Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C3 Fake Cousin

C3 Fake Cousin

1In an instant, the four of them looked at each other, their familiar yet strange faces entering each other's eyes at the same time.     3


Those memories that felt different but were deeply engraved in their hearts once again surged into their respective minds.    


Four years ago, Gu Tianjun's heartlessness made Ann Rann's calm heart filled with hatred once again. She inserted her nails into her own palm. That sharp pain made her sober up a bit.    


She would never forgive Gu Tianjun, but she also did not want to provoke him. It was best that she and Gu Tianjun did not owe each other anything.    


In an instant, Ann Rann thought a lot.    


Finally, she used her eyes to calmly look at Gu Tianjun, then suddenly turned around and walked towards the bathroom door.    


Of course, the moment they looked at each other, Gu Tianjun was also shocked. Ann Ran changed. When she married him at the age of 20, there was still baby fat on her cheeks. Now, her originally delicate facial features and light makeup became more and more moving.    


The most important thing was that Ann Ran's entire aura had changed. If the Ann Ran four years ago was still a lily with crystal dewdrops, then the Ann Rann today was a beautiful and moving red lotus.    


However, Ann Ran's pair of eyes that were filled with hatred made Gu Tianjun feel as if he was stung. After all, from the beginning until the end, it was he who let her down. On that night four years ago, he forced Ann Ran to leave him, and when she left, she did not take anything with her.    


During these four years, Gu Tianjun occasionally thought of Ann Ran's silly face, and also thought of the figure of her cooking the hangover soup for him. He also thought of that rainy night four years ago when lightning flashed and thunder rumbled.    


He had hurt her, this was unquestionably true.    


Sometimes Gu Tianjun was thinking, if Ann Ran took away the high divorce compensation, would he be able to completely forget about her?    


In the next second, Ann Rann turned around and left. Seeing Ann Rann turn around and leave, Gu Tianjun suddenly took a step forward.    




At this time, Zhou Mengzhi suddenly appeared beside Gu Tianjun. She used her pale hand to grab Gu Tianjun's strong arm.    


Zhou Mengzhi noticed that something was wrong with Gu Tianjun. Gu Tianjun's gaze stopped on other women for no more than ten seconds.    


But this time, Zhou Mengzhi found that not only did Gu Tianjun look at that woman for a long time, his expression also had a deeper meaning.    


Zhou Mengzhi shifted her probing gaze to Ann Rann but only saw Ann Rann's back as she left in a hurry. Zhou Mengzhi discovered that this woman had a good figure and was dressed in fashion. From her back view, her face must be not bad too!    


As Ann Rann had left Gu Tianjun after signing the divorce agreement four years ago, Gu Tianjun had never been willing to mention Ann Rann, so he had wiped away all traces of her. So Zhou Mengzhi had never seen Ann Rann before. Even if Ann Rann stood in front of Zhou Mengzhi, she did not know Ann Rann.    


However, even if Zhou Mengzhi did not know Ann Rann, her eyes immediately darkened. Although there were many women who seduced Gu Tianjun, Zhou Mengzhi knew that Gu Tianjun had always been very self-loving. But why did this woman easily attract Tianjun's attention?    


Zhou Mengzhi could not help but cough. She turned her head to look at Gu Tianjun's side and pretended not to notice anything as she asked. "Tianjun, what happened to you?"    


"Nothing. " Gu Tianjun quickly turned around and covered Zhou Mengzhi's hand that was holding his arm. He smiled gently.    


"Do you know that lady just now?" Zhou Mengzhi looked at Gu Tianjun tentatively.    


Gu Tianjun paused for a moment. Then he shook his head and said, "I don't know. "    


Five years ago, Gu Tianjun and Ann Rann got married. In order to not make her sad, his wedding was not publicized at all. The media also did not know about it. Zhou Mengzhi had only heard of Ann Ran's name but the two of them had never met before.    


Gu Tianjun did not intend to tell Zhou Mengzhi about this matter. He knew that Zhou Mengzhi was a suspicious and sensitive person. Her health was not good to begin with. It would be even worse if she thought too much.    


"Okay. " Zhou Mengzhi nodded obediently to Gu Tianjun and did not continue to ask. However, her eyes still looked in the direction Ann Rann left in.    


"Tianjun, why don't you let me send Mengzhi back first. This is after all Mr. Lin's birthday banquet, you cannot leave early. " Zhou Hanqing took a step forward and suggested to Gu Tianjun.    


"But, Mengzhi. . . "    


"Tianjun, I'm fine. " Zhou Mengzhi shook Gu Tianjun's arm in an understanding manner. "Otherwise, I'll bear with it for a while longer and return home after the banquet ends. Anyway, I can't let you leave early. It's not good to do that!"    


"But Mengzhi, your health condition is also not good!" Zhou Hanqing was a little anxious. He took a step forward and advised the two of them, "Just do as I say. Tianjun, you stay here. I'll send Mengzhi home to rest. "    


Gu Tianjun thought for a while and finally nodded. "This is the only way. "    


Gu Tianjun also did not want Zhou Mengzhi to be uncomfortable and still force herself to hold on. He touched Zhou Mengzhi's cheek and softly said, "When you go home, remember to rest well. "    


"Okay. " Zhou Mengzhi kissed Gu Tianjun's cheek and said, "Apologize to Jingze for me. "    


"Mengzhi, Jingze knows. Don't worry. "    


"Okay, then I'll go. " Zhou Mengzhi smiled sweetly at Gu Tianjun. Her beautiful apricot eyes were filled with love.    


After being separated from Gu Tianjun for a while, Zhou Mengzhi left with Zhou Hanqing's help.    


After Zhou Hanqing helped Zhou Mengzhi to the back seat of the Rolls-Royce, he did not sit in the driver's seat. Instead, he sat beside Zhou Mengzhi.    


Zhou Hanqing did not bother to look around. He quickly put his arm around Zhou Mengzhi's shoulder and asked with concern, "Mengzhi, why do you suddenly have a stomachache? Do you feel better now?"    


"Quickly let go of your hand. We are outside now!" Zhou Mengzhi shivered and pushed Zhou Hanqing's hand away from her shoulder.    


"Isn't there no one around?" Zhou Hanqing turned around and looked around. He saw that his hand was pulled to the side by Zhou Mengzhi without hesitation and explained in a disappointed voice.    


"That won't do either! What if someone else saw it? The two of us will be finished! " Zhou Mengzhi's originally pale face turned slightly red due to nervousness, "Zhou Hanqing, you better be careful. "    


"Mengzhi, do you know how hard it was for me? Seeing that you were sick, I can't be the first one to care about you. Do you know how sad I was? For you. I need to pretend to be your cousin and watch you and Gu Tianjun together every day. But I can't do anything. I have worked so hard!" Zhou Hanqing looked at Zhou Mengzhi's beautiful and sickly face. He excitedly grabbed Zhou Mengzhi's shoulder again.    


"I have already said that we will never be together. I also told you that if you don't want to stay by my side, you can leave!"    


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