Take Along A Spring



1Martin Luther King, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson, Kobe Bryant, and so on, are all relatively powerful figures.    


Right, there was also someone called Obama. He seemed to be rather famous. Just like the two guys in front of Yang Fann, they were both black.    


Therefore, Yang Fann didn't look down on the black man at all, and there was no racial discrimination in the legends. On the contrary, as one of the most powerful people in the world, Yang Fann was quite disgusted with racial discrimination.    


However, even if they didn't discriminate against Black Brother, it didn't mean that Yang Fann had to respect all the blacks. Every race had their own good people, and similarly, there were also many bad people.    


A man with blood on his hands, can you call him a good man?    


The answer is uncertainty.    


However, there was at least one rule. Those who killed many people were usually not good people. The best case scenario would be soldiers serving a certain country.    


To Yang Fann, as long as they were not Chinese soldiers, anyone who had killed people was not a good person. Even if the two Black Brother did as they were told, Yang Fann would hypnotize them into doing so without burdening them.    


In a sense, being hypnotized by Yang Fann once is much better than being raped once. At least it won't leave any physical wounds. As long as Yang Fann doesn't do anything, there won't be much damage to the soul.    


Yang Fann did not lead the two Wu steelers back to their room, nor did he go to his own rented house. He went to the same coffee shop that he went to with Uncle Sam and Miss Julie a few days ago.    


When the fat waitress saw that Yang Fann had come again with two more companions, her sexy thick lips immediately pouted. She was waiting for Uncle Sam, the mature man who gave her a tip for the first time and was even giving her a 100 RMB tip.    


It was a pity that Yang Fann, this playful big radish, changed friends faster than changing clothes. The fat girl wanted to ask Uncle Sam where he had gone, but she was afraid that the two Wu steelers beside Yang Fann would not leave in the end, so she opened her mouth several times.    


Yang Fann felt like he had discovered a new continent. He didn't notice it the first two times, but this time, he was finally found out. The fat girl that greeted him was a person with super six senses.    


Other people would look at Black Brother with either contempt or disregard. At most, they would be curious, but the fat girl looked at them nervously and fearfully.    


What did this mean? It meant that the fat girl felt the killing intent from the two Black Brother. Yang Fann had been observing them for a long time, other than the fat girl, no one else could feel the terror from the two Black Brother.    


The reason why she said that they had some potential was because the fat girl could only feel the baleful aura from the two Wu steelers, but not from Uncle Sam and Miss Julie. Their baleful aura might be far inferior to the two Wu steelmakers, but at least they were on the same level.    


Yang Fann's six senses were sharp at the moment, and during this special period, he had observed everyone he met, especially the people close to him, like this fat girl who had received him three times. Yang Fann had observed her three times, and he had basically mastered her every move, and even her mental activities.    


Yang Fann obviously knew that, but Yang Fann just needed to make sure that the fat girl was not a threat to him. As for whether the fat girl liked him or hated him, it didn't matter.    


Those with sharp senses usually had a strong mental energy. If Yang Fann had plans to accept a disciple, he would definitely consider the fat girl.    


Unfortunately, Yang Fann temporarily didn't want to take in a disciple. He was still young, didn't have the patience to teach disciples, and also didn't have the intention of using nameless martial skills. Controlling the mind was not a good method, if he fell into the wrong hands, who knows how many sins he would commit.    


It was true that Yang Fann's mental skills were not very good, but at least he could control himself. If it was anyone else, they would have long used their abilities to hypnotize those beautiful women and carried him to the hotel.    


"Dearest, I finally found you. Where have you been these past few days? Do you know? I can't eat or sleep, my mind is filled with thoughts about you …"    


Just when Yang Fann wanted to go up to the second floor, a sexy woman suddenly stood up in a booth at the corner of the stairs. Just as Yang Fann wanted to go up to the second floor, a sexist woman suddenly stood up in a booth at the corner of the stairs.    




Yang Fann was dumbstruck. He never expected that Miss Julie would be at the coffee shop. Even more, he never expected that Miss Julie would still remember him!    


Yang Fann wanted to ask, "Miss, how did you not lose your memory? Don't tell me that my cultivation technique is pirated?"    


After Yang Fann and Uncle Sam and Miss Julie had understood the situation, they casually erased all the memories they had about themselves.    


Under normal circumstances, neither Uncle Sam nor Miss Julie should have remembered him. At most, they would have felt that he was a little familiar to them, just like Miss Julie was now. It was impossible for her to be like her husband, who had left home for thirty years!    


Yang Fann was starting to doubt life. He seriously doubted whether he had hypnotized Miss Julie or not. Could Miss Julie had been pretending? She was actually teasing him like a fool?    


"You are?"    


Yang Fann had a glimmer of hope that Miss Julie had recognized the wrong person. If there was something wrong with his cultivation technique, Yang Fann would have to consider refining it to avoid any problems.    


"Nicholas, how come you don't recognize me? I'm Julie. Have you forgotten that I'm Julie, the one who once had a great relationship with you?"    


Miss Julie was extremely sad. She had been looking for Yang Fann like crazy for the past few days, but she didn't expect that he had forgotten about her. How could he forget about such a beautiful night?    


"Spring Festival?" Yang Fann finally felt reassured. Since when did he have a romantic relationship with Miss Julie? This girl probably had fucked too many men and mistook him for someone else.    


But what the hell was Nicholas? F * ck, I just randomly made up a name after hypnotizing Julie last time, how could this woman still remember it?    


Yang Fann was confused. Miss Julie still remembered what happened last time, but what happened in Spring Breeze?    


If she didn't remember, what about Nicholas?    


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