Take Along A Spring



2In terms of handling animals, Yang Fann had already concluded a complete set of experiences. Bastards like the unlucky child Gold Leopard were still under Yang Fann's power, not to mention a bear that had yet to taste human flesh.     1


Within a few days, the bear was completely conquered by Yang Fann's carrot and stick method, and became Yang Fann's loyal and loyal man.    


Yang Fann's method of taming a bear was very simple. If it wasn't obedient, he would fight, and if it was obedient, he would give it some benefits, such as a Spatial Live Fish, or even a little bit of a Spatial Honey. To a super glutton like a bear, any food within the Space of Jade Pendant was incomparably attractive, and was basically unable to resist.    


As the bear gave in, Yang Fann temporarily gave up on the idea of tasting the paw. The paw could be eaten again in the future. Living bears, especially those in the wild, weren't easy to catch. Even if he wanted to catch one, he wouldn't have the time to find one.    


Currently, Yang Fann was very interested in raising animals, as they were much more reliable than humans. Especially after the incident with Yang Tieliang, Yang Fann had already lost trust in this unpredictable thing called human heart, so he had to be on his guard against it.    


After staying in the Space of Jade Pendant for a few days, it was already dawn in the outside world. Yang Fann let out all the animals other than the unlucky child Gold Leopard, including the bear that he just tamed.    


The unlucky child, the Gold Alloyed Panther, harbored deep resentment. This was too unfair! The bear had just been caught, yet it was released.    


The Gold Leopard didn't think why it would be treated differently. Before it met Yang Fann, it ate people, yet Yang Fann told it to go out and work, it actually dared to run away, losing Yang Fann's trust. It was already a relief not to be killed by Yang Fann, it was impossible for it to go out again.    


Yang Fann didn't have time to catch more leopards. Although the Gold Alloyed Panther appeared very docile and wouldn't run away, Yang Fann didn't believe it. Even if he did believe it, he didn't want to take any risks.    


The reason why the bear was released by Yang Fann was because it was sitting in a house. If Yang Fann wanted to find Mountain God Temple, it was most likely going to fall onto the bear's body.    


Unfortunately, the bear was still not smart enough to communicate with Yang Fann. Yang Fann didn't understand what Yang Fann meant, nor did Yang Fann understand what it meant. Yang Fann could only let the bear learn from the group and hope to be enlightened soon.    


From the west mountain peak down, they passed through countless huge trees. Yang Fann had to change his pants by two, but there were too many bushes and thorns. Unless Yang Fann climbed up the tree, his pants would be hung up like a beggar's.    


It was impossible to climb the trees, Yang Fann was currently looking for Mountain God Temple, not blindly travelling. The trees were very lush, if they walked on the trees, it was very easy for them to miss what they were looking for.    


Fortunately, the human buildings that Xiaoming and Xiaohong discovered could be seen from the air. The local trees weren't too lush, so it was easy to find.    


Plus, Black Bear, Xue'er and the bear in the house were leading the way, they barely encountered any danger along the way. It only took Yang Fann an hour to find the place Xiaoming and Xiaohong found.    


When Yang Fann saw a dilapidated building on the hillside, his eyes immediately lit up. That's right, it should be the Mountain God Temple that he was looking for, because no one would build their house into a temple, unless it was the palace or the mansion of a prince or minister.    


"Come, Old Li, look. Did you see that Mountain God Temple when you hypnotized Aunt Lee?"    


Yang Fann told Xiaoming and Xiaohong to drag Section Chief Lee out of the desert. Section Chief Lee was even worse off than his unlucky child, the Gold Leopard. Every time Xiaoming and Xiaohong grabbed him, they would knock him out.    


Section Chief Lee shook his confused head, rubbed his slanted eyes, and pressed his throbbing temples. He was surprised to find that he had actually left the desert and appeared in the middle of the green mountains and rivers. What a great experience!    


The moist air made Section Chief Lee want to happily moan. The surrounding green plants made Section Chief Lee want to sing out loud. If it wasn't for Yang Fann, that hateful scumbag from the Sky Piercing Sword, the scene would have been perfect.    


However, when Section Chief Lee became a bit more clear-headed, he was horrified to find that other than that repulsive bastard Yang Fann, there was also a group of ferocious animals eyeing him covetously!    


What was going on?    


Is that Yang guy going to feed me to the animals?    


Section Chief Lee couldn't help but tremble at the thought of the pile of feces that he could turn into. Too scary, death is already scary enough, he has to be eaten by a group of animals and become their feces. Just the thought of it makes people shudder.    


Seeing Section Chief Lee's bear-like look, Yang Fann couldn't help but frown. He didn't know what was going on with the department, how could they get a bear bag as their leader. Was such a big Huaxia really unable to find talent?    


"Old Li, don't dilly-dally. If you don't focus, I'm going to beat you up!"    


The moment Yang Fann said that, Section Chief Lee immediately woke up from his panic. After all, he was a powerhouse with the Spirit Power that had awakened hypnotism, so his mental defense could not be destroyed that easily.    


"Oh, oh, let me see. It doesn't look like it. The temple I saw during my hypnosis is quite new. This temple is too dilapidated!"    


However, Yang Fann didn't pay much attention to it. When Section Chief Lee hypnotized Aunt Lee, it should have been reflected in Mountain Elf's memories, and if Mountain Elf's memories were related to Mountain God Temple, it should have been a brand-new temple, not a dilapidated Mountain God Temple.    


"It's okay, Old Li. It's okay if you can't see it clearly. Let's go in and take a look, okay?"    


Yang Fann's attitude was very kind, so kind that Section Chief Lee felt that it wasn't real. However, when he thought about it, Section Chief Lee really wanted to curse in his heart. No wonder his surname was Yang.    


It was one thing to understand it, but to actually take action was another. Section Chief Lee knew that Yang Fann did not have any good intentions, but he still had to bite the bullet and walk towards the Mountain God Temple.    


There was no helping it, as the saying goes, a man is a chopping block, while I am a fish, if you listen obediently you might still be able to live. If you disobey the surname of Yang, the lightest would be to throw yourself back into the terrifying desert and continue to suffer.    


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