Take Along A Spring



3Yang Fann rushed to the roof of Aunt Lee's house and looked towards the village entrance. The intense gunfire there worried him, because if our casualties were to be too great, it would be hard for him to explain Special Operations Branch to his superiors.    


Fortunately, Aunt Lee's home was on a higher ground and there weren't any tall buildings. Plus, it was near the village entrance, so Yang Fann was able to quickly see the situation on the battlefield.    


More than a dozen foreigners with guns had already blocked the road to the entrance of the village. A large number of armed police soldiers had been blocked outside the village and couldn't enter, so these foreigners didn't know why they reacted so fast.    


Fortunately, the foreigners were all pistols and the armed police soldiers were almost all submachine guns. Even though the combat experience and battle skills of both sides were very different, the huge gap in weapons was enough to make up for the shortage of armed police warriors.    


The battle might have happened too suddenly. Yang Fann saw two armed police soldiers lying on the road at the village entrance. They were probably shot by the sneak attack, but he didn't know if they were alive or dead.    


Due to the terrain, the battle situation was not good for the armed police soldiers. They had nothing to hide, all they had was more people and more weapons, and they could shoot as long as they could restrain the foreigners. If the foreigners didn't take a gun, but a submachine gun or a rifle with a longer range, the soldiers would have to sacrifice themselves.    


"F * ck, you're still dishonest even though you're surrounded. You still dare to start a war with the Chinese army on such a piece of land? I'll see if you guys can't stand living anymore!"    


Now, there was no need for Yang Fann to hide anymore. He looked around and saw that no one had noticed him. He put his hand on the roof, and when he raised his hand, a sniper rifle was already in his hand.    


The Type 88 sniper rifle had an effective range of 800 meters and a maximum range of 1200 meters. Although many people were not satisfied with its shooting accuracy, and some people belittled it as worthless, but it was undeniable that as a sniper rifle, there were not many firearms in the world that could match it in terms of its quality.    


There were many sniper rifles that had a longer range and higher accuracy than the 88 Type Sniper Rifle. Why did Yang Fann insist on choosing the 88 Type Sniper Rifle? Could it be that Yang Fann's love of patriotism had reached the point of being indiscriminate?    


Although Yang Fann was a patriot, he would not ignore the lives of the armed police soldiers. He would not use a better weapon and would definitely use a domestically made one with poor performance.    


The key point was that Yang Fann couldn't use them even if he wanted to, because his best sniper rifle was the 88 model. As for the top sniper rifles in the world, Yang Fann didn't even have one.    


If only he knew that there would be a day like today, he would have asked Ren Yi to replace a few of the world's top sniper rifles for him. A perverted sniper rifle with an effective range of one or two kilometers, even the legendary anti-weapon sniper rifle.    


No matter what, it was better to use some than nothing. If Yang Fann didn't have the 88 model in his hand, he would have to use the 95 model rifle with an effective range of 400 meters as his sniper rifle.    


Fortunately, Yang Fann was not an ordinary person. Not only did he have a steady hand, he also had a strong strength. The most important thing was his good eyesight, good judgement, and super keen six senses.    


Yang Fann and Aunt Lee's house was located at the village entrance. They were only five to six hundred meters away from the entrance of the village where the battle occurred, which was completely within the effective range of the 88 model sniper rifle.    


All aspects were abnormal. Yang Fann didn't even need to aim for a long time. With a casual sweep of his eyes, bullets shot out from the 88-style gun barrel.    


With a speed of about 900 meters, the bullet crossed the battlefield in the blink of an eye and drilled into the target's body.    


The first target Yang Fann chose was a black guy. This guy was lying at the very front with the most powerful handgun in his hand. Yang Fann had already injured two soldiers in the short time he had spent observing.    


In order to make up for the loss of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Fann did not choose to blow his head off this shot, but to break his right arm that was holding the gun. Yang Fann could clearly see from far away that a black arm that was thicker than a girl's thigh flew up in the air, bursting out with blood mist.    


"F * ck, sniper!"    


"Son of a bitch, there's a sniper in the village!"    


"Which bastard let a sniper in?"    




They were all old soldiers, so when Yang Fann's 88th move rang, a lot of people were able to recognize the sound of the sniper rifle. Adding to that the black arm that was sent flying, if they didn't know that there was a sniper in the village, they wouldn't be able to mix in Underground World and quickly find a place to get old age.    


To know was one thing, to be able to avoid it was the other.    


With a sniper behind them, the ten or so guys who had sealed off the village entrance had no intention of continuing to fight. They quickly sought cover to avoid the incoming bullets, not only to guard against the incoming bullets, but also to guard against the incoming bullets.    


Although the Type 88 sniper rifle was criticized, it was undeniable that it was comparable to a god-like weapon when compared to the pistols held by foreigners. Unless they were a hundred meters or even closer to Yang Fann, Yang Fann was the perfect god of death, able to easily reap their lives.    


Since there was a distance of over a hundred meters between the soldier and the foreigner, Yang Fann did not have to worry about accidental injuries. Wanting to find a shelter under his nose was no different than dancing on the edge of a death god's knife.    


Yang Fann used his signature move, the swinging pole, which could only appear in games. Yang Fann used his signature move, the swinging pole, which could only appear in games. Yang Fann used his signature move, which could only appear in games.    


Bang! Bang! Bang! "Ping …"    


There were only a few foreigners with guns. Yang Fann hadn't finished firing all the bullets in his magazine, so most of his arms were broken. The rest weren't much better, and he was sent to hell by the military police opposite him.    


Even if he hid behind a tree, he wouldn't have a chance to do so. He would be able to dodge the sniper behind him, and he wouldn't be able to avoid the enemy force. The Chinese soldiers weren't easy to deal with, even though they didn't go through much actual combat, but they trained diligently.    


Yang Fann's heart ached so much that he could not clench his teeth. Can't the police be merciful? Those are all just money. If one died, there would be less of them.    


Aiya, This Seat's beautiful swords are missing another batch!    


Yang Fann didn't give the order to capture him alive even when he knew that one foreigner was dead. It was just too lack of combat experience for the military police soldiers to be blocked off by a dozen guys with guns. Who knows how many sacrifices it would cost to capture more.    


Although Yang Fann liked money, he wasn't a bastard who disregarded other people's lives for money. At the very least, he had a bottom line.    


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