Take Along A Spring



0Luckily, Yang Fann's worry did not become a reality as Lingnan was a large city after all. Even if someone had to sacrifice their position in order to save Lingnan King, but not all of the police officers who carried out missions on the spot were idiots; whether or not they could even hit Yang Fann's car while shooting on the busy road was something that no one could take responsibility for.    


Luckily, Yang Fann's driving skills were abnormal. After running around the city for more than ten minutes under pressure, he realized that the number of police cars chasing them became fewer and fewer. In the end, there wasn't even one left.    


"Alright, I guess we're safe now." Even though Yang Fann's physical fitness far exceeded that of an ordinary person, and with more than ten minutes of intense concentration, he was exhausted. Seeing that there were finally no more dangers, he stopped the car by the roadside to rest.    


Sure enough, after a while, Bing Feng's personal phone rang. It was Bing Feng's superior telling her not to contact anyone in the area, and to drive Lingnan King back to Yanjing.    


Bing Feng also knew that the danger hadn't been resolved yet, so she got Yang Fann to quickly call the driver of Jiangnan Security Bureau who sent them here. The car they were driving was the one Bing Feng got from the back of Lingnan King's secret villa complex.    


Not long after, Jiangnan Security Bureau's driver arrived. Bing Feng and Yang Fann carried the unconscious Lingnan King onto their car, got into the car and left Lingnan, their target was Yanjing.    


As a precaution, Bing Feng had the driver take another route to prevent the theft of the car.    


Yang Fann didn't want to get into any more trouble, so he didn't object.    


Actually, if it wasn't for the fact that he was worried about exposing his secret, Yang Fann wouldn't be afraid of the so-called carjacking. Unless the other party used a weapon of mass destruction, no one would be able to snatch Lingnan King away from Yang Fann!    


It was unknown if it was due to Bing Feng's caution or because her superior had taken action, but the journey was peaceful and nothing unexpected had happened.    


Yang Fann sent Buddha to the west, and didn't get off midway. He directly followed Bing Feng to Yanjing, since he had more freedom in time, it wouldn't affect him even if he delayed for one or two days.    


Compared to Lingnan, Yanjing City was simply like a different world. The people of Lingnan were still many out in the open, but the people of Yanjing were all wearing winter clothes, and were even shivering from the cold.    


However, Bing Feng and Yang Fann did not feel the cold. Firstly, they were sitting in the car with warm wind blowing. Secondly, their bodies were much stronger than normal people and they had a higher resistance to the cold.    


When Bing Feng and Yang Fann's car arrived at their destination, Yang Fann started to feel depressed because Bing Feng politely invited him out of the car and didn't let him into the place where Bing Feng worked.    


If you don't want to enter, then don't want to enter, what's there to be proud of. Yang Fann silently cursed, while waving for a taxi, intending to take a good stroll around Yanjing City to experience its local customs.    


The first stop, of course, was the famous Forbidden City.    


The Palace is known as the world's top five palaces, namely, the Palace of Yanjing, the Palace of Versailles in France, the Palace of Buckingham, the White House of the United States, and the Kremlin in Rose, Russia. Has been listed as the world cultural heritage, national key cultural relics protection units, national AA level tourism scenic spots.    


The Old Palace was a royal palace of two generations in Ming and Qing dynasties in China. In the old days, it was known as the Forbidden City, and it was situated in the center of the axis of the Yanjing.    


With the three great halls as the center, the Palace covers an area of 720 thousand square meters, with an area of about 150 thousand square meters. There are more than 70 palaces of different sizes and over 9000 houses. It is one of the largest and most intact wooden structures in existence in the world.    


Not only the Old Palace, Tiananmen Square, the Great Hall of the People, and the Hero Monument of the People were all sights worth looking at. This was Yang Fann's first time coming to the Yanjing, so he had to look at these sights that he was familiar with since childhood.    


Yang Fann's mental fortitude was not bad, and he actually didn't feel too tired driving from Lingnan to Lingnan. After driving around for a long time, he still felt that it wasn't over yet and even went to a street full of snacks and food.    


The donkey meat was being cooked, the small intestine was being stewed, and the soy sauce was being roasted. A bowl of authentic old Yanjing fried noodles was served to Yang Fann, who was extremely happy and satisfied the appetite of a super glutton!    


That night, Bing Feng didn't contact Yang Fann at all. This made Yang Fann's hatred towards her run deep. He didn't even have the ability to call her by her phone. He didn't know how to be polite at all.    


Since there was no one to entertain, Yang Fann had to arrange his own accommodation. The feeling that the Yanjing hotel gave him was just one word — expensive.    


Fortunately, Yang Fann was not lacking in money. If it was before Space of Jade Pendant was activated, he would rather sleep under the bridge for the night than stay in a hotel with Yanjing.    


The next day, Yang Fann got up early to go to Tiananmen Square to see the flag. When he was in elementary school, one of his classmates went to Yanjing to see the flag, and when he returned, he showed off the flag in front of his classmates all day long.    


Even though Yang Fann was young at the time, he had a large goal. He was determined to go to Yanjing when he grows up and raise the flag once in a while!    


Now, as Yang Fann stood in Tiananmen Square, watching the five-star red flag gradually rise, he no longer had the yearning of the past, what remained was only the memories of his childhood.    


Especially when Yang Fann saw the five star red flag floating together with the fog, he felt that the sky above Yanjing wasn't as blue as he had imagined. Not only was it not blue, it was even grayish, making him feel depressed.    


If Yang Fann had to describe his feeling, it would be that there was a huge pot in the sky above Yanjing. It was depressing, depressing, and suffocating, and it was not open at all!    


After admiring the fog and burying things, Yang Fann finished another dream from his childhood, and strolled around the Yanjing animals for a long time.    


Lions, tigers, hippopotamus, elephants, and pandas that specialize in acting cute all took a glance at it. Yang Fann lamented the sadness of the animals, sighed about how powerful humans were, pretended to pity the species on Earth, and then left in a natural and unrestrained manner, not even sparing a glance at those pitiful animals.    


In the afternoon, it was Heaven Altar, North Sea Park and Summer Palace. Yang Fann was originally planning to go to the Great Wall the next day, but as the saying goes, until he reaches Everlasting City, he won't be a hero. Since he came to Yanjing, he had to stroll around the Great Wall.    


However, Yang Fann's plan was destined to fail. Bing Feng finally called him at night and asked him to meet the next day. She said that her superior wanted to see Yang Fann and had something to discuss with him.    


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