Take Along A Spring



0Previously, when Lisa had left the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, she had left with Bing Feng. Now, Bing Feng had returned, but Lisa had no trace of her whereabouts.    


Yang Fann also asked Bing Feng for information about Lisa, but Bing Feng kept her mouth shut, saying that she was only in charge of taking Lisa away. She didn't know what happened after that, so it was pointless asking her.    


Yang Fann was angry, the consequences were serious, and since Comrade Bing Feng didn't tell him about Lisa, he didn't tell Bing Feng Lisa's secret.    


Of course, Lisa had Mimi … Ahem, there was a secret. It was the thing in the box that seemed like an ancient fossil. However, when she and Bing Feng left, she did not take it with her. Other than Yang Fann and Lisa, no one else knew.    


Of course, Lisa still took the small box with her, because Bing Feng had seen that box before. If Lisa didn't bring it with her, it would be impossible to fool her.    


However, Lisa had secretly buried the thing that looked like an ancient fossil in the small box. She had used an ordinary plastic box to bury it under a blueberry tree on Pear Ridge while she was pretending to walk around. The small box only contained an ordinary rock.    


During that time, Yang Fann had always been paying attention to Lisa and Bing Feng. Every single movement of theirs couldn't escape Yang Fann's surveillance, otherwise, no matter how one looked at it, these two super beauties … No, it was exposing their plot.    


After Lisa and Comrade Bing Feng left, Underground World and related departments continuously sent people over. Yang Fann knew that they were looking for something that Lisa had left behind in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, but Yang Fann did not tell them.    


Although Lisa's ancient fossil may be very valuable, Yang Fann didn't have the intention to take it for himself. Firstly, he wasn't short on money right now, and secondly, that thing seemed to be very troublesome. Didn't a lot of people look for it?    


He felt that if the Space of Jade Pendant wanted to continue evolving, it would most likely land on the sariras. Since he had absorbed one sariras, the Space of Jade Pendant had opened the fog wall, and if he absorbed another, would he be able to open up the barrier of the desert?    


That's right, Yang Fann believed that the reason why the desert was so boundless was because of the barrier. Just like the fog wall from before, as long as he could open the barrier, he would be able to leave the desert and explore further.    


The second wave of tourists from Jade Spring Mountain Villa left. According to Yang Fann's request, with Jin Cuier and Qin Mengyao as the leaders, the two little girls were excited and apprehensive. Excited because Yang Fann had set his eyes on them, they were afraid that they would fail to handle the matter.    


After the second wave of tourists left, Yang Fann was free again. Jade Spring Mountain Villa was still in the process of being deactivated, and even if Lin Xiaoling and Yang Sanmao had returned, they wouldn't be able to continue working as usual.    


Due to the high motivation of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa employees, they constantly asked when they could return to work. This led to Lin Xiaoling repeatedly calling Yang Fann to ask him, telling him to quickly think of a way to resume the normal production of Jade Spring Mountain Villa as soon as possible.    


What a joke, Jade Spring Mountain Villa was such a good treatment, who would want to change jobs, what if Jade Spring Mountain Villa was not allowed to go, wouldn't everyone cry to death then?    


Lin Xiaoling kept urging him, making Yang Fann upset. If it was anyone else, they would have already slapped Yang Fann hard. But Lin Xiaoling was different, she was one of the wives chosen by Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann even wanted to go to Yanjing himself, and ask Ren Yi why he still wasn't done with the things that he promised. At that time, Ren Yi said that he would inform him when he gets back, that Jade Spring Mountain Villa production will be resumed, and there was no news of him until now.    


As for the position of Special Operations Branch Captain that Ren Yi had promised Yang Fann, Yang Fann did not care about it at all. Special Operations Branch was not opened by Ren Yi, so he can make whoever is the leader?    


Even if Ren Yi said so, Yang Fann didn't think that he would let him be the leader. If he didn't cause trouble for him, then it would be because of him.    


Actually, in Yang Fann's heart, he already knew that Ren Yi would definitely find trouble with him. Moreover, it was a very big trouble, even to the point that his life was on the line.    


Yang Fann had long heard from Section Chief Lee who was imprisoned in Space of Jade Pendant that every single person in Special Operations Branch was unaffected by human life. No matter how honest a person is, as long as they join Special Operations Branch, they would have to submit a letter and kill a person in front of everyone.    


Of course, the people who were killed were all particular people and not random people. For example, murderers and rapists.    


Of course, not all of them were criminals, and there were even a few unlucky ones who offended the Special Operations Branch.    


Just as Yang Fann was considering whether to have a chat with Ren Yi, in a high-end clubhouse in Yanjing City, a man dressed in camouflage was meeting with a gentle man wearing glasses.    


If Yang Fann was here, he would recognize at a glance that the man in camouflage clothes was Tong Sandai, who had once found someone to beat up his black gun.    


If it was just to find someone to shoot at Yang Fann's black gun, Tong Sandai would have nothing to do with it, even if it was known to others. Yang Fann was just a small farmer, it was no big deal if he was beaten to death.    


It was a pity that Tong Sandai was so daring. He actually held a grudge against Bing Feng for helping Yang Fann. While Bing Feng was leading her men on a mission in Myanmar, he leaked the news to the enemy forces outside the country.    


This was like a blow to a hornet's nest. Even though Tong Sandai's grandfather, Tong Yuan, tried his best to save Tong Sandai and promised many conditions to Old Bing's family, but still couldn't save him completely. Not only did Tong Sandai lose his colonel title, he also lost his military credentials and was expelled from the army.    


After the incident was over, the first generation told Tong Sandai to not cause any more trouble for Bing Feng. This matter was already over, and if he didn't want any more trouble, it would be best for him to avoid going abroad.    


Unfortunately, Tong Sandai had been accustomed to this since he was young, how could he listen to the advice of the first generation of children? It was already a favor for the first generation of children to be able to resist the urge to take action against Bing Feng, and he had even gone abroad to avoid it.    


He couldn't do anything to Bing Feng, so he didn't stop him from doing something to Yang Fann. As the main culprit behind his expulsion from the military, Yang Fann was one of the people Tong Sandai wanted to kill the most.    


Therefore, Tong Sandai found the bespectacled man and prepared to teach Yang Fann a ruthless lesson. Even if it wouldn't take his life, he had to make him unable to take care of himself for the rest of his life, preferably unable to get out of bed for the rest of his life!    


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