Take Along A Spring



1The Bureau of Ecclesiastical Affairs, collectively known as the Bureau of National Religious Affairs, is mainly responsible for national and religious work, coordinating national and religious relations, promoting harmony and maintaining the united front of the motherland.    


To put it bluntly, it was like a water yamen who had nothing better to do, especially today when there was such a strict crackdown. As long as the bureau chief did not want to be invited to tea by the relevant department, he would not be able to get a single strand of money.    


Er Nizi's father was this kind of bureau chief. It sounded awesome, but in reality, his authority was limited to only one acre and three parts of the land. If he wanted to control a large company like Comfortable Toilet Boots, they wouldn't even need to piss on him!    


After all, he couldn't use the power in his hands to send a few religious experts to cripple Wang Dong. For example, he could send a Knight of Light or a bloodthirsty Taoist and directly kill Wang Dong or suck him dry.    


Of course, Er Nizi's dad really wanted to do this, but he didn't know these religious people. He wanted to find some ethnic extremists to play with Wang Dong or something like that, but Jiangnan wasn't a heavily affected region, so he couldn't find such a ruthless person!    


Er Nizi's father had no choice but to find out if there was anyone in the public security system who could talk to him. After all, he found the head of the department, a converted disciple in a temple, and after that so-called Buddhist disciple had asked him about the situation, he found out that he earned more tax than he earned in a year on a sanitary towel, and it was even a joint unit of the police. Last month, he even donated ten police cars to the police.    


Er Nizi heard her dad saying that she couldn't suppress the arrogant Wang Dong at all, so she made up her mind and gritted her teeth. She decided to hide at home and not come to class anymore, unlike Su Xiaolu.    


No matter how arrogant Wang Dong was, he wasn't as good as Lingnan King's children. Since Er Nizi didn't come to class when she was hiding at home, he didn't dare to go straight to her house to lure others out. For the time being, Er Nizi couldn't make a move and could only come up with one goal.    


The next target was Bai Mei's sister, White Snow. Wang Dong was a lot more gentle than Er Nizi when it came to dealing with White Snow, Wang Dong believed that White Snow's legs would not be destroyed so quickly by other boars due to her disability. He had plenty of time to slowly cook it, and sooner or later, he would be able to carry the little beauty to bed!    


Therefore, Wang Dong started to appear in front of White Snow frequently. As long as White Snow's figure appeared in the campus, Wang Dong would arrive soon. No one knew what spy Wang Dong planted next to White Snow was very accurate, he wouldn't miss a chance to meet White Snow even once.    


This time, White Snow didn't dare to move about in the campus. Wang Dong was pursuing her normally, so she couldn't call the police. If she called the police, she wouldn't care about the young people's love affairs.    


The biggest beneficiary of Wang Dong's pursuit for Er Nizi and Bai Yi was not Er Nizi who hid at home and didn't dare to come to class, nor White Snow who hid in the dorm and didn't dare to go out, nor Wang Dong who didn't succeed, but someone else.    


This beneficiary was none other than a bystander from the Jiangnan University School of Medicine, the owner of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa and the owner of the Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann.    


Because Er Nizi had dodged and the snow had shrunk, no one bothered him anymore.    


Yang Fann welcomed a rare moment of peace and quiet within the Jiangnan University Academy.    


Listening to class, reading, taking a walk, and enjoying the scenery, Yang Fann felt that his attitude was unprecedented. Even when he was in university, he wasn't as relaxed as he was now!    


However, Yang Fann had only enjoyed his leisurely life for a few days, yet trouble had already come knocking on his door.    


"You are Yang Fann? That country bumpkin who's always bothering Snow White and Xia He? " On a tree-lined path, a group of colourful looking hoodlums stopped Yang Fann.    


Er Nizi, her original name was Xia He. Because Yang Fann was too lazy to ask for her name, he gave her a memorable code name.    


After a long time, Yang Fann naturally knew that Er Nizi's name was Xia He, but he did not think much of Xia He's name. Xia He, and also Spring Orchid, Autumn Chrysanthemum, and Winter Plum.    


In short, the name of Widow Li's room was Cui Hua, Li Cui Hua.    


Yang Fann looked at the bunch of tattooed gangsters and laughed: "You guys are the people that the Second Leader, Wang Dong, called us, right? Xia He and White Snow are not people that you can touch. If you offend the power behind them, you probably won't even know how you died. "    


At this point, Yang Fann had no interest in fighting with these hoodlums. He was like an ant that had evolved into a giant dragon, how could he care about the provocation of a few ants?    


Hehe, you seem to be very good, I don't know about Xia He and White Snow, but we can offend a country bumpkin like you, and today the brothers won't hold back and break one of their own legs for you, as long as you listen obediently, the brothers will guarantee that they won't burst your chrysanthemum, haha, hahahaha! "    


The tattooed guys laughed happily, not noticing that Yang Fann, who they mocked, didn't even look at them. Yang Fann sneered and waved towards the little forest not far away: "Hey, the guy hiding there, why aren't you coming out to die? Do you want me to personally drag you?"    


Yang Fann said it three times in a row before a person walked out of the woods hesitantly. He was quite big and big. If he wasn't the Little Boss Wang Dong of Comfortable Toilets, who else could he be?    


Wang Dong knew that Yang Fann could fight since he witnessed Yang Fann's valiant performance in the swimming pool. He didn't hold any hope for his lackeys at all and directly invited a bunch of hoodlums from society to deal with Yang Fann.    


In Wang Dong's eyes, it didn't matter if it was Er Nizi or White Snow, it was only because of Yang Fann that they avoided him. Only by beating Yang Fann down, would Er Nizi and White Snow give up and just play around with him.    


As for why he dared to touch Yang Fann, it was obvious. He was just a boorish person that could be beaten. Even if he was crippled, it would at most be a loss.    


Wang Dong also did an investigation on Yang Fann. After graduating with the same Jiangnan University, he worked as a shop assistant for half a year and then went home to farm. He heard that he contracted a small farm and lost all his face to his girlfriend!    


No wonder Er Nizi and White Snow were still virgins even after following Yang Fann around all day. This country bumpkin was simply a coward. Such a pretty girl dared not to touch them. If he wasn't a coward, what else could he be?    


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