Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C173 The Difficulties of the past

C173 The Difficulties of the past

3Chi Jingyi's voice kept echoing in her head. Ann Ran felt like she was dreaming. Her vision started to blur and she could not focus. Why did her father have a malignant tumor? Wasn't he always fine? How was this possible? How was this possible!!    


At this moment, Gu Tianqi, who did not say anything at the side, looked at Ann Ran who was starting to become absent-minded. He could not help but take a step forward and support her who was on the verge of collapse. "Ann Ran, are you alright?"    


"Tianqi, is my father playing a prank?" Ann Ran's voice started to tremble, but she tried her best to pretend to laugh. "My father always scare me when I was young. If he was joking now, this joke would be really big. "    


"Ann Ran. . . " Gu Tianqi could not help but sigh again. He did not want to see Ann Ran's eyes that were trying to deceive herself, so he could only slowly lower his head.    


Ann Ran parted her lips. Although she was still smiling, tears could not help but flow out. She used the back of her hand to fiercely wipe it away and asked another question. "Tianqi, tell me. Is my father joking with me?"    


Gu Tianqi did not answer Ann Ran's question. He only told her in a low voice. "Ann Ran, don't be like this. "    


Ann Ran did not seem to have heard Gu Tianqi. It was as if she did not hear what Gu Tianqi said. She looked up at the scarlet signboard in the resuscitation room and suddenly shouted, I don't believe it!    


After Ann Ran shouted, she ran towards the resuscitation room's door. However, she did not expect the heart-wrenching pain to make her vision go black and then she fainted.    


"Ann Ran!" Gu Tianjun and Gu Tianqi called out Ann Ran's name at the same time.    


Gu Tianqi was close to Ann Ran, but he was one step ahead. He picked up the unconscious Ann Ran and ran to the resuscitation room on the other side.    


Gu Tianjun looked at Gu Tianqi's hurried back and then lifted his heels.    


A day passed, and the night came. The whole sky was covered in darkness. The lights in the hospital were cold and bright, and the pungent smell of disinfectant filled every corner of the hospital.    


Gu Tianqi carried a box of porridge and a few servings of food as he walked step by step to Ann Ran's ward.    


Just as Gu Tianqi was about to walk to the door, he suddenly saw Gu Tianjun walking out with his phone.    


Gu Tianqi retreated to the corner without thinking. His back was tightly pressed against the wall as he looked at Gu Tianjun.    


Gu Tianjun took the phone and walked to the side. He whispered to the person on the other side of the phone, "Yes, Mengzhi, I am busy. "    


"I may not be looking for you for the next week. You are fine. "    


" Yeah, I love you too. "    


Gu Tianjun comforted Zhou Mengzhi a few more times on the phone before hanging up.    


A look of disgust immediately flashed across Gu Tianqi's eyes. He saw Gu Tianjun holding the phone and walking into Ann Ran's ward again. Then he lifted his foot and walked in with a normal expression.    


In the ward, the light was on Ann Ran's bloodless face. Even though she was sleeping, Gu Tianqi could see that Ann Ran's expression was in pain. She frowned, cold sweat appearing on her forehead from time to time.    


Gu Tianqi placed the food in his hand on the table, turned his head and looked at Gu Tianjun. "How is Ann Ran now?"    


Gu Tianjun looked at Gu Tianqi indifferently. He and Gu Tianqi looked at each other. There were only a few words he had said in all these years, but he didn't expect Ann Ran to speak here.    


"The doctor said it was only because he was emotional that he fainted. It was not a big deal. "    


"Then can we wake her up now? Ann Ran hasn't had dinner yet. " Gu Tianqi did not seem to see Gu Tianjun's thoughtful expression. He did not hide his concern for Ann Ran at all.    


"The doctor said it's best not to. Let her sleep a little more now so that she has enough energy to face the things that are about to happen. " Gu Tianjun did not know when Gu Tianqi and Ann Ran had become so familiar with each other. He was even more concerned about her than his nominal husband.    


"Okay, I got it. " Hearing Gu Tianjun's words, Gu Tianqi took back the hand that he wanted to wake Ann Ran up. Director Ann's condition was so serious that Ann Ran needed to get some rest before she could face what happened next.    


Gu Tianqi silently sighed and sat next to Ann Ran's bed. He looked at the steaming food and did not say a word. He hoped that Ann Ran would wake up, but he also did not want her to wake up.    


Gu Tianjun also looked elsewhere. The originally quiet ward had become even quieter now. He could only hear Ann Ran's uneasy breathing from time to time.    


Just as the ward was strangely quiet, Chi Jingyi walked over. He first glanced at Ann Ran who was still unconscious, then nodded to Gu Tianjun, indicating for him to come out.    


Gu Tianjun immediately stood up and followed Chi Jingyi out of the ward.    


"Mr. An is awake. He said he wants to see you. " Chi Jingyi said to Gu Tianjun as he walked.    


"I also guessed it. " Gu Tianjun nodded and walked quickly with Chi Jingyi. Soon, they arrived in front of Ann Jingfeng's ward.    


"Although the patient has been rescued, it only delayed his departure. Tianjun, I know you have Mengzhi in your heart, but I hope that when you go in, try not to make Mr. An emotional. " Doctors had the heart of a parent. Chi Jingyi could not help but remind Gu Tianjun the moment he stepped into the ward.    


"I know. " Gu Tianjun nodded to Chi Jingyi solemnly, then opened the door and walked in.    


Chi Jingyi stood still and watched the door of the ward slowly open. He slowly closed the door, shook his head helplessly, and finally turned around and left.    


When Gu Tianjun walked into the ward, Ann Jingfeng weakly opened his eyes. He was covered with all kinds of tubes from head to toe. His eyebrows, which had started to become thin and white, were slightly wrinkled. He looked like he was in pain.    


Ann Jingfeng tried his best to raise his hand to let Gu Tianjun sit over.    


Gu Tianjun quickly stepped forward and grabbed Ann Jingfeng's hand. He called out, "Dad. "    


After all, Gu Tianjun had been with his father-in-law for half a year. He was kind and caring, as well as caring and earnest guidance for Gu Tianjun. Gu Tianjun could really feel it. Gu Tianjun had gotten more or less the care that he could not get from Gu Yelin from Ann Jingfeng.    


Therefore, Gu Tianjun still respected Ann Jingfeng very much.    


When he heard Gu Tianjun's words, Ann Jingfeng's tightly knitted brows relaxed a little. He moved his lips, wanting to make a smile, but unfortunately, there was an indescribable pain in every part of his body. Before the smile on his face could be seen, it was replaced by a painful expression.    


"Tianjun. . . " Ann Jingfeng almost used his breath to call Gu Tianjun's name.    


"I'm here, dad. " Gu Tianjun held Ann Jingfeng's withered hands tightly. His firm and powerful hands seemed to give Ann Jingfeng a lot of comfort, and also made his breathing a lot calmer.    


"Tianjun, now you should know why I tried so hard to matchmake you and Rannrann. " Ann Jingfeng panted and paused for a while before he finished his sentence.    


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