Take Along A Spring





Yamamoto Miche covered his face and stared blankly for a long time. Finally, he recovered from his shock and pounced towards Yang Fann like a cow who had received a mad cow disease from Japan.    


"Damn, bro's sexual orientation is very normal, I'm not hugging you, Old Japanese!"    


Yang Fann didn't dodge the attack at all. He casually grabbed the tea table in front of him and moved it in front of him to block it.    




Yamamoto Miche felt as if he had hit a wall. His brain, which was not clear from Yang Fann's slap, once again crashed into the plane. His body fell onto the ground like a dead dog and couldn't get up for a long time.    


This was Yang Fann opening up Yamamoto Miche's net, using the tea table's surface to stop him for a bit. If Yang Fann was fierce enough, he would directly use the corner of the coffee table to face Yamamoto Miche.    


"How was it, Miss Minako? Was my move just now handsome?" Yang Fann didn't even look at Yamamoto Miche who was squirming on the ground, and instead said to Minako, who was still in shock, while blinking his eyes.    


"Ah, handsome …" "No, no, it's not handsome, nor is it. Aiya …"    


Minako didn't know how to reply, but the good home tutoring she had received since she was young made her feel that it was rude not to answer, so she spoke incoherently, causing Yang Fann to laugh loudly. He felt that this Japan woman was quite cute.    


Ever since he was sent to Huaxia by the company, Yamamoto Michenna had been the one receiving the highest reception ever. Since when did he ever suffer such a huge loss like he did today, when he was rejected by a little country bumpkin and even got slapped, it was the shame of the Great Japan!    


It was just that Yamamoto Michan did not have a blade, if it was Japan, he would definitely pull it out and cut Yang Fann. A small peasant like Yang Fann would be chopped off by people with status in the Japan, and no one would stand up for them.    


Don't just look at the many people cheering for the Japanese on the internet, saying how much more civilized your Japan is than China. If you really go there and live for a while, you will know, and the degree of bloodshed may be just a little stronger than the Middle East. It's just that you don't know about the people outside due to the cover of your so-called civilization.    


Of course, Yang Fann also didn't know the true situation of Japan, he didn't want to know either, didn't want to study diplomacy, and didn't want to study history.    


"Miss Minako, please take care of your work first. We'll go out to eat together later. I'll wait for you outside."    


Yang Fann's tone was tough. He didn't even give Minako a chance to refuse. After he finished speaking, he turned around and left. He glared at her viciously and choked down the rejection that Minako was about to say.    


Minako had always had a good family background. She had never seen someone as domineering as Yang Fann. Especially when she was glared at by him just now, her heart was beating rapidly. She was afraid that Yang Fann would slap her in her face if he got angry!    


Actually, the main reason why Minako didn't reject Yang Fann was because she slept in the same suite with Yang Fann last night. If Yang Fann was just a stranger, no matter how delicate Minako was, she wouldn't be scared by a single word from him to obediently eat with him.    


A woman's mentality can be strange at times. Once she gives up on being wary of a man, she becomes very bold, as if she is not afraid of him harming her at all.    


Minako might have been drunk last night, but there were still a few memory fragments from time to time, so she hadn't forgotten everything.    


For example, the scene of Yang Fann helping her get a room in a hotel, the scene of Yang Fann fumbling for her ID, and of course, the scene of Yang Fann leaving her on the bed without looking back. Minako might have lost her ability to act and judge at the time, but when she thought back, she couldn't help but sigh at her own bravery, being drunk with an unfamiliar man, and even getting a room with him, it felt like a dream!    


A Japan woman, especially one who had received a good traditional education, was very obedient. Unknowingly, Yang Fann had left an incredibly strong impression on Minako's heart, making her unable to have any thoughts of resisting, and she even faintly felt the pleasure of being conquered!    


Of course, Minako did not know about the so called 'subjugation pleasure', but it was only present in her subconscious mind. Minako was not a psychologist, and after all, she had never been in a relationship, so she was not aware of the change in her attitude and was still using rejection of Yang Fann's impoliteness as an excuse.    


Yamamoto Miche wanted to call the police, but when he picked up his phone, he hesitated. Even the police believed his testimony, at most Yang Fann was in violation of the law and order, there was no point in detaining him for a few days and paying him a little medical fee.    


If that happened, it would expose the conflict between him and Yang Fann, which would be detrimental to his future actions. Yamamoto Miche was not here to get angry at Yang Fann, his final goal was still to obtain the technical information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa. At the very least, he would need to obtain the seed after the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, or else the big shot behind him would not let him off!    


Therefore, Yamamoto Miche only asked Minako to bring him a few ice scarves and he went back to his room to apply them. Right now, it was really inconvenient for him to meet other people with his big pig head; to Japanese, who always cared about his image, it was like taking his life!    


When Minako saw Yamamoto's return to her room, she quickly went back to her own room to change. She didn't know what she was thinking, so she quietly slipped out and went to the hotel lobby to meet Yang Fann!    


When Minako saw Yang Fann, he was sitting in a corner of the lobby, listening to people play the piano. The Fuhua Hotel was indeed a five-star hotel, there was a fountain in the lobby, and beside the fountain, there was a real person playing the piano.    


"Does Boss Yang like the piano too?"    


Minako stood coquettishly in front of Yang Fann, making his eyes light up. "I do like it, but I don't understand."    


What Yang Fann said was the truth and he didn't pretend to understand in front of a beauty.    


"Since you like it, can I play a song for you?"    


Minako didn't know what had happened to her. She really wanted to prove herself in front of Yang Fann. She was afraid that Yang Fann would look down on her if he treated her as Yamamoto Miche's assistant.    


"Oh? That's great. Since Miss Minako is willing to play the zither for me, I won't be disrespectful! "    


Yang Fann didn't expect Minako to take the initiative and play the zither for him. This was a good sign. A good start meant that things were already halfway there. He wondered what good news would be waiting for him tonight.    


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