Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C377 If Anran Is Half as Good as You

C377 If Anran Is Half as Good as You

2"Maybe it's not as serious as you say. Maybe it's like the police said. We can't rule out the possibility of burglary!" Ann Rann thought for a moment and said, "Such a big thing happened this time. I guess that thief will not dare to come back again!"    3


"It's better to be careful in everything. So you must listen to me!" Gu Tianjun looked at Ann Rann. "If you really want to leave, you have to wait for me to investigate this matter thoroughly. "    


"But you are your house. I'm afraid it's not good for me to live in it!" Ann Rann scratched her head. She felt a little guilty!    


"I am not afraid of ten thousand. I'm just afraid of what might happen. "Gu Tianjun restrained his spirit and looked down at Ann Rann who was hesitating, "Even if you don't want to live here, you have to take care of Ann Ann's safety. "    


Ann Rann was stunned. That's right. It was better to be safe than sorry. Ann Ann was her treasure. She absolutely could not allow any danger to befall him!    


Thinking of this, Ann Rann, who was hesitating just now, immediately squatted down and looked at Ann Ann.    


"Mom, you don't have to say anymore. I really like this place. " After Ann Ann finished speaking, he looked up at Gu Tianjun. "Thank you, Uncle Gu, for preparing such a beautiful and safe house for me and Mom. "    


"You're welcome, Ann Ann. " Gu Tianjun touched Ann Ann's little head and said with a smile, "If your mother is half as obedient as you, I can save half of my energy!"    


Ann Ann received Gu Tianjun's praise and looked at Ann Rann proudly. "Mom, did you hear that? Uncle Gu asked you to learn from me!"    


"Ann Ann, why are you becoming less and less like Mom?" Ann Rann looked at Ann Ann unhappily, then looked up at Gu Tianjun. She turned around and walked into the villa.    


"Sigh. . . " The little Ann Ann sighed and said to Gu Tianjun, "Uncle Gu, it can't be helped. Women are always so unreasonable. You have to be more tolerant of my mother. She usually has a good temper!"    


Gu Tianjun could not help laughing. "Alright, Uncle Gu knows!"    


The two of them, one big and one small, happily walked into the villa.    


Gao Lei looked at the family of three and missed Qiu Yingying a little. Now, there was only one last step left, and it was completely over! Once Zhou Mengzhi and Zhou Hanqing were done with their business, he had to accompany Yingying properly!    


Sighing slightly, Gao Lei waved to the row of men in black behind him, signaling them to stand guard at every corner of the mansion. He wanted to rush back to Gu's Company and continue to assign Zhou Mingfeng and Yang Qinglu.    


Ann Rann walked into the villa. First, she looked around at the luxurious decorations and then checked the fridge. Something big had happened just now. Ann Ann had not eaten yet, so he needed to make something for him to eat. She could also make some chicken soup and send it to the landlord tomorrow. After all, she had suffered such a serious injury today.    


Seeing the refrigerator filled to the brim, Ann Rann smiled. She straightened her back and looked for the kitchen as she asked Gu Tianjun, "Gu Tianjun, this villa is too big. Where is the kitchen?"    


Gu Tianjun was playing games with Ann Ann. He saw Ann Rann, who was confused, walking around in the same place. He walked over and naturally held Ann Rann's hand. "Ann Rann, I found that you are becoming more and more stupid!"    


Ann Rann looked at Gu Tianjun holding her hand. She was stunned for a few seconds. She moved her arm and wanted to pull her hand back. She did not expect Gu Tianjun to hold her hand closer.    


Ann Rann was very embarrassed. As long as she followed Gu Tianjun's words just now, she would not let go of him and refute, "You are the stupid one!"    


Gu Tianjun slightly raised the corner of his mouth and did not say anything. Instead, he brought Ann Rann into the kitchen.    


Ann Rann looked at the decorations in the kitchen and was not surprised. She just turned to look at Gu Tianjun. "Such a big thing happened tonight. I am not in the mood to cook anymore. I'm just going to make the simple tomato egg noodles that Ann Ann likes. You've helped me a lot. Do you want me to make a bowl for you too?"    


"Okay. " Gu Tianjun immediately nodded his head. The egg noodles were probably cooked once when his mother was still alive. After more than 20 years, he did not expect that the second time he ate the egg noodles, it was actually made for him by Ann Rann.    


Seeing Gu Tianjun agree so readily, Ann Rann was in a good mood and started to instruct Gu Tianjun. "Then you go and wash the western red first, then knock the egg into the bowl and scatter it. "    


Gu Tianjun saw Ann Rann ordering him as if it was a matter of course. He could not help but raise the corner of his mouth and hand his hand to Ann Rann. He said seriously, "Ann Rann, do you know? With my hands, I can casually sign a document and create a value that can connect a bowl of egg noodles to several circles around the earth. "    


"So?" Ann Rann held the spoon with both hands crossed in front of her chest and asked discontentedly.    


"So. . . " Gu Tianjun resigned to his fate and paused for a moment. He said, "So, I feel very honored to be able to help you!"    


"Hmph, that's more like it!" Ann Rann smiled complacently and turned around to prepare the other ingredients for the noodles.    


Ann Rann washed the tomatoes and heated them with a hot fire. She then tore off the outer skin and cut them into small pieces. She unscrewed the fire and poured oil into the pot. After the oil was heated, Ann Rann swiftly poured the egg liquid into the fried egg flower and poured it out.    


Gu Tianjun stood behind Ann Rann and looked at Ann Rann with admiration as she put oil into the pot. Then he waited for the oil to boil and the onions to shatter before pouring the tomatoes into the pot and stir-frying them.    


When the tomato soup overflowed, Ann Rann quickly poured it into the stir-fried eggs and wooden ears and began to stir-fry them.    


"Do you like sweet food?" Ann Rann asked Gu Tianjun's opinion as she stir-fried the tomatoes.    


"What?" Gu Tianjun asked. Gu Tianjun smelled the fragrance in the pot and forgot how to answer.    


"Forget it! Anyway, Ann Ann likes to eat sweetness. As for you, just make do with it!" After Ann Rann finished speaking, she added a little bit of sugar into the pot to neutralize the tomato acid.    


After the wooden ears and eggs were stir-fried, Ann Rann wanted to pour some water into the pot. It should have been used with high soup, but unfortunately, there was no soup here. When the soup turned red, Ann Rann stirred it in a clockwise direction until the soup became thicker. When the spatula was pushed lightly and felt resistance, Ann Rann scooped some salt, tastebuds, and sesame oil and poured them into the bowl of noodles.    


At this time, the noodles in the other pot were also cooked. After Ann Rann scooped the noodles out, she poured them into the bowl with tomato soup and sprinkled some vegetables. A fragrance instantly filled the entire kitchen. The bright red soup was accompanied by golden eggs and green vegetables, which made people have a special appetite.    


Gu Tianjun moved his nose, then took a step forward and tentatively picked up the noodles on the table.    


"Gu Tianjun, Ann Ann hasn't eaten yet! You, an adult, have the nerve to fight over food with him? Have you never eaten tomato egg noodles before? " Ann Rann crossed her arms over her chest and looked at Gu Tianjun with a serious expression.    


Actually, Ann Rann was very happy in her heart. She did not expect that a small bowl of tomato egg noodles could make CEO Gu Tianjun so impatient!    


"I have never eaten the tomato egg noodles that you made. " Gu Tianjun reluctantly looked at the bowl of noodles and then put it down bitterly.    


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