Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C7 They Are Good Friends for Life

C7 They Are Good Friends for Life

0Ann Rann picked up her phone to take a look. It was Lee Siqi's home number.     3


Ann Rann took a deep breath. Just as she picked up the phone, Ann Ann's crisp child's voice was heard, "Mom!"    


Ann Rann unconsciously raised the corner of her mouth, "Are you obedient?"    


"I am very obedient!" The four-year-old Ann Ann held the phone. His beautiful eyes looked at Lee Siqi beside him. He smiled and said, "Otherwise, you can ask my godmother. "    


"Okay, I knew you were the best!" Ann Rann smiled. At this moment, she really wanted to kiss Anan's cute face.    


"Mom, tomorrow is the day you come to see me. You must come earlier. "    


Ann Ann's voice was full of expectation, which made Ann Rann's heart sink. She lowered her head and thought for a while. Then she replied in a happy voice: "Of course, I will definitely come earlier. "    


After Ann Rann finished speaking, she said to Ann Ann, "Ann Ann, can you let your godmother answer the phone? I have something to tell her. "    


"Okay. " Ann Ann seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with Ann Rann, but he still looked happy. He raised his hand and handed the phone to Lee Siqi. He said, "Godmother, my mother wants to talk to you. "    


"Okay. " Lee Siqi smiled slightly. She took the phone and squatted down to touch Ann Ann's head. She said to him, "Ann Ann, you go and play with Mei. "    


Ann Ann nodded and ran over.    


"Ann Rann, how is your work in H City?" Lee Siqi saw that Ann Ann had walked away and said to Ann Rann with a smile.    


"Not bad. But I have something to ask of you. " Ann Rann hesitated for a moment but still said it.    


"Just say it. " Lee Siqi nodded.    


"Lee Siqi, Ann Ann's living expenses this month, I might give you a little less. I will make up for it next month, okay?" After Ann Rann finished speaking, she became even more upset. Lee Siqi helped her raise her son. She was very considerate in every aspect.    


But now she actually shamelessly wanted to give her less living expenses. Furthermore, Siqi also had a daughter, Mei.    


"I thought it was something!" Lee Siqi shook her head and was a little unhappy, "Ann Rann, in the future you do not need to be embarrassed about this kind of thing. We have been friends for so many years!"    


Ever since Ann Rann sent Ann Ann to her house, Ann Rann would give more money every time. Lee Siqi was very embarrassed. Now that Ann Rann said so, she felt a little embarrassed. Good friends should help each other when they are in trouble.    


"Thank you, Siqi. If it wasn't for you, I really don't know how I would have been able to hold on. " Ann Rann's eyes had a trace of tears.    


She rarely cried now, but in front of this friend who had been with her for a few years, she still couldn't help but feel weak.    


"It's fine, Rann. " Lee Siqi quickly consoled Ann Rann. She had known Ann Rann since she was a freshman and she had also witnessed Ann Rann falling from the clouds into hell and continue to live a brave life. Sometimes she could not even imagine how Ann Rann was able to hold on.    


"Siqi, I still have something to tell you. Siqi, I met him. " Ann Rann bit her lips and said.    


" Gu Tianjun? " Lee Siqi knew that the only person who could make the usually strong and optimistic Ann Rann reveal such a dispirited tone was that scum, Gu Tianjun.    


"En. " Ann Rann nodded her head. She took a deep breath and was somewhat hesitant.    


"Then what happened between you two?" Lee Siqi shook her head. Since Ann Rann was going to work in H City, she would meet Gu Tianjun sooner or later. But she did not expect that they would meet so soon.    


"We just passed by each other. Furthermore, I saw her current wife. " Ann Rann shook her head.    


"She is just a mistress who destroys other people's family. Don't mind her!" Lee Siqi could not help but pout, "Ann Rann, let's work hard. Don't care about that scum and that mistress. Believe me, you will definitely find a better person!"    


"I don't want to think about finding a husband now. I only want to think about working hard to earn money!" Ann Rann heard that her good friend was filled with righteous indignation for her, and her mood finally became a little better.    


"Okay, just follow your thoughts. You know, I am the most considerate. No matter what you do, I'll support you! " Lee Siqi said it very firmly.    


"Okay, you are the best, me. " Ann Rann did not finish her sentence before she sneezed.    


"Ann Rann, why do you have a cold?" Lee Siqi, who was on the other end of the phone, frowned and asked worriedly, "Is it because you have been too tired from work recently?"    


"It's alright. " Ann Rann quickly denied on the phone. She really wanted to catch a cold because she was busy with work but now she did not have a job.    


Ann Rann once again thought of the situation she was currently facing and she let out an undetectable sigh. She no longer had the mood to continue chatting with Lee Siqi so she said to Lee Siqi, "Siqi, I will go to your house on time tomorrow. Now I want to rest for a while. "    


"Okay. Then quickly rest. Tomorrow my husband and I will make a lot of food that you like to eat and wait for you. " Lee Siqi said to Ann Rann on the other end of the phone with a smile.    


"Okay, I know!" Ann Rann did not have too much politeness with Lee Siqi and only thanked her sincerely.    


Just when Ann Rann wanted to hang up the phone, Lee Siqi suddenly remembered something very important. She hesitated for a moment and said to Ann Rann, "Ann Rann, I still have something that I forgot to tell you. "    


"Go ahead. "    


"The mother of my husband came to my house. Her lifestyle and way of thinking are somewhat different from ours. When you come tomorrow, if she says something wrong, please don't mind. " Lee Siqi thought of her mother-in-law's appearance and felt a headache.    


"Of course I don't mind. " Ann Rann quickly said, "Auntie is an old man. It is only natural that her way of thinking and speech are different. Don't worry, I won't mind. "    


"That's good. " Lee Siqi heaved a sigh of relief, but her worried heart still did not relax. She remembered what her mother-in-law had said to Ann Ann after she came to her house, and Lee Siqi felt a little awkward.    


Now, she could only properly talk to her husband and tell her mother-in-law not to say ugly words when she and Ann Rann meet tomorrow.    


The next day.    


The sun shone brightly and the H City in the autumn did not appear to be very desolate. There were still many cars and pedestrians on the streets.    


Ann Rann woke up early in the morning. She took the high-speed train for three hours before rushing to S City.    


Ann Rann carried the gift and came to Lee Siqi's residential area. Just as she walked to Lee Siqi's house downstairs, Ann Rann saw a child sitting on a bench in the residential garden far away. He looked very similar to Ann Ann.    


Ann Ann sat on the bench alone. He lowered his head and fiddled with his fingers. His chubby face looked a little lonely.    


Ann Rann's heart ached as she quickened her pace towards Ann Ann. She came in front of Ann Ann and asked in a deliberately coarse voice, "Little friend, do you want to play with me? I'll take you to eat something good!"    


"Mom said I can't talk to strangers. " Ann Ann, who was playing with his fingers, did not even raise his head. He answered very seriously.    


"If you don't want to talk to me, I will leave!" Ann Rann smiled and returned to her original voice.    


Ann Ann only raised his head when he heard Ann Rann's voice.    


"Mom!" Ann Ann saw Ann Rann standing in front of him. He called out in surprise and jumped into Ann Rann's arms.    


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