Take Along A Spring



1Yamamoto Miche had been pestering Luo Zhiyuan. As long as he came to work, he would come over and drink tea all the time. He didn't say anything else and just stayed.     1


On the fourth day of Yamamoto Michenna's visit, Luo Zhiyuan placed a cheque worth one hundred thousand yuan in front of Yamamoto Miche: "Mr Yamamoto, here is your one hundred thousand yuan, please take it back. I can't get what you want, I'm sorry."    


Mr. Luo, as a person, you need to have integrity. Since you agreed to give me the technical information on your Jade Spring Mountain Villa, you need to work hard to achieve it. Even if there are difficulties, you shouldn't shrink back so easily.    


"Humph!" Mr Yamamoto, since when did I agree to give you the technical information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa, I only promised to give you some Jade Spring Mountain Villa seeds, please do not use your honesty to talk about things, this matter is disgraceful from the start, I believe you do not want everyone to know about it? "    


Luo Zhiyuan was confident. Even though he was scared, he still had to pretend that nothing had happened. Yamamoto Miche was not easy to deal with, he might really have to put in a bit of effort.    


"Fine, since Mr. Luo can't do it, then forget it. We'll work together again next time. Goodbye!"    


To Luo Zhiyuan's surprise, Yamamoto Michenna actually took the cheque and left, without any intention of tangling with him, as if he didn't care at all about his renegade.    


Luo Zhiyuan vaguely felt that something was wrong, but he couldn't think of anything at the moment, so he decided not to think about it. Since Yamamoto Miche had taken back the cheque, this matter should end here.    


However, things never stopped. Luo Zhiyuan thought that things had passed and trouble would never come to him again. However, that afternoon, Yamamoto Miche walked into his office again!    


"Mr Yamamoto, why are you here again?" "Are you still not willing to give up?"    


"Mr. Luo, I would like to invite you to see something. After that, we can discuss it later." As he said that, Yamamoto Michenna opened his phone and let Luo Zhiyuan watch a video.    


After watching the video, Luo Zhiyuan was immediately dumbfounded. This was a video that had just been recorded this morning. The main character of the video was him, Luo Zhiyuan. It was the scene where he returned the cheque to Yamamoto Miche.    


During the conversation, Luo Zhiyuan admitted that he accepted Yamamoto Miche's cheque for a hundred thousand yuan and promised to give Yamamoto Miche some form of Jade Spring Mountain Villa. Furthermore, he even took a very clear picture of the cheque, so even if he wanted to deny it, he couldn't!    


It's over!    


Luo Zhiyuan felt like he was going to die on the spot. Old Japanese was so cunning that he actually secretly recorded a video of him. If he didn't do what he said, maybe Yamamoto Miche would show this video to Yang Fann.    


Luo Zhiyuan didn't know how Yang Fann would react after seeing this video. At the very least, Luo Zhiyuan didn't know that his job was going to go down the drain, and the year-end bonus that Yang Fann promised to pay him would definitely fail. His loss would be at least a few hundred thousand yuan.    


Besides, Yamamoto Miche had even brought back a hundred thousand yuan. If the matter of him collecting the money were to be leaked, he would not even be able to get a hundred thousand yuan from Yamamoto Miche!    


This time, Luo Zhiyuan was truly flabbergasted. Yamamoto Michio didn't force him, he just sat there drinking tea and giving him time to consider.    


After considering for a long time, Luo Zhiyuan finally made up his mind and gritted his teeth: "Mr Yamamoto, it's not impossible for me to do things for you, but you have to agree to destroy the video. Plus, 100,000 yuan is not enough, I want one million!"    


"No, no, destroying the video was after you did it, a million is not possible, it's too much, I can only give you 200,000 at most, and after that is done, your character is very bad, I don't believe you."    


Yamamoto Michio did not give up, he had already seen Luo Zhiyuan's compromise. Since they knew that it was easy to deal with fear, there was nothing to fear about Chinese. As long as they broke the little dignity they had in their hearts, they would be more obedient than anyone else.    


Luo Zhiyuan argued with logic and tried to defend his rights and interests, but in the face of such a dirty deal, what rights did he have? The evidence was in Yamamoto Miche's hands, and if he didn't want to be exposed, he could only follow Yamamoto Miche's orders, he didn't even have the right to bargain.    


In the end, Luo Zhiyuan could only sigh helplessly, lamenting that he was unlucky to meet someone, that his luck was bad, and that he had been caught red-handed by Yamamoto Miche. What bad luck!    


Luo Zhiyuan even felt a faint resentment towards Yang Fann, resenting that Yang Fann had nothing to do. "You should just leave the small farmers to their own devices, why are you selling vegetables? Aren't you asking for a beating?"    


It's fine as long as you open a farm, but why the f * ck are you keeping your seeds so tight?    


The more he thought about it, the angrier Luo Zhiyuan got. He felt more and more that Yang Fann was repulsive. He did not resent Yamamoto Miche, but he was resentful towards Yang Fann instead!    


At the same time, Yang Fann, who was flirting with Minako at Dispersive Flower Courtyard, suddenly felt an itch on his nose and sneezed a few times. However, he didn't realize that someone was cursing him and thought that some beauty was missing him.    


A few days later, Yang Fann held the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's year-end summary meeting. Other than summarizing Jade Spring Mountain Villa's performance this year and looking forward to next year's development, it was Yang Fann who rewarded the meritorious personnel.    


Lin Xiaoling, Luo Zhiyuan, and Yang Sanmao's dividends were the company's secret. Yang Fann would send it to them privately, so it was inconvenient for them to make it public at the wrap-up meeting. Yang Fann had sent red packets for ordinary employees.    


According to the different levels, the amount of red packets was also different. The amount of red packets was the salary of a person for a month.    


For example, if a normal employee's basic salary was 2000, then a red packet would be 2000, while the supervisor's basic salary was 2500, then his red packet would be 2500 yuan.    


The basic salary of department heads such as Ma Wensheng had already risen to four thousand yuan. Red packets were only four thousand yuan, and above that were Luo Zhiyuan, Lin Xiaoling, and Yang Sanmao. Red packets were a percentage of the dividends, and in order to prevent the other employees from envious and resentful towards them, Yang Fann did not reveal the amount of their dividends.    


Other than the red packet, Yang Fann also gave a certain amount of Spatial Vegetable and melon fruits to every employee of Jade Spring Mountain Villa. Each of them also had a bass and pheasant, the benefits were beyond the expectations of the employees, many of them could not stop smiling.    


However, Luo Zhiyuan's request surprised Yang Fann, he wanted to change the perch into pheasant, according to the rules, Luo Zhiyuan's perch and pheasant were double, if the perch was changed into pheasant, he could get four pheasants.    


It was normal not to like fish and to like chickens, but what surprised Yang Fann was that Luo Zhiyuan actually didn't want to kill a good pheasant, but a live pheasant instead!    


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