Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C540 The Big Ending

C540 The Big Ending

3"Uncle Gu, why are you crying?" A crisp child's voice rang in Gu Tianqi's ears.     0


Gu Tianqi, who had his head lowered, felt his throat freeze. He looked up and saw Ann Ann standing in front of him!    


Gu Tianqi shook his head and looked at Ann Ann several times. He suddenly stretched out his arms and hugged Ann Ann. Rannrann and Gu Tianjun must have sacrificed their lives to send Ann Ann out!    


"Ann Ann, don't be afraid. From now on, I will take care of you on behalf of Rannrann and Gu Tianjun!" Gu Tianqi tightened the strength of his arms. His long eyelashes were slightly moist.    


"You are thinking very well! Why should I let you raise my son?" The calm and soothing voice sounded above Gu Tianqi's head, startling him again.    


Slowly raising his head, Gu Tianqi actually saw Gu Tianjun standing in front of him with a face full of ashes. Rannrann was standing beside Gu Tianjun, looking at him with a smile.    


Gu Tianjun was completely frozen on the spot. He shook his head hard and told himself again and again, I am not dreaming!    


"You, you. . . " Gu Tianqi reached out his injured hand and pointed at Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann. He did not believe what was happening in front of him. Didn't Zhou Hanqing say Rannrann and Gu Tianjun were all trapped in the fire? How did the two of them escape with Ann Ann?    


"Tianqi, I know what you are surprised about!" Ann Rann, whose face was also covered in smoke, walked in front of Gu Tianqi and said with a smile, "Actually, when I think about what happened just now, I also feel like I am dreaming. However, this matter really makes me sigh. "    


It turned out that after Zhou Hanqing left. . .    


After Ann Rann tore the iron chain and had no results, she wanted to run out and find something to break the iron lock.    


But Gu Tianjun stopped Ann Rann and told her that it was too late.    


Ann Rann was in a dilemma and could only hug Gu Tianjun and cry.    


At this moment, Ann Ann, who had been fiddling with the iron lock, suddenly threw away the iron threads in his hand and shouted, "Mom, I opened the lock. Let's go out!"    


Ann Rann and Gu Tianjun, who were still immersed in parting ways just now, were stunned. In 01 seconds, the iron chain was immediately pulled open. Then, he carried Ann Ann and rushed out of the encirclement of the fire.    


In the process of rushing out of the fire, Gu Tianjun's hair was burnt and he suffered some superficial wounds to protect Ann Rann and Ann Ann, but there was nothing serious about it.    


Later on, the firefighting team came to put out the fire. After that, Gu Tianqi also came.    


After Gu Tianqi heard Ann Rann's story, he shook his head in disbelief. He looked at Ann Ann and asked, "Ann Ann, how did you open that lock?"    


"It's a long story!" Ann Ann shook his head and looked happy and proud. "I remember when Mom and I lived in S City, our rooms were very bad. They were all locked with big, old-fashioned iron locks. My mom was still a big horse, and she forgot to bring the keys every time! "    


When Ann Ann said this, his tone was a little helpless. He paused for a moment and continued, "So, we often need to trouble an old grandpa who repair shoes and locks to open the lock for us. "    


"So?" Gu Tianqi opened his mouth and felt that these things were too magical!    


"So!" Ann Rann took over Ann Ann's words and said, "So. . . I've been looking for that old man to unlock the door many times, so I'm only familiar with that old man who fixed the shoes and locks. The old man's children were very busy. Ann Ann and I would sometimes go and see him. I don't know when Ann Ann was either. He learned how to unlock from that old grandpa!"    


"It's because I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to unlock the lock. That's why I asked the old grandpa to teach me!" Ann Ann said proudly, "Actually, the skill to unlock it is very easy to learn. The old grandpa taught me it a few times. I knew it! "    


"Of course!" Gu Tianjun patted Ann Ann's head. The loving and proud look on his face could not be blocked. How could Gu Tianjun's son be compared to an ordinary child?    


"Gu Tianqi's eyes widened. He was still a little surprised. "How did you find those small steel wires, Ann Ann? Where are the small steel wires?"    


"Because that is an abandoned factory. You can find them easily!" Ann Ann looked like it was only natural.    


"I. . . " Gu Tianqi blinked and said something. Ann Ann, a few years old, had saved the lives of two adults.    


However, thinking about it carefully, the reason why this happened was also reasonable. After Zhou Hanqing was wanted and escaped from death, his life had been very poor. So even if he used all his money, he could only buy gasoline, iron chains, and the cheapest iron lock.    


Ann Ann and Ann Rann happened to live a tough life, so he knew the cheapest method of unlocking iron locks!    


As expected, a person's plan was not as good as the heavens'. Perhaps every unimportant experience would become a turning point in life.    


Gu Tianqi sighed with emotion. When he recovered from his emotional ups and downs, he suddenly realized that he was still kneeling. He grabbed his hair and felt a little embarrassed. He immediately stood up as if nothing had happened.    


"Tianqi, what happened to the wound on your hand?" Ann Rann carefully saw the gauze on Gu Tianqi's wrist. She asked worriedly, "Did Zhou Hanqing also go to find you?"    


"Yes. " Gu Tianqi nodded and put his injured wrist behind his back. He did not intend to tell Ann Rann about what happened just now to make Ann Rann worried. He only said concisely, "But the matter has been resolved. The injury on my wrist is not a big deal. "    


"That's good. " Ann Rann nodded in relief.    


At this time, Gu Tianjun carried Ann Ann with one hand and Ann Rann with the other. Even if his face was full of ashes, it could not hide Gu Tianjun's handsome face.    


Reaching out his hand to touch the dust on Ann Rann's forehead, Gu Tianjun gently said, "Ann Rann, you and Ann Ann's body need to be further examined. Let's go to the hospital now. "    


After going through such a life and death experience, Gu Tianjun had already looked down on everything. What about having a wealthy family that could rival a country? It was enough for him to have a wife and a clever son that depended on life and death.    


Besides, with his son's intelligence, in a few years, he would be able to give the Gu's Company to Ann Ann and bring Ann Rann to travel around the world.    


"En. " Ann Rann nodded to Gu Tianjun and followed him forward. Ann Ann also obediently lied in Gu Tianjun's arms and did not speak.    


Gu Tianqi stood where he was and looked at Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann's back. He suddenly felt that his heart was very calm. He had always been too paranoid. Now, it was time to let go.    


Gu Tianqi raised the corner of his mouth and said softly in his heart, Rannrann, I wish you happiness. . .    


One month later. . .    


The headlines of H City were all occupied by the news of Gu Tianjun's wedding. The socialites from all walks of life squeezed their brains out and wanted to attend Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann's wedding.    


However, Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann only invited a group of their good friends, and the wedding became simple and warm.    


In the end, Gu Tianqi still did not attend Ann Rann's wedding. However, it was not because of Ann Rann, but because Su Shan, who had been unconscious, needed surgery, so he personally went to accompany her.    


Shen Chuxi naturally also went to accompany Gu Tianqi and Su Shan. It was just that. . . From that day until now, Gu Tianqi had not spoken a single word to Shen Chuxi.    


Lin Jingze felt a lot better about Shen Chuxi's departure than the last time. After all, he no longer liked that kind of Shen Chuxi.    


Qiu Yingying's health had completely recovered. She had just been discharged from the hospital recently to attend Ann Rann's wedding.    


However, Gao Lei was not satisfied with the date of Ann Rann and Gu Tianjun's wedding. Firstly, Qiu Yingying had just recovered and still needed to rest. He was worried that Qiu Yingying attending the wedding would tire her out.    


Secondly, Gao Lei originally planned to marry Qiu Yingying earlier than Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann. After all, he really planned to have more children than Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann.    


But now it seemed that he and Yingying had to work harder!    


At this time, Gu's Mansion was filled with joy. Big red satin covered the entire manor. Ann Ann and Mei, the two little flower boys, had already waited outside the room for a long time.    


In the room, Ann Rann was wearing a medium-grade phoenix coronet and gown. She was extremely beautiful.    


Ann Rann sat on the bed and was surrounded by the bridesmaids Lin Xiaoxiao and Qiu Yingying. Even Ann Rann's good friend Lee Siqi had specially rushed back from overseas.    


Lin Xiaoxiao and Qiu Yingying both had a love-making temperament, but because Lin Xiaoxiao was afraid of Gu Tianjun, she kept urging Qiu Yingying to make things difficult for Gu Tianjun.    


Qiu Yingying took advantage of her health being just right, so of course she was obligated to do so. She stood in front of Ann Rann and held a large red embroidered shoe in front of Gu Tianjun, "Director Gu, do you want to serve me, Miss Ann Rann?"    


"Of course!" Gu Tianjun's handsome face had a smile that came from the bottom of his heart. Although his hairstyle was not perfect because of the fire, with that stunning face, no one cared about his hairstyle anymore.    


Gu Tianjun's good friends had all come. Li Zetian, Chi Jingyi, Lin Jingze, Zhang Xianxi and even Gao Lei had come. They stood behind Gu Tianjun and could not help feeling lucky. Le Pan: President Gu also had a day when he was troubled by others.    


"Then let's begin. If you do not serve well, you will be punished!" Qiu Yingying put her hands on her waist and mustered her courage to threaten.    


The warm and wide palm held Ann Rann's small and white feet. Gu Tianjun quietly scratched Ann Rann's foot as he slowly helped her put on her shoes.    


Ann Rann's body trembled. She looked at Gu Tianjun with shame and shame, her face red, and she could not speak.    


At this time, Gu Tianjun, who had already put on the shoes for Ann Rann, looked up and held Ann Rann's face with his hand. He gently stroked Ann Rann's lips with his fingers and slowly kissed her.    


"Wait a minute!"    


Just when Gu Tianjun's lips were about to touch Ann Rann's lips, Ann Rann suddenly screamed. She stared at Gu Tianjun and shouted, "Gu Tianjun, your hand just put on the shoes for me. How can you touch my lips?!"    


Gu Tianjun was stunned. Obviously, he did not think of this.    


"Hahaha. . . "    


Everyone laughed. Qiu Yingying jumped and said, "I, Miss Ann Rann, am unhappy! He put on his shoes again! Put them on again!"    


"Right, right, right, Director Gu wants to wear them again!" Everyone followed suit, "This time, we need to cover our eyes!"    


Laughter came from the Gu's Mansion. A breeze blew, as if it was going to bring this happiness to a faraway place. . .    


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