Take Along A Spring



1When Hu Guohua put the three jars of Spirit Spring medicine wine into the storage room of the hotel and returned, he saw that everyone was fighting to buy Yang Fann's medicine wine, so he laughed, "Don't you guys think that one jar of medicine wine is too expensive?    


"Lao Hu, you're not good enough as a friend. Such a good wine, yet you only have it for yourself. There are so many people here, hurry up and bring out the wine. How much money do you want? You will definitely have to pay."    


"Yeah, Lao Hu, didn't you open a hotel to sell alcohol? Now we're going to pay for the three jars of wine you just entered."    


"How about I offer twice the price and sell all three jars of wine to me?"    


"I'm sorry everyone, it's not that I'm stingy, it's just that this little brother's medicinal wine is of great use to me. I still need to keep it for myself to drink, I can't sell it!" Hu Guohua shrugged helplessly, looking like he was helpless to help.    


At this time, Yang Fann, who hadn't said anything all along, spoke up, "Boss Hu, can I borrow a tricycle? I'll stay nearby. Since everyone wants to buy my medicine wine, I'll go and take some."    


"Then why can't I borrow it? There's a tricycle in the kitchen. How about I send the driver to take it to my house with you, little brother?" Hu Guohua agreed very straightforwardly, he wasn't afraid of Yang Fann borrowing anything.    


"No need, I'll pull it myself. Please wait a moment, I'll be right back." Yang Fann was not really trying to go back to Urban Village to get wine, as the tricycle was just an excuse. He definitely could not let Hu Guohua send the car, or else he would be exposed.    


Yang Fann rode a tricycle at the back of the hotel and turned into a small alley after a short while. While no one was around, he took out 30 jars of medicinal wine from his Space of Jade Pendant and placed them on the tricycle before quickly turning around and returning.    


Without waiting for the tricycle to stop, the crowd swarmed over, waving their bills as they were afraid that the wine would be taken away by someone else.    


Everyone who had tasted the Spirit Spring's medicine just now would need to buy it for the majority of them. These people were Hu Guohua's regular customers, and they were basically the foodie race.    


A taste of Yang Fann's medicinal wine and he would know that he must buy it. If he did not buy it, he would definitely regret it in the future, and people who were not in a good mood would never understand that. For a good drinker, one thousand yuan and a jar of wine that he had never tasted before, there was no need to choose which was the best.    


When Hu Guohua finally pushed his way to the front, he realized that there were only a few jars left on the tricycle, "Little brother, little brother, I want all of this wine, but don't sell it to anyone else!"    


Therefore, when Yang Fannkong left the Lao Hu Hotel, there was not a single jar left out of the 30 jars of medicinal liquor, and there were 300 more bright red bottles of Grandpa Mao in his backpack.    


It was already past 11 pm, and the bus was no longer available. Luckily, the Urban Village renting by Yang Fann was not too far away from the Wuhan Iron and Steel Hotel, so Yang Fann decided to just return on foot and take it as exercise.    


The weather wasn't hot yet, but cool beauties had already appeared on the street. Yang Fann was in a good mood and was enjoying the show.    


The low-cut halter top exposed her breasts, the hot pants exposed her buttocks, and the navel dress was even more seductive. Yang Fann really wanted to go up and ask: "Beauty, aren't you cold?"    


Women are really a strange animal. Dressed in such cool clothes, the subconscious would want to attract other people's attention, but if someone were to stare at them, they would put on a pervert's hat for you, and I don't know what they would actually think. Since you don't want to be seen, can't you wear more clothes?    


Just when Yang Fann was criticizing those girls with simple packaging in his heart, a motorcycle suddenly rushed over from behind. Immediately after, Yang Fann felt like he was pulled by someone.    


"Fuck, is it easy for this brother to earn some money? I just earned 30,000 yuan and I'm already being watched. The entire street is filled with rich people who don't try to snatch the money from me, yet I actually managed to snatch it from this brother, a pauper." Get the hell down here! "    


Although thirty thousand had already been transferred into his Space of Jade Pendant, the act of stealing from a thief was still intolerable!    


Today, Yang Fann was no longer the ignorant kid who was cut into the hospital by a few hoodlums. His reaction speed was simply outrageous. He quickly took two steps forward, bent over and picked up a half-broken brick, and threw it out with a whooshing sound.    


At this moment, the thief's motorcycle was almost 20 meters away from Yang Fann, but it still couldn't escape the whizzing brick. Accompanied by the thief's miserable scream, the motorcycle crashed into the flower bed.    


Yang Fann walked over leisurely, looked at the bag robber under the motorcycle, then looked at the bag that was dropped on the side and kicked the robber twice: "F * ck, I ruined bro's bag. Say, did you take it as a private or public thing?"    


"Aiyo, aiyo, Big Brother, don't kick anymore. It's private, I'm private!" The thief shrieked in pain. Yang Fann's kick was accurate, and it landed on Yang Fann's face. He felt like his leg was about to break, so how could he dare to explode with Yang Fann?    


Hearing that the thief wanted to steal his bag, Yang Fann directly started rummaging in his pocket. Not long later, he took out five or six furry grandpas and several tens of change and twisted them in his hands, "F * ck, you dare to come out and rob a bag with this little money, do you have any professional ethics?"    


The thief wanted to cry but had no tears. What kind of work ethics are you telling me? I'm here to steal money, not to spend it. Why would I bring so much money with me?    


How could he dare to anger this Brick? Ignoring the pain on his body, he begged with a mournful face: "Big Brother, it was all a misunderstanding just now, if it wasn't for the old and the young, this brother wouldn't be doing this sort of thing. As long as you don't call the police, I promise I will never do it again!"    


"Mm, then my backpack …" Yang Fann took out his phone as he glanced at the thief.    


"Compensation, I will compensate you. Money and cell phone will all be lost to Big Bro. Have you seen enough?"    


"Enough my ass! Do you know how much this backpack is worth?" A genuine top master in France would have to make limited edition by hand, which would cost around 18,000 yuan in friendship. Just this bit of money and this crappy phone, you want to send your brother away?    


"Ah?" Eighteen thousand? No matter how he looked at it, he had bought the stock from a stall for over a dozen yuan. Besides, it's not like it's a broken phone. Even though the latest version of the big apple was stolen, the market price for each piece is still around five to six thousand! "    


"Sure, you won't pay, right? I'll call right now and let Police Uncle administer justice!" After saying that, Yang Fann waved the phone in his hand, as if he was about to make a call.    


"Don't, please don't hit me, big brother. I can't compensate you, but I don't have that much money on me. How about you come back with me and get it?" The bandit's eyes swiveled. It was obvious that he didn't have any good intentions.    


Bang! Bang!    


Yang Fann went up and kicked again: "You little rascal actually dared to play tricks in front of me. When I was playing this game, you were still wearing your pants and playing with urine and mud!"    


"Aiya, brother, stop kicking. I admit defeat, but I really don't have any money on me. How about I compensate you for this car?"    


Yang Fann's body was no longer the same as before. It seemed like an ordinary kick, but the thief who stole the bag cried out in pain. He knew that he had met a tough guy today, so he no longer dared to be smart.    


Yang Fann looked at the motorcycle on the ground. A rearview mirror was just broken, so he wanted to use the bike. Yang Fann looked at the motorcycle on the ground, and a rearview mirror was just broken.    


This motorcycle belongs to the crime scene, it can't be used as compensation, but the crime scene tools must be confiscated. As for the phone, it's worth 500 yuan, the remaining 17 thousand yuan should be repaid the next time we meet it, hurry up and go back to prepare the money.    


A few days ago, Yang Fann was sent to the hospital by a hoodlum and hated these scumbags to no end. However, the thief who stole the bag ran into the wall. If he didn't get a good lesson, he would never feel comfortable!    


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