Take Along A Spring



3"Yang Fann, I wonder if you still have some secret medicine ketchup and chili sauce left? "How many are left?"    


"There's still some more. What's wrong, did you use up the last time?"    


Yang Fann was a little surprised. He knew that Bai Mei opened a hotel called the Crystal Palace, but he didn't know how big the Crystal Palace was or how much the turnover was.    


Yang Fann had attended university for four years and also worked as a shop assistant for close to a year. However, Yang Fann had never entered the Crystal Palace and didn't know the details.    


"Not at all, but... I want to discuss with you. Can you make our Crystal Palace your only supplier? If it's possible, we can talk about the prices of the three types of goods. "    


Even though Bai Mei's words were halting, Yang Fann still understood what was going on. The little girl was waiting for him here, and when I said why they were meeting, I was making tea and flirting.    


"President Bai, this is a little difficult …"    


Yang Fann Ming took a sip of the tea and slowly said, "Firstly, the production of my three products is limited, and they are not stable. I can't sign any contracts with you. Secondly, I do not plan to start a monopoly operation because there are already several hotels in the Jiangnan City in contact with me and they are currently discussing the prices of the three types of goods. "    


Bai Mei panicked when she heard that, "Yang Fann, our Crystal Palace is your first customer. If you have the goods, you must remember to sell them to us first, the price is negotiable, so no matter how much others pay, our Crystal Palace will also pay. We will definitely not let you suffer a loss."    


Yang Fann did not deny it and smiled: "President Bai, how many big hotels do you think are in Jiangnan City? Other than Jiangnan City, how many bigger hotels, once these big hotels know about my treasures, will they offer a high price to buy them? Your Crystal Palace does have the strength, but can they compete with those super big hotels?"    


Bai Mei was at a loss. It was not that she had never thought about these problems before, but reality did not allow her to not fight for them. If she could not firmly grasp the source of Yang Fann's goods, the Crystal Palace would surely fall.    


"How about this, Yang Fann, if you agree to sell only to our Crystal Palace, I can give you a portion of the stocks in the Crystal Palace to make you a shareholder!"    


"What?" Yang Fann nearly spat out his tea: "What did you say, you want me to become a shareholder in the Crystal Palace?"    


"Yes, that's right. As long as you agree to my conditions, from now on, you are one of the shareholders in the Crystal Palace Hotel." Bai Mei's voice was full of temptation, just like the spring night drizzle, silently touching Yang Fann's heartstrings.    


"What?" You want to give Yang Fann shares? " Without waiting for the stunned Yang Fann to react, Lin Xiaoling immediately stood up, "Whitey, are you crazy? Why are you giving away the shares for no reason? Don't you want to do it?"    


Lin Xiaoling was indeed Bai Mei's best friend. At this moment, she could no longer take into account Yang Fann's feelings. She anxiously grabbed Bai Mei's powdery arm and started shouting.    


Yang Fann was even more surprised than Lin Xiaoling. Although he didn't know much about the financial situation of the Crystal Palace, he knew that it was a four-star hotel. As long as he could promise Bai Mei that he would hand over the ketchup and chili sauce to the Crystal Palace for sale, Bai Mei would gift him a portion of the Crystal Palace's shares.    


"Wait a minute, let this brother rest for a while. Calm down. Have you been fighting recently and produced hallucinations?" Yang Fann was overwhelmed with emotions. He used the opportunity to lower his head and drink a cup of tea to conceal the shock in his eyes as he quickly considered the pros and cons.    


After drinking the Spirit Spring water for a while, Yang Fann had become smarter. The initial shock was just because he didn't expect it, but after he calmed down a little, Yang Fann was no longer as excited as before, or even a little too calm.    


There is no such thing as a free lunch. When you look like you've picked up a sesame seed, you've probably lost a watermelon.    


"President Bai, don't joke with me. How could I not know? It's fine for me to be a salesperson or a shareholder in a big hotel. Even if I were beaten to death, I wouldn't be able to do it."    


When Yang Fann raised his head again, the shock and surprise in his eyes had disappeared. Bai Mei and Lin Xiaoling saw a pair of calm and clear eyes with a trace of caution.    


"Yang Fann, I'm speaking the truth, you have to think about it carefully. If you agree to be the sole agent for your three products, I will give you 10% of the annual profits of the Crystal Palace Hotel."    


With Bai Mei's words, Lin Xiaoling finally understood. The shares that Bai Mei wanted to give Yang Fann were dry shares, and not the real shares of the Crystal Palace Hotel.    


In other words, as long as Yang Fann kept handing the three products over to the exclusive representative of the Crystal Palace, he would be able to get 10% of the profit from the Crystal Palace.    


This is called dry shares, is a very common means of management, often used by enterprises to win over senior talent. Hiring a chief executive, for example, would often give him a certain amount of dry shares, which, while being his reward, would also enable him to turn his heart to the business and work hard.    


He was more clear than anyone on the power of Spatial Spring Water s, and the tomato peppers grown in the space were definitely not much weaker than anyone else. As long as he could eat it for a long time, it would definitely be able to increase the immunity of the human body and strengthen the quality of the human body. Although it might not be able to extend his life by a hundred years, it was still possible that he would die from a hundred diseases.    


In the future, this kind of good stuff would definitely become a treasure that would be fought for even if it broke the market. If it wasn't for Yang Fann who was worried about the safety of himself and his family and didn't dare to sell on a large scale, he would have already made a killing.    


Now, Bai Mei wanted to tie Yang Fann to her chariot at the price of 10% of the crystal palace's profit. Bai Mei thought it was too simple, or perhaps she hadn't realized the true value of the three treasures.    


No matter what the reason was, Yang Fann wouldn't agree to Bai Mei's request. Even if Bai Mei agreed to give Yang Fann 30% of the shares, Yang Fann wouldn't agree to it, much less 10%.    


With the Space of Jade Pendant, what Yang Fann needed now was freedom. As long as he could guarantee the safety of himself and his family, he wouldn't be able to spend much money, so there was no need for him to be in danger and be tied to the benefits of others.    


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