Take Along A Spring



0When a person was just captured, it was the most vulnerable time of the psychological defense. The policemen who came were elites in handling cases, so they obviously knew the principle of striking the iron while it was hot. After capturing Lee Minghe, they interrogated him on the spot.    1


Watching the two police cars whizzing away, Yang Fann finally let out a long sigh of relief. This time, the trouble had come to an end, the trouble of the future had yet to appear, and he had won a relatively comfortable period. Next, he had to plan carefully to avoid similar situations.    


It was already the latter half of the night, so Yang Fann did not plan to return to Poplar Gully right now. He told Lee Mingxuan and the police to take Lee Minghe away, and what happened after that was not something he could care about.    


When Yang Fann came here, he did not plan to go back. Thus, he opened his golden cup and sat down on his set gold cup before returning back to Urban Village to sleep.    


After sleeping until noon of the second day, Yang Fann woke up to eat, then went to the antique market in a golden cup. He was prepared to buy some jade raw materials to let his Space of Jade Pendant absorb, and see if there were any changes to his Space of Jade Pendant.    


It was still a street full of jade. It was still the same store that he had visited the last time, the Nestle, and it was still the same middle-aged owner who didn't even lift his head, Zhang Qiang.    


Zhang Qiang saw Yang Fann enter the room and his head immediately went up by three rounds. He hadn't even discussed anything major with this guy, why did he take the initiative to come here? There must be something bad, he must be here to buy jade ores again.    


"The good ores have all been sold out. Go take a look at the other houses." Zhang Qiang wanted to seize the initiative. Although he had something he needed Yang Fann's help with, he couldn't hand over the initiative. He must have it in his hands.    


When Yang Fann heard that he didn't have enough ores, what else could he say. He turned around and left without even saying a word.    


"Ugh …" Zhang Qiang's prepared words stuck in his throat as he almost choked himself to death. Why didn't this guy play according to the rules? Shouldn't you ask why there are no good ores now and where can you find them?    


He did leave Yang Fann's phone number last time, but this time, if he let Yang Fann go, the phone call would be a bit passive, so he quickly shouted at Yang Fann's back: "Wait a moment little brother, I have something to say to you."    


"What is it? Hurry up and tell me. I still want to buy more jade." Yang Fann was annoyed with this middle-aged boss who had a deadpan expression on his face. The moment he walked in, he already said that he didn't have any ores. Why did you open a shop instead of any ores? So he decided to just close the store.    


"I see that little brother is an expert in identifying ores. I wonder if you are interested in playing with big ones and making a fortune out of them?" Zhang Qiang said in a seductive tone, as if he was tricked by a big bad wolf.    


"No, I'm not an expert at identifying ores. I don't want to play with bigger ones, and I don't want to make a fortune. Thank you, boss. Goodbye." After saying that, Yang Fann turned around and left. What the hell is this? You can get rich the moment you open your mouth. If I believe you, all the sows will climb trees.    


Anyone who believed that pie would fall from the sky would be the stupidest pie in the world. What kind of international joke was that, if you could make a fortune, you wouldn't have to hand it over to me, but you'd better let someone else make it!    


"Hey hey hey, little brother, don't leave. What I said is true. As long as little brother can identify which ore has good jade, you will definitely become rich overnight!"    


Zhang Qiang no longer cared about pulling that paralyzed face of his. He rushed out from behind the counter with a scream and grabbed Yang Fann's arm, refusing to let go no matter what. It was as if Pan Jinlian had caught Siemenqing.    


Seeing Yang Fann was on the verge of exploding, Zhang Qiang knew he was too impatient today, but Yang Fann was his only chance to turn the tables. If Yang Fann left, Zhang Qiang would probably regret it for the rest of his life.    


"Little brother, listen to me. Have you heard of the stone gambling? Even if you were to buy jade or jade ores, you will be able to get rich overnight, and becoming a billionaire is not impossible! "    


"I can't afford to play with that. Boss, you should just let it go, otherwise, I won't be polite."    


Yang Fann knew about the business of gambling, but with his Space of Jade Pendant, he did not have to worry about not being able to make a profit. He had to worry about not being able to make a fortune, and the excitement of gambling stones being able to cut through the heavens and hell was often accompanied by evil forces.    


"Little brother, wait a moment and come with me to look at something. If you decide to leave after looking at it, I definitely won't stop you again, okay?"    


Zhang Qiang was on the verge of tears. From a big boss with a fortune of several hundred million, he could only rely on an ordinary small restaurant to barely survive, and the various flavors were not something normal people could imagine. As long as he had the opportunity to make a comeback, he could even call Yang Fann "Mr. Yang Fann".    


"Alright, since boss has said all that, I'll go with you to take a look." Yang Fann was also a soft-hearted person. Hearing Zhang Qiang's earnest words, his heart softened and he agreed.    


Zhang Qiang closed the roller shutter and led the way. He led Yang Fann to the backyard. He opened a warehouse and walked in first.    


He himself had the treasure called Space of Jade Pendant, what was there to be afraid of? He quickly followed him into the warehouse, wanting to see what kind of tricks he was playing.    


"Little brother, look at these ores. How are they different from the ones you bought last time?" Zhang Qiang pointed at a pile of stones in the corner of the warehouse for Yang Fann to see.    


Yang Fann, look... Look at the ghost, he did not know how to identify the ore at all. In his eyes, the pile of stones were all black and dull, the flowery stone balls were not even as beautiful as the pebbles in the river, so he might as well touch them. The reason he chose the ore was not because of him, but because of the reaction of the jade pendant.    


In the end, he reached out and touched it, but the jade did not have any reaction. He then moved to another jade, but there was still no movement from the jade. He touched it again, and touched it again, and I touched it again … Touch...    


Yang Fann touched the jade eighteen times in a row and it was as if he was asleep. Not to mention getting hot, it was not even warm at all. Yang Fann shook his hand in frustration: "Damn, Boss, you're just playing with me. There's not even a single strand of hair in this pile of stones. What do you want me to look at?"    


"What?" "Impossible!" Zhang Qiang was like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, jumping over in a flash. He picked up the stones that Yang Fann touched earlier and looked at them with all his might, he even took out a magnifying glass from a corner of his body.    


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