Being The Destroyer In A Profound Sect

C21 You Have to Bear the Consequences

C21 You Have to Bear the Consequences

0It's spinning.    


Lu Qi felt as if her lips were struggling and quickly brushing against some soft skin.    


It was moist and cool.    


There seemed to be a strong smell of hormones.    


She quickly opened her eyes.    


The man in front of her also seemed to be stunned.    


Her tall and straight figure slightly stiffened, and her four eyes quietly faced each other less than an inch away from her.    


The air became somewhat strange.    


The two of them clearly didn't do anything, but the restless atmosphere in the car made people feel as if they had already done something.    




In the end, it was Mo Shihan who spoke first.    


In the end, this kind of thing happened because he pulled her into the car.    


Lu Qi restrained the corners of her mouth, "It's fine."    


She sat up straight and prepared to stay away from this dangerous man.    


However, a sharp pain suddenly came from her arm.    


Looking down, she saw a hole appear on her fair and slender arm.    


It was only the width of a finger, but there was still blood seeping out.    


Mo Shihan's eyes suddenly darkened, and his gaze was so cold that it seemed like it was about to freeze.    


"Was it because of the fight just now?"    


His tone was full of displeasure.    


Lu Qi nodded her head and replied indifferently, "Yes."    


"What is the background of that group of hoodlums?"    


Mo Shihan's face was still gloomy. His facial features, which were as sharp as a knife, froze the air around him in an unapproachable manner.    


Ruthless and shocking.    


"The others don't know yet." Mo Yi turned his head and replied, "But the one leading them seems to be a kid from the Guo family in the east of the city. His name is Guo Xu, and he's a generous man."    


The man's gloomy eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.    


"Guo Family? Heh, you know what to do."    




Mo Yi understood and immediately picked up his phone to send out a few orders, as if he wanted to do something.    


"What are you going to do with Guo Xu?" Lu Qi asked curiously.    


Mo Shihan's eyes were cold. "Since he has made a move on you, he naturally has to bear the consequences of making a move on you."    


In other words, he wanted Guo Xu to pay the price.    


Lu Qi knew that people like them had their own way of doing things, so she did not want to ask too much. She opened her school bag and pulled out a clean tissue to wipe the blood.    


"Don't move."    


Mo Shihan held her hand and took out a medical kit from the car.    


"If the small wound is not treated well, there will be a scar."    


His voice was very gentle, not as fierce as before. Instead, it was more like he was comforting a child.    


Lu Qi's heart trembled slightly. She suddenly did not know what to say.    


"It will hurt a little. Bear with it a little."    


The man whispered and then lowered his head. He used a cotton swab stained with iodine to help her wipe the blood.    


Lu Qi tilted her head to look at him.    


His sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes, skin color was white, and his facial features were exquisite as if they were drawn out by the most outstanding painter in the world, making one unable to shift their gaze away for a moment.    


"Does it look good?" Mo Shihan suddenly asked.    


Clearly, he had sensed her gaze.    


Lu Qi's eyes were indifferent. "It's alright."    


Mo Shihan curled his lips and did not say anything. He only lowered his head and helped to bandage her wound.    


"Where do you want to go later?"    


Lu Qi looked up with her forearm.    


The gauze was neat and relaxed. There were also some medicine to facilitate the healing.    


The man was indeed very careful.    


"East District Sub-bureau." She replied calmly.    


"East District Sub-bureau?"    


Mo Shihan frowned, somewhat surprised.    


"A friend committed some crime and asked me to go and get him."    


So that's how it was!    


Mo Shihan understood and glanced at Mo Yi who was sitting in front of him. "Go to the East District Sub-bureau."    


Mo Yi received the order and immediately turned the car around.    




In the interrogation room.    


Chen Feng sat there, his eyes filled with sorrow.    


In just a few days, he had lost a lot of weight.    


"Comrade, what I said is true. I did not run into anyone."    


The young interrogator glared at him. "Do you think we are blind? In your car, the blood of the deceased has already been tested. You still want to argue?"    


Chen Feng wanted to cry but had no tears.    


"I bought that car a few days ago at the old car market. If you don't believe me, you can go and investigate!"    


"Of course we did. But the old car salesman you mentioned doesn't exist at all!"    


"Doesn't exist?"    


Chen Feng was a little confused.    


"Impossible! That man's surname was Yang, and his name was Yang Linlin. He was a fat man in his 30s. He said that he had been working in that old car market for more than ten years. "    


Otherwise, would he be able to buy that car without worry?    


However, the interrogator clearly did not have much patience. He knocked heavily on the table with a stern look in his eyes.    


"The entire old car market is filled with young men in their twenties, and they are all skinny. Even if you lie, you should at least make it sound more like it, right?"    




Chen Feng finally understood what it meant to be dumb and eat yellow lotus. He could not say it out loud.    


If he had known that he would be arrested, why would he be greedy for such a cheap price? Why would he buy that second-hand car?    


"From now on, you can honestly tell me your problem. Maybe you can..."    


The interrogator wanted to continue interrogating, but the office door was suddenly pushed open from the outside.    


"Xiao Lin, a big shot is coming. He wants all of us to go to the door to welcome him!" An older colleague came over and pulled him.    


The interrogator was puzzled. "Big shot? What big shot?"    


The older colleague pulled him outside. Seeing that there was no one around, he whispered a few words into his ear.    


"What? It's him? I heard that he is a master that even Chief Meng can't afford to offend!" The interrogator was shocked.    


"Who says so?! It's just that he usually has a lot on his plate, why did he suddenly come to our place? "    


"I don't understand. Forget it, let's hurry to the door to welcome him!"    


The two of them walked towards the entrance of the unit.    


When they arrived, they found that the other colleagues, including Chief Meng, had spontaneously formed a list. The two teams on the left and right were waiting eagerly there.    


Tsk ~    


This row was truly amazing!    


Du du - - -    


At this time, a horn sounded outside the courtyard.    


Everyone was in high spirits.    


They saw an extremely domineering black bulletproof luxury car slowly driving in with a horn sound.    


"Master Han, you're here?"    


Chief Meng went over to open the door with a smile.    


A long figure walked down from above.    


He had an imposing and dignified appearance. Even if he just stood there quietly, he would instantly become the center of attention.    


"My God, he's so handsome. I feel like my eyes are about to get pregnant." A female interrogator said in a low voice.    


"That's not true! Master Han is the fourth son of the Mo family, the richest family in the Jindu. No one can compete with him in terms of looks and strength!"    


"He is so beautiful. He is my dream lover. I really want to marry him!"    


"You can forget about it! With Master Han's good conditions, the girls who are chasing him can already circle around the earth!"    


The women whispered to each other, paying attention to Mo Shihan's every move.    


"Come down."     3


He raised his hand gentlemanly and smiled at the car.    


Lu Qi did not refuse his support. She lowered her head and slowly got out of the car.    


Everyone was shocked.    


They thought that the person who could make Master Han pay so much attention and be polite must be a big shot.    


But who would have thought that the other party was actually a little girl wearing a school uniform?    


"Master Han, I wonder what instructions you have for your arrival today?" Chief Meng bowed his waist and asked with a smile.    


Mo Shihan tilted his head and lit a cigarette. He took a deep breath and spat out a big ring of smoke.    


"I heard you guys caught someone today?"    


"Master Han, we catch a lot of criminals every day. Which one do you specifically mean?"    


Lu Qi heard this and restrained her eyes. Her expression was cold and indifferent. "Chen - Feng."    


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