Take Along A Spring



1Seeing Yang Fann's defeated look, Bing Feng's mood improved a lot. Ever since she met this guy, Bing Feng had never been happy. Every time she was with him, she would always be unlucky.    


Who knew that Yang Fann, who was a little depressed just now, immediately threw the unhappiness to the back of his mind and started discussing with Bing Feng whether he should punish the operator or expel her. It would be fine if she was pretty, but if she wasn't pretty, then there was no room for discussion on whether to expel her!    


However, Bing Feng no longer had the time to get angry with Yang Fann. As time passed, the number of police cars that had surrounded them increased. Even with Bing Feng's ace agents' driving skills, they were all sweating profusely.    


"Comrade Bing Feng, are you still okay? "If that doesn't work, then just say it. I'll do it myself."    


The key was to not get caught by the police. If Lingnan King had a subordinate who had infiltrated the inner circle of the people secretly did something to him in Police Station, would he have to endure or resist?    


It was one thing to have tried something against him, but Bing Feng was such a pretty and delicate person. If she got hurt by someone, it would be such a waste of her treasures!    


Like most men, Yang Fann had a strong possessiveness and a little desire to protect beautiful things. Even if it wasn't his own, he didn't want to see beautiful things destroyed. This was the greatest weakness of a perfectionist.    


In the mountains, how could Shepherd boy possibly care about perfection? There was food, it was already good enough to have clothes, even if the food did not taste good, the clothes were made roughly.    


However, when Yang Fann activated Space of Jade Pendant, and his Space of Jade Pendant continued to level up, his tendency towards perfection became more and more serious.    


There was no helping it, after eating well, how could he still be willing to eat bad food? After wearing good clothes, how could he still be willing to wear it? He was surrounded by super beauties, how could he place his wife's choice on those dinosaurs!    


This was why those second generation ancestors who had grown up in a honeypot couldn't stand hardships. This was the reason, and in the end, they couldn't be blamed, but their parents couldn't be blamed for not having a good education to remember their hardships.    


Bing Feng had her doubts about Yang Fann's driving skills, but she also had to give her car to Yang Fann to drive. Bing Feng had her doubts about Yang Fann's driving skills, but she had to give her car to Yang Fann to drive.    


Changing drivers in the course of a speeding car was a rather difficult action, but in an urgent situation, it was necessary to change drivers no matter how difficult it was.    


Bing Feng stood up from the seat and let Yang Fann sit in the driver's seat, then she sat on Yang Fann and handed over the control rights of steering wheel and throttle brake to Yang Fann one by one. Finally, Bing Feng moved to the front passenger seat.    


This time, Yang Fann firmly experienced the feeling of Bing Feng's buttocks. It was plump, perfectly round, and full of elasticity. It was a rare quality that most people would not be able to endure even once in their lives!    


With Yang Fann's current perverted touch, Bing Feng only sat on his leg once and it felt as if he had touched her with his hand. He could even clearly feel the rhythmic movements of every muscle on Bing Feng's buttocks. That was quite shameless!    


Yang Fann couldn't just ignore that wonderful feeling he just had. This was the sorrow of a bachelor. With a girlfriend's consolation, even the slightest bit of stimulation would cause a violent reaction. It was all driven by instinct, not by one's will!    


"Surnamed Yang, what kind of smile is that?" "Pay attention to driving, and if you dare to think too much, don't you think that I won't castrate you?"    


Bing Feng immediately guessed what Yang Fann was thinking when she saw the vulgar smile on Yang Fann's face. When she thought about how she was sitting on this wretched guy's leg while moving to the front passenger seat, and how there was an inevitable friction with his thigh, Bing Feng had the urge to tear Yang Fann apart. She felt extremely displeased!    


"Ugh …" Yang Fann was very embarrassed, as if he was caught by the main driver during the peeping process. However, he wouldn't admit it: "Which eye of yours saw that I was thinking too much, didn't you see me focusing on driving?"    


Bing Feng was about to expose Yang Fann's lie when she suddenly realized that Yang Fann didn't seem to be lying this time. The incoming police cars had already been thrown behind him, and she didn't know how this guy drove them. With a shake of his body, the cars went through the gap between the police cars.    


At this moment, the car that Yang Fann was driving was like a ball king dancing samba on a green field. Bing Feng was like a super fan watching a match in person. She was so intoxicated by the scene that she couldn't wait to strip her arms off and rush up to cheer him up!    


Lingnan City's prosperity far exceeded that of Jiangnan City City, and there were many temporary parking lots on the eight-lane main road. Under such congested roads, Yang Fann had forcefully turned an ordinary car into a world car race, and it was even the kind of fancy show.    


As time passed, Bing Feng, who was on the side, became more and more anxious. She had called the higher ups for almost ten minutes already, yet the number of police cars chasing after her did not decrease, instead increased, so why did she have to be able to catch them even if she had to turn the entire Lingnan city upside down?    


Lingnan King had been in the Lingnan for so many years, and in every aspect, it was his network. If something happened to Lingnan King, it would involve a large number of people, and those who might be implicated, who would obediently wait for death? Who wouldn't go all out to protect Lingnan King!    


At present, even Bing Feng's superior leadership couldn't get close to him. Normally, you could order them to be the commander in chief, but this time, it was related to so many people's lives. Who would listen to a phone call from a bureaucrat in the capital?    


Bing Feng couldn't wait for the result, so she called her superior once again. The superior told her to hold on, and that the superior department was in the process of coordinating. Soon, the result would come out.    


Yang Fann cursed in his heart. Coordinate my ass, he thought of Bing Feng as a three year old child, coaxing her like she was his child. Why are you still coordinating? By the time the two of you were done coordinating, Bing Feng would probably have already been killed, right?    


Yang Fann was not exaggerating because he saw that people were all shooting at them in several police cars. If it wasn't for him using other cars to block the angle of the shots, someone might have already shot at them!    


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