I think he's that scary?" Lu Qi drank a mouthful of tea and said lightly.    


Tan Liming could not help but smile bitterly.    


Of course you don't think so!    


You are his woman, and he wants to hold you in his hands. How could he make you feel scared?    


"But Qi, I am very curious. You... You have never been very interested in matters between men and women. Why... Why are you suddenly with him?" Tan Liming could not think of anything even if he racked his brain.    


Lu Qi held the teacup and was slightly stunned.    


Actually, even she herself did not know why.    


Ever since she was born, she had always been a cold-blooded person.    


In her world, only becoming stronger, or even stronger.    


To her, men were completely unnecessary.    




In the process of getting along with Mo Shihan, she actually felt that he was very good.    


It was still the kind of good that came from the bottom of her heart.    


"Bang, bang, bang -"    


Just as Lu Qi was thinking, someone knocked on the door of the guest room from outside.    


"Come in!"    


The secretary pushed the door open and entered.    


"Manager Tan, the results of the inventory check are out."    


He handed over the documents in his hands.    


Tan Liming took a look and was immediately shocked.    


"What? 120 bottles of cold water perfume were missing? Are you sure you didn't count wrongly?"    


The secretary said," Manager Tan, I counted three times, and that's the result. "    


Tan Liming's expression became a little bad.    


The perfume of cold water was the exclusive for men they had worked hard to make this year.    


In the entire Empire, there were many men who used it, from young masters of prestigious families to newbies in the workplace.    


As a result, its price was also rather high. It was basically 3,000 Empire dollars per bottle.    


Now, there was suddenly 120 less in the warehouse.    


Then... Wasn't it equivalent to him losing more than 300,000 for no reason?    


"Investigate! Investigate immediately! I don't believe that these 120 bottles of perfume can escape on its own!" Tan Liming said sternly.    




The secretary turned around and was about to leave.    


Unexpectedly, Lu Qi opened her mouth at this time.    


"There is no need to investigate. I know who stole these perfume."    


"You know?"    


Tan Liming was a little surprised. "How do you know?"    


Lu Qi tilted her head and smiled.    


"Because I know how to calculate!"    




Tan Liming was speechless.    


He knew long ago that Lu Qi knew metaphysics.    


But... things like throwing things away, wasn't it very common? Can this also be counted?    


"Do you believe me?" Lu Qi looked at Tan Liming.    


"Of course I do. You have helped me so much. I don't believe anyone, but I can't not believe you!"    


"Since that's the case, then do as I say."    




At this moment, Hsiao Qing, who was in the perfume office, was not in a good mood.    


"I really don't understand. How did Lu Qi suddenly become our company's chief perfume designer? I remember that she had nothing to do in the mountain village!"    


She repeated the things that she knew about Lu Qi over and over again, but still did not find any clues.    


Could it be... Lu Qi suddenly got the guidance of the heavens and somehow learned the art of incense adjustment?    


"Hey, Sister Qing Qing." A colleague came over. "I saw that you seemed to know the chief designer just now. What is the relationship between the two of you?"    




Hsiao Qing smiled coldly. She was a wild girl who came out of a ravine. What relationship could I have with her? "    


"Since you do not know her, then why did Manager Tan get so angry at you just now?" The colleague continued to ask.    


He really wanted to bring it up!    


Hsiao Qing's face fell.    


"Who said that Manager Tan got angry at me? CEO Tan clearly wants me to improve and want to give me more room for development!"    


The colleague was a little speechless. He lowered his head and muttered softly, "Not at all! Just now, everyone clearly saw CEO Tan throw a tantrum at you. Furthermore, he didn't mean to let you improve at all. Do you think that others don't have eyes?"    


Hsiao Qing was so angry that her face turned green.    


"What did you say? Say it again!"    


"Again? Even if you ask me to say it again ten times, it will still be the same. You're the one whose promotion opportunity was taken away by Manager Tan! " The colleague was also unconvinced.    


Hsiao Qing said, "You... You..."    


She rolled up her sleeves and looked like she was about to go up and beat him up.    


A figure suddenly walked in at this time.    


"What are you doing?"    


"Secretary... Secretary Gao? You... Why are you here?" Hsiao Qing and her colleagues were a little surprised.    


In their eyes, Secretary Gao was a popular person by Tan Liming's side. They could not afford to offend him.    


"Oh, I came to convey Manager Tan's words."    


Secretary Gao said and clapped his hands. His men carried two boxes of perfume in from outside.    


"CEO Tan said that he thought about it and felt that his attitude towards you just now was too harsh. So, he decided to take back the decision to kick you out of the promotion team. "    


"Really?" Hsiao Qing was overjoyed.    


Secretary Gao nodded. "Absolutely. However, in order to test you and Zhao Dongling, in order to find out who was the most suitable candidate for promotion, Manager Tan specially fetched two boxes of perfume from the warehouse. He asked you and Zhao Dongling to sell them separately. Whoever sold the most would be promoted. However, no matter how you sell them, you're not allowed to use the company's sales channel!"    


That was a good idea!    


Hsiao Qing and Zhao Dongling looked at each other.    


Their expressions showed that they were not convinced at all.    


"Do you accept this condition?" Secretary Gao asked.    


Hsiao Qing replied, "I accept!"    


Zhao Dongling replied, "I accept!"    


"Alright, since that's the case, then move these two boxes of perfume to sell now. The time limit is half a day. I'll count the number of perfume each of you sold at three o'clock in the afternoon. "    


After Secretary Gao said that, he strode out.    


Hsiao Qing and Zhao Dongling each carried a box of perfume.    


"Let's wait and see!"    


"Who's afraid of who!"    


Both of them refused to admit defeat.    


Especially Zhao Dongling.    


She was older than Hsiao Qing. If she did not seize this opportunity to advance, she was afraid that this would be the only thing she could do in her life.    




How could she sell all of these perfume in just half a day?    


Zhao Dongling was in a dilemma.    


"Sister Zhao, don't you have connections in all the major shopping malls in Jindu? Why don't you give it a try and ask them to help you sell it?" Someone suggested.    


"Yeah, why didn't I think of that!"    


Zhao Dongling had an idea and went out with the perfume in her arms.    


Hsiao Qing, on the other hand, was sitting in her seat. She did not panic and slowly wiped her lipstick.    


What was so great about having connections in the business world?    


She had long established her own perfume sales channel!    


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