Take Along A Spring



3The village chief's name was Yang Guoqing, a very epoch-making name. He was around forty years old, not very tall, but very sturdy. This was called axle body.    


When Yang Guoqing was young, he was a good fighter, and the young generation who led Poplar Gully and other nearby villages fought many battles, especially the group of hunters from Chenjia Ridge. Due to their frequent hunting, they were all very valiant and often bullied the people from other villages, if they did not unite, they would definitely be bullied.    


Years ago, it was Yang Fann's father, Yang Xiangdong, and Yang Guoqing who took the lead to fight against the two of them. Therefore, the two of them had a good reputation in the village.    


Of course, in such a destitute place like Poplar Gully, the village chief and the village branch office were usually both the same person. Yang Guoqing was still interesting enough, after taking office he took care of Yang Xiangdong and his family, and Yang Fann also borrowed money when he went to school and went into the hospital, although it wasn't much, but his heart was already there.    


This time, Yang Fann returned the money, and the village chief also sent two big cantaloupes. Well, the village chief and his wife came to return the favor, and Poplar Gully generation is such a rule, if they did, then it would not matter if they received it, but if their family background was better, or if they received it from a reputable family, they would have to return it.    


Although Poplar Gully's village chief didn't have much to offer, the size was still a figure after all. Yang Guoqing was also a good person, of course he wouldn't lose respect for etiquette, so he brought two bottles of wine with his wife to return the gesture. It didn't matter if the gift was light or heavy;    


A few years ago, women and children were not allowed to sit at the table. However, the rules had gradually changed over the past few years, and with the addition of the fact that the two families had a pretty good relationship with each other, Zhong Runjuan and Second Aunt didn't avoid the topic and continued to eat and drink together.    


"Come on, Second Aunt, try this bowl of Steamed Fresh Turtle Soup. Fann has just caught the Great Old Turtle from the Dispersive Flower Creek. It weighs more than eight catties!" The mother never forgot to show off her children's abilities as she pointed at the fragrant Steamed Fresh Turtle Soup and introduced it to Second Aunt as if it was a treasure.    


"Alright, alright, alright. Fann is really capable, so I won't be polite." After Second Aunt finished speaking, she scooped up a spoonful of soup and took a sip. After that, she didn't say anything else and started to drink with all her heart.    


"Haha, I also want to try …" Yang Guoqing couldn't help but drink when he saw his wife was enjoying herself.    


"En — — This soup is really authentic, fresh but not fishy, fragrant but not greasy, and very refreshing. How many years has it been since I've tasted such a pure and wild Old Turtle soup? Such a large Old Turtle, it can at least be sold for seven to eight thousand dollars in the city. Fann sure looks promising!"    


"What?" It can be sold for at least seven or eight thousand? " Zhong Runjuan widened her eyes in surprise. She had thought that she could sell it for at most a thousand yuan, but who knew that she could sell it for at least seven or eight thousand yuan?    


The big boss in the city has plenty of money. Last time, when I was drinking with the brother-in-law of the county governor, I heard that a five to six kilogram Old Turtle was sold for ten thousand yuan, not to mention this one is almost ten kilograms. It might even be possible to sell it for twenty or thirty thousand yuan. "    


Yang Guoqing was enjoying his drink, but he didn't realize that Zhong Runjuan's face had turned green. Drinking twenty or thirty thousand yuan in one go was like taking someone's life for a poor rural woman!    


"Cough, cough …" If you want to try your luck, you will only be able to sell them for a few thousand or eight hundred at the most. But for those who are wronged, it is not easy to find those who are wronged. " Yang Fann silently kicked Yang Guoqing under the table to remind him to watch his mouth. Didn't Mom turn red?    


"En, Fann, kick …" Ah? "Haha, sister-in-law, you drink too, Fann is right, although Old Turtle are worth a lot, but we don't have that many grievances. If our countryman were to sell it in the city, not only would it be hard to find a way to sell it, we might even meet someone who bullies us again.    


He quickly changed the topic and shouted to Second Aunt who was deep in her soup, "You're a prodigal woman who has never seen the market before. Look at your potential, don't go around drinking. Didn't you say you had something to discuss with your sister-in-law? Why aren't you saying anything?"    


With a smile, she turned to Zhong Runjuan who still had an ugly expression and said: "Sixth sister, the situation is like this. Didn't I tell you to introduce her to Fann, last time when I went back home, I coincidentally met a distant relative. She looks really pretty, I just came back from Shencheng and said that she's too old to go out and get married."    


Yang Xiangdong was the sixth oldest among the cousins, so when Second Aunt introduced Zhong Runjuan-mei to Yang Fann, Zhong Runjuan's expression immediately changed from gloomy to clear. Which one of the mothers didn't want to take a grandson, even though Zhong Runjuan was only in her forties, and was a grandmother at that age in the countryside.    


"Second Aunt, let's just eat today. Can we talk about the blind date another day?" Yang Fann's head immediately became three times bigger when he heard the date. Without waiting for Mom to say anything, he immediately stopped her.    


"Shut up! If the adults are talking, why are the kids interrupting!" Zhong Runjuan took out the prestige of her mother and tyrannically deprived Yang Fann of the right to speak.    


"He, Second Aunt, don't listen to a child's nonsense. Let's continue talking."    


In the countryside, if someone told you a story, that person thought highly of you. If you kept rejecting it, it would be very rude, and that person would secretly stab you in the back, saying that your eyes were on the top of your head, looking down on people.    


Therefore, no matter how unhappy Yang Fann was, he still had to sit aside and listen obediently to Second Aunt's narration of the various strengths of her distant niece.    


What do you mean you've been obedient since you were young? You knew to go out and earn money to support your family since a long time ago. She sent money back to build the small foreign house at home.    


In short, Second Aunt's distant niece was a rare and unparalleled first class woman. If the truth was as she said, then not to mention Yang Fann, even the president of the country didn't quite match up to her.    


Therefore, after Yang Fann's numerous protests failed, the matter of his blind date was decided by Mom, and she even flipped through the calendar. In a few days time, it would be an auspicious day for him.    


In order to thank Second Aunt for putting in so much effort to help Yang Fann, Zhong Runjuan even ordered Yang Fann to cut a watermelon for the village chief and his wife to taste.    


The watermelon Zhong Runjuan was talking about was the big watermelon produced in Yang Fann's Space of Jade Pendant. In order to let his family eat the Spatial Watermelon that he grew, Yang Fann had lied a lot.    


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