Take Along A Spring



0Yang Fann had called Julie over not to have any impure thoughts, nor did he want to study the Yang Yang Replenishing Yin Technique with her. Instead, he wanted to know the reason why Julie still remembered him.    


Regardless of whether it was Uncle Sam or the two Wu steelers who were stronger than Uncle Sam, under Yang Fann's powerful hypnosis ability, they had all forgotten about him. Whether it was Uncle Sam or the two Wu steelers who were stronger than Uncle Sam, under Yang Fann's powerful hypnosis ability, they had all forgotten about him.    


"Come, beautiful Miss Julie, can you tell me how we met?"    


This time, Yang Fann did not hypnotize Julie. In order to obtain the most direct evidence, Yang Fann did not hesitate to expose his secret.    


"Dear Nicholas, did you really forget about me? The night before yesterday, you and I had the most wonderful thing that happened in the VIP room of that coffee shop. Aiya, how embarrassing, let's not talk about it. Time is precious, how about we hurry up and do it? "    


The more Miss Julie spoke, the brighter her eyes became. Just as she said those words, her eyes seemed to be overflowing with water, her lips were also wet, her exposed skin turned pink, and her entire body was emitting the signal of courtship. Let alone men, even males could not help but make mistakes.    


Yang Fann was also shocked. Holy sh * t, this girl was so addictive. No wonder she had the nickname of "Beauty Snake". If anyone fell for her, they would probably die!    


When Yang Fann was hypnotizing the two Black Brother, he also asked them about Julie, and the news that he got shocked both Yang Fann. She was nicknamed the "Beauty Snake", and if she was unlucky to hook up with someone, even if they didn't die, they would still be half disabled. At the very least, they would be impotent for life, trembling whenever they saw a woman.    


Now that he looked at it this way, Yang Fann indeed believed that Black Brother was not exaggerating. Not to mention Miss Julie, even if she did not know the Yin techniques, such a huge addiction would still be unbearable.    


As the saying goes, there are no plowed fields, only exhausted cattle. Even if your entire body was made of iron, you still wouldn't be able to withstand endless finger twists!    


"Stop, let's not talk about anything else for now. Why don't you tell me why you remembered me?"    


Yang Fann didn't dare to let Miss Julie use her Charm Spell anymore. He immediately hypnotized her. He wasn't some Liu Xiayi who didn't panic. If he couldn't control himself and made a mistake, how could he face his future wife?    


Well, Yang Fann was trying to find an excuse for himself. In fact, he was afraid of being sucked dry by Miss Julie just like the two Black Brother said. Otherwise, how could Yang Fann be so calm that even a ghost would not be able to watch it?    


For a super glutton, there was no need to eat just one dish. Even the most delicious dish in the world would not do. Eating too many delicacies was also not bad. Occasionally, he would eat some green radish.    


Besides, Miss Julie's attraction to men was much more than tofu to foodies. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that as long as Miss Julie hooked her fingers, countless men would go crazy for her, even sacrificing their lives for her!    


As expected, Miss Julie became more obedient after her hypnosis. Although her long, snow-white legs occasionally rubbed against each other, the light in her eyes was much weaker than before. There was also no more water flowing out.    


"Miss Julie, can you tell me about our meeting each other now?"    


Julie immediately started to narrate her romance with Yang Fann. From the moment they met to the moment they parted, every detail was narrated vividly and vividly, giving off the feeling of being driven into a corner. Even if it was entirely her imagination, it was exactly the same as what happened in Yang Fann's ears!    


If he did not write novels, he would be in a terrible situation. If he were to create a novel, it would be easy for him to become famous with just a bit of effort, but with just a bit of effort, he would definitely be able to become a great writer!    


This was the first time Yang Fann saw the other benefit of having strong mental strength. The Fantasy ability was much stronger than the average person, and in the Fantasy world she weaved, every plot was so detailed that even a stalk of grass was so lifelike that ordinary people would have thought they saw it with their own eyes. If Yang Fann hadn't known that everything was Julie's imagination, even he would have felt that it was real.    


Yang Fann's eyes lit up. This woman was useful. What Charm Art? What Yang Yin Harvesting Art? Compared to her powerful fantasy power, Yang Fann could make Julie the most famous fantasy novelist in the world if he used her properly.    


Being able to train a fantasy novelist with his own hands was also a very successful way of saying. What Yang Fann loved to read the most was fantasy novels, but considering his age, even if there were some fantasy novels, they didn't have the corresponding experience. They couldn't write that kind of masterpiece that could shock the mind.    


What was Yang Fann lacking now? Money? Beautiful women? Or was it power?    


They didn't lack anything. With Space of Jade Pendant, how much money wouldn't be enough to earn? Moreover, what was the use of earning too much money. When the amount of money reached a certain level, it would become a string of numbers in the bank card.    


Beauty was the same, the beauty beside Yang Fann was giving him a headache, he did not want to offend more women.    


As for power, with the nameless cultivation technique, who wouldn't be able to control it? The Special Operations Branch's Ren Yi and Lee Jian gave Yang Fann endless power, he didn't need to stand at the front desk to have the power to control it.    


Yang Fann was now pursuing a higher level of spiritual enjoyment, such as reading a good book and listening to a good concert.    


Unfortunately, the current books did not enter his eyes. Traditional literature was becoming more and more commercialized, and online novels were becoming more and more sophisticated. It was enough just to satisfy his craving for books by nurturing a fantasy novelist!    


Therefore, Yang Fann shamelessly hardened himself. Don't misunderstand, he wasn't thinking about Miss Julie's body, but was completely excited. The thought of having a fantasy novel to read in the near future made Yang Fann want to hug Julie and kiss her a few times.    


Fortunately, Yang Fann still had his rationality and his body hadn't crossed the gap between him and Miss Julie. Otherwise, if he didn't manage to control himself and was sucked into Miss Julie's millstone, Yang Fann would probably die of grievance.    


At that time, Yang Fann's epitaph would be as follows: "The great pioneer, the prophet who led mankind to the light, saved the super hero of humanity by himself, Comrade Yang Fann." Because of a moment of carelessness, he was raped by the devil and turned into a human.    


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