Ex-wife Comes: CEO Admits He’s Wrong

C15 Shameless

C15 Shameless

3"Ann Rann, you did it on purpose!" Gu Tianjun reached out and grabbed Ann Rann's chin. When he realized what was happening, he looked a little angry.    


"Since Director Gu doesn't want to drink the wine, I have to think of other ways. " Although Ann Rann's jaw was hurting because of Gu Tianjun's pinching, But she bit her teeth and didn't show it. She still had an expression of "what can you do to me" on her face.    


"You. . . " Gu Tianjun felt that the number of times he was speechless today was even more than the total number of times he spent the first half of his life together! The key was that the person who made him speechless was still Ann Rann, whom he had played with in the past!    


Ann Rann saw Gu Tianjun's deflated appearance and immediately felt refreshed.    


However, Gu Tianjun's grip on her chin was getting heavier and heavier, and Ann Rann was also somewhat unable to withstand it.    


However, Ann Rann did not beg for mercy. She stretched out her index finger and started drawing circles on Gu Tianjun's chest. She pouted and said, "Director Gu, you have been pinching my chin all this time. Do you want to do it again?"    


The veins on Gu Tianjun's forehead immediately moved. Then, he let go of Ann Rann. This woman was really thick-skinned to the extreme!    


"Since this cup of wine has already been drunk, then my mission is also completed!" Ann Rann looked at Gu Tianjun complacently, then stood up and took the wine cup. She twisted her waist and returned to Director Wang's side.    


Director Wang, who was sitting not far away, had been observing Ann Rann and Gu Tianjun's movements. Although he could not hear the conversation between Ann Rann and Gu Tianjun, it seemed that Gu Tianjun really liked Ann Rann. Otherwise, how could Ann Rann feed him the wine with her mouth facing each other?!    


It was the right decision to let Ann Rann come over this time! Director Wang thought happily in his heart.    


At that moment, Ann Rann had returned to Director Wang's side. She waved her empty glass in front of Director Wang with a smile on her face. "Director Wang, I have fulfilled your request. As for what you promised me. . . "    


"Miss Ann Rann did well!" Director Wang only praised Ann Rann but did not give a positive response. He was like an old fox. How could he agree to such a big project so easily?    


However, Ann Rann being able to take Gu Tianjun down was indeed somewhat out of Director Wang's expectations. There were countless women who took the initiative to stick themselves to Gu Tianjun, although Ann Rann's appearance and figure were above average. However, General Gu was famous for being a good sir. He was loyal to his wife. There must be some women who were better off than Ann Rann.    


But why did Gu Tianjun allow Ann Rann to do such intimate actions? He even drank the wine with his mouth facing each other. It was simply the first time in a hundred years!    


Looking at Director Gu's reaction after the incident, he did not push Ann Rann away or show any intense disgust. Instead, he only felt embarrassed.    


Thinking of this, Director Wang's gaze became a bit more probing. "Miss Ann, you did well. Director Gu, such a big figure, is willing to buy your face. "    


"Director Wang is still willing to give me the chance to know these big figures. " Ann Rann took the initiative to pour a glass of wine and said to Director Wang, "Let me drink first to toast. "    


Ann Rann drank the wine in her hand in one gulp and then looked at Director Wang with a smile.    


Director Wang looked at Ann Rann with satisfaction and also drank the wine in his hand. Then he continued the topic at the front, "Miss Ann just chatted with Director Gu for so long. What did she say?"    


"About that. . . " Ann Rann smiled slightly. The corner of her mouth seemed to have wine too. Director Wang looked at her and became drunk again. "Does Director Wang want to know?"    


"Of course I want to know!" Director Wang was also really curious about what Ann Rann and Gu Tianjun were talking about. As far as he knew, no woman could chat with Gu Tianjun for so long and even make such intimate gestures.    


"Then about the cooperation between our Su's Company and Director Wang. . . " Ann Rann looked at Director Wang and wanted to say something but stopped herself.    


Hearing what Ann Rann said, Director Wang slightly raised his eyebrows. What, this Ann Rann wants to use my curiosity to get the answer of the cooperation between me and the Su's Company so easily?    


Isn't this a little too easy?    


Director Wang pursed his lips and looked at Ann Rann again. He had not gotten any benefits from Ann Rann, so how could he agree so easily?    


"Since Miss Ann doesn't want to say it, I won't force her. " Director Wang reached out and poured another glass of wine. He leaned against the sofa and said slowly.    


Director Wang's words made Ann Rann's face stiffen. He was indeed an old fox! Ann Rann also knew that it was impossible to get the permission to cooperate with Director Wang so easily! But she still could not help but spit at Director Wang in her heart.    


"Haha. . . " Ann Rann quickly laughed. She did not want to make the atmosphere too tense, so she took the initiative to approach Director Wang and said to him, "Actually, I just said these things to Director Gu. . . "    


"Then quickly tell me!" Director Wang curiously looked over.    


Ann Rann raised her red lips and stopped by Director Wang's ear for a while before she exhaled and said, "It's a secret!"    


When Director Wang heard Ann Rann say this, he was first stunned, then he laughed loudly. This woman, although she did not say anything in the end, it really made one unable to get angry. To be able to control the atmosphere so skillfully, it was really pleasing.    


"Miss Ann is really interesting!" Director Wang looked at Ann Rann in a different way. Other than her beautiful face and beautiful figure, other likeable qualities would also give her points.    


"I have to learn and learn with Director Wang. " Ann Rann complimented Director Wang without batting an eyelid.    


Ann Rann and Director Wang chatted happily, clinked glasses, and even whispered in each other's ears. The scene fell into Gu Tianjun's eyes not far away.    


Gu Tianjun unconsciously clenched his fists. When did this woman become like this!    


"Come, have another drink. "    


Gu Tianjun heard Director Wang say this to Ann Rann. He saw Ann Rann smiling. She reached out to take the glass from Director Wang and drank it in one gulp.    


He did not know how many glasses this was!    


Gu Tianjun remembered that when he was with Ann Rann in the past, she did not know how to drink. Because Gu Tianjun wanted to talk business, he had to drink more at the table.    


Every time Gu Tianjun returned home drunk, Ann Rann would have a bowl of sobering soup and a hot towel waiting for him.    


Once, Gu Tianjun even saw Ann Rann secretly pinching her nose and drinking a cup of wine. She choked and coughed for a long time. Gu Tianjun was curious and asked her why she did it.    


At that time, Ann Rann was still silly and took the initiative to hug him. She smiled and answered, because she wanted to have a taste of how good the wine was. Why did men always like to drink so much? It made her favorite Tianjun feel so uncomfortable after drinking it. It made her heart ache so much.    


Gu Tianjun remembered that before he had finished listening to Ann Rann, he impatiently pushed her away. He hated her stupidity and numbness. He hated the time when she had given up without any reservation. What Ann Rann had done at that time would only make the burden in Gu Tianjun's heart heavier.    


The past was still vivid in his mind. The innocent Ann Ran who only had herself in her heart in the past had disappeared and was replaced by a thick-skinned Ann Rann who knew how to hook up with men and flirt with them!    


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