Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C526 It's about Safety

C526 It's about Safety

2The next morning. . .    4


"Can you still send Ann Ann to kindergarten?" Gu Tianjun stretched out his hand to straighten his tie. Under the morning light, his fingers, which were clearly defined, emitted a layer of halo.    


"Yes!" Ann Rann sat in front of the table with a weak waist and knees. She took a sip of the juice Gu Tianjun had prepared for her and said weakly, "Go to the company first. After sending Ann Ann off, we will meet at the store where the wedding dress is. "    


"Okay. " Gu Tianjun walked to Ann Rann's side and kissed her smooth forehead. "Have a good breakfast. I'm going to the company. "    


It was not that Gu Tianjun did not care about Ann Rann. He wanted her to send Ann Ann off by herself.    


It was just that he wanted Ann Rann to learn a little lesson. Only then would Ann Rann know what she should say and what she should not say.    


Furthermore, because of Gu Tianqi's actions a few days ago, Gu Tianjun's workload these few days had indeed increased.    


"Bye bye!" Ann Rann did not feel wronged at all. She just waved at Gu Tian with a soft and sour body and watched him walk out of the main hall.    


"Mom!" Ann Ann drank a glass of milk and looked at Ann Rann with sparkling eyes. "I want a little brother and a little sister, so you can have twins with Dad, okay?"    


"Pfft. . . "    


Ann Rann almost spat out the juice that she had just drank. She put down the glass in her hand and stared at Ann Ann with surprise. She asked, "Ann Ann, you are so young, how do you know about your little brother and sister?"    


After Ann Rann said that, she was so scared that she swallowed her saliva. Could it be that when she and Gu Tianjun were together, some bad behavior in front of Ann Ann affected Ann Ann?    


"How come I don't know?" Ann Ann looked as if it was a matter of course. "My good friends in kindergarten all have brothers and sisters!"    


"Oh, that's good. " Ann Rann was relieved. She thought that she and Gu Tianjun had set a bad example.    


She coughed lightly and patiently explained to Ann Ann, "Ann Ann, about the matter of brother and sister, you still need me to discuss with Gu Tianjun. You just need to go to your kindergarten. "    


"Oh. " Ann Ann nodded and did not speak anymore.    


In fact, Ann Ann had found out a long time ago that ever since his mother and Uncle Gu were together, she seemed to listen to everything Uncle Gu did. She did not like to listen to her own opinions and did not want to think. It was as if she had become stupid.    


However, Ann Ann felt that his mother's current state was actually better. In the past few years, in order to better take care of him, his mother had thought very carefully about everything. She had done a lot of things, but she was also very tired.    


Looking at the current situation, her mother didn't need to think about anything. It would be fine if she and Father Gu came to love her.    


Thinking of this, Ann Ann felt that even the milk had become sweet!    


"Hurry up and eat. After dinner, Mom will send you to kindergarten. " Ann Rann touched Ann Ann's little head across the table and said kindly.    


"Okay. " Ann Ann nodded and obediently lowered his head to eat.    


One hour later. . .    


Ann Rann stood at the entrance of the kindergarten. She bent down and said to Ann Ann, "Ann Ann, you have to be obedient here. After school, mom and dad will come to pick you up on time. "    


"Okay, goodbye, mom!" Ann Ann kissed Ann Rann on the cheek. He carried his small schoolbag and walked forward happily.    


Ann Rann straightened her back and looked at Ann Ann's back as she skipped into the kindergarten door.    


At this time, the kindergarten teacher who was in charge of registering at the door greeted Ann Ann and smiled at Ann Rann. Then, she turned around and signaled the two security guards on both sides to close the door.    


The two security guards nodded and closed the two large doors.    


Ann Rann looked at the door that was slowly closing and turned around to walk forward.    


However, after taking a step, Ann Rann suddenly stopped. She frowned as if she felt one of the security guards closing the door. It was different from the previous security guard!    


She did not know if it was because she had experienced too many dangerous situations that she became suspicious. Ann Rann's other leg froze on the spot and completely stopped moving.    


No, this matter was related to Ann Ann. No matter if there was a problem or not, since he felt that something was not right, he had to go and take a look!    


Thinking of this, Ann Rann turned around and quickly walked forward.    


However, when Ann Rann ran to the entrance of the kindergarten, the two security guards were gone. The kindergarten teacher who was in charge of signing was still standing in front of the gate. It seemed like he wanted to sort out the name list and then leave.    


Ann Rann hurriedly ran over and patted the tightly shut door of the kindergarten. She shouted at the teacher loudly, "This teacher!"    


The teacher who was sorting out the name list looked up and recognized that Ann Rann was the one who was favoured by Gu Tianjun during the parent-teacher meeting. She put away the name list in her hands and walked to the door. She smiled at Ann Rann and said, Hello, parent. Is there anything I can help you with?    


Ann Rann looked around and asked, "Where are the security guards at the door?"    


"The children have already entered the classroom, so they have also returned to the security room!" The kindergarten teacher pointed at the security room not far away.    


Ann Rann followed the direction the teacher pointed and looked over. She saw one of the security guards wearing a mask. He was holding a flamethrower and watering the flowers around the security room. However, he was limping and his shoulders did not seem to be very flexible.    


Ann Rann retracted her gaze and asked the kindergarten teacher, "Why haven't I seen that security guard before?"    


"Oh, you mean this new security guard?" The kindergarten teacher smiled. She explained to Ann Rann, "So this security guard is a homeless person in the neighborhood. He usually makes a living by picking up trash. A few days ago, when our kindergarten's Teacher Liu was working, a stray dog suddenly rushed out on the road to attack her. It was this homeless man who saved Teacher Liu. Coincidentally, the original security guard of our kindergarten retired, so Teacher Liu introduced him here to be a security guard. "    


When the kindergarten teacher said this, he sighed to Ann Rann. "Actually, this security guard is quite pitiful. He seems to have suffered some major stimulus and does not like to talk. I don't know why, but there is a scar on his face and his legs are also inflexible. However, he was very diligent, and all the dirty and tiring work in the kindergarten was done by him. When you have nothing else to do, just stay in the security room and don't come out. "    


"Is that so?" Ann Rann nodded. She thought for a while and asked worriedly, "Then have you investigated this person's background clearly?"    


"When Teacher Liu recruited this homeless person into kindergarten, he gave him a health certificate. So, he would not pose any threat to the health of the children in kindergarten. As for his identity. . . "    


The kindergarten teacher hesitated for a moment, then smiled and explained," Regarding his identity, We don't know yet, because he is not good at talking, He did not say anything when asking him questions, and there was a scar on his face. We can't tell his original appearance either. So we sent his blood sample to our H City's gene bank. The results will be out in a few weeks. "    


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