Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C213 Don't Worry Mom

C213 Don't Worry Mom

0Chen Heecheng almost went crazy with joy when he heard Lee Anne's panicked voice. He guessed right! He had guessed right! Once he caught Lee Anne, this beautiful and rich big fish, he would no longer have to worry about eating, drinking, and having fun in the future!     0


"I know everything you did!" Chen Heecheng followed Lee Anne's words and said something that was no different from a death sentence to Lee Anne.    


"You. . . " Lee Anne trembled in fear and finally compromised. "What exactly do you want?"    


"I am a little tight on money recently. Give me 100,000 yuan first. As long as I am happy, I will forget my character. Maybe when I see the money, I'll forget what I remember!"    


Chen Heecheng started to say the conditions with a smile. "If I give you 100,000 yuan, will you be honest?" Lee Anne asked with hope.    


"Call me first. I will send you my bank card details, "Chen Heecheng said proudly. " I will only be honest after I see the money. "    


"Okay! I hope you keep your word! " Lee Anne gritted her teeth. "Wait and see the bank's information!"    


After Lee Anne finished speaking, she hung up the phone. She tightly gripped the phone in her hand and waited for Chen Heecheng's message. In almost a second, the notification sound rang.    


Lee Anne's hands trembled as she transferred the 100,000 yuan to Chen Heecheng.    


After completing the last step of transferring the money, Lee Anne knelt on the floor as if she had collapsed. She put her hands together and kept muttering, I hope this matter is over just like that! She must not let any accidents happen again!    


On the other side of the phone, Chen Heecheng looked at the transfer on his phone and suddenly began to laugh loudly, What the hell is this? In the future, he still wanted more!    


After Ann Rann left the hospital, she directly returned home.    


Last night, when Ann Ann was brought back by the landlady, she slept alone at home. When she woke up the next morning, she looked at the door eagerly, hoping that Ann Rann would come home soon.    


When he heard the sound of the door opening, Ann Ann hurriedly ran over.    


He saw Ann Rann covered in blood. She also had a haggard look on her face. Ann Ann, who had always been smart and strong, could not help but cry out, "Mom, what happened to you?"    


"Mom is fine!" Ann Rann quickly held Ann Ann in her arms. After what happened yesterday, her mind was filled with the safety of Gu Tianjun's life. She actually forgot that Ann Ann was still waiting for her at home!    


Now that she saw Ann Ann crying so hard, Ann Rann felt guilty and self-blame in her heart.    


Ann Ann heard Ann Rann's comforting words and slowly stopped crying. He reached out and picked up Ann Rann's hand that had been scratched. He gently blew on it with his little mouth and said with heartache, "Mom, your hand is hurt! Does it hurt?"    


Ann Rann moved her throat emotionally and held back the tears that were about to burst out. She shook her head and said to Ann Ann, "Mom doesn't hurt. "    


Ann Ann did not say anything. He wiped the tears off his face and said, "I will go get you the band-aid. "    


"Wait a minute. " Ann Rann hugged Ann Ann and said, "Ann Ann, mom wants to go wash up now. After she has washed up, she will put on a Band-Aid, okay?"    


"Okay!" Ann Ann nodded heavily, and said, "I'll get you clothes and a towel!"    


After Ann Ann finished speaking, he stood up and quickly ran into the bedroom.    


Ann Rann looked at the small back of An Ran and still shed tears of relief. It was good to have Ann Ann. No matter what happened outside, as long as she returned home and saw Ann Ann, she would feel full of strength.    


"Mom, this is for you!" Ann Ann ran over quickly and passed Ann Rann's pajamas and towel to her.    


Ann Rann kissed Ann Ann's tender face, then took the things and walked into the bathroom.    


Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, Ann Rann sighed heavily. She sighed, No wonder Ann Ann was scared to tears when I entered. She was now covered in dried blood, her hair was messy, and her face was swollen. She really admired the taxi driver who had just sent her home. She was so shocked that she almost jumped.    


Ann Rann looked in the mirror and reached out to stroke her messy hair. She washed her face and took off her clothes one by one.    


The warm water splashed on her tired skin for the whole night and made Ann Rann relax a lot. Ann Rann gently rubbed her shoulder and suddenly thought of Gu Tianjun hugging her and rolling to the side.    


Shaking her head hard, Ann Rann warned herself in her heart not to think about Gu Tianjun anymore.    


After taking a hot bath, Ann Rann's spirit was much better, and Ann Ann had already applied the band-aid. There were still some medicine prepared.    


Ann Rann looked at Ann Ann happily. She sat down and let her son bandage her wound with a clear conscience.    


"Ann Ann, if you finish applying the medicine on mom, you will go to kindergarten. Look, you didn't go to kindergarten for the whole morning just to wait for me. " Ann Rann coaxed Ann Ann in a good voice.    


"No, I want to stay at home and watch mom. " After Ann Ann applied the medicine on Ann Rann's wound, he gently blew on it and then said, "Your mom, you are always clumsy. It is very easy for you to get hurt. How can I be at ease?"    


"Haha!" Ann Rann was still happy when she heard her son scolding her. She reached out and pinched Ann Ann's little face. She clicked her tongue and said, "Alas, but you have to take care of others in the future. You can look at me now, but what will happen in the future? You are the one who wants to marry a wife. "    


"I will let my wife look at you with me. " Ann Ann looked at Ann Rann with sparkling eyes and said as if it was a matter of course.    


"Pfft!" Ann Rann laughed and said, "You are really thoughtful!"    


"A mother who does not have a peace of mind must be like this!" Ann Ann shook his little head and said proudly.    


Ann Rann saw Ann Ann's weird look and her gloomy mood was swept away. After the wound on her hand was bandaged, Ann Rann still sent Ann Ann to kindergarten.    


After Ann Rann sent Ann Ann back to school, she made several calls. The first one was from Su Qingyang. Su Qingyang had called Ann Rann early in the morning, but Ann Rann had not seen Gu Tianjun wake up at that time, so she did not receive it. Now she made another call.    


Su Qingyang did not ask about the relationship between An Ran and Gu Tianjun. He only asked about Ann Rann's situation. After hearing that Ann Rann was fine, he hung up the phone.    


However, Ann Rann felt that Su Qingyang must have sensed something and thus did not say anything.    


The second was Lin Xiaoxiao's call. As usual, she asked about Ann Rann's condition, and then stammered that Gu Tianjun actually saved Ann Rann because of an accident to save her, so she did not blame herself.    


Ann Rann indicated that she already knew and hung up the phone with Lin Xiaoxiao.    


The third person who called was Qiu Yingying. Because Ann Rann had been following Lin Xiaoxiao as an assistant during this period of time and did not work in the design department, she did not contact Qiu Yingying for a long time. She only met her at the company and smiled as she spoke a few words.    


But when Ann Rann picked up the phone, Qiu Yingying came up and asked, "Miss Ann Rann, are you alright? Did you get hurt anywhere?"    


Ann Rann felt that it was very strange at that time. Considering Gu Tianjun's identity, only a few people should know that something like this had happened at the filming site of Su's Company with her and him.    


Yingying was just an intern in the company. How could she know such a confidential matter?    


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