Take Along A Spring



0If Yang Fann had encountered two water monsters earlier, then what he saw now were two goblins. Right, two naked female goblins who were only wrapped in simple cloth.    


They were Minako who came from Japan and Sofia who came from France. Although their swimming skills weren't very good, their swimming skills were very standard, looking from afar, if they weren't two crazy people who can't even pay with their lives, then what would they be?    


There were already several raving butterflies around Minako and Sofia, eager to strike up a conversation with them. Yang Fann felt that if he didn't come back in time, someone would start to take action soon.    


"Hey beauty, do you want to come up and play together?"    


Before Yang Fann could swim to Minako and Sofia's side, someone started to talk to them.    


Two handsome young men were sitting on an inflatable boat with no oars. They circled around Minako and Sofia like two sharks smelling blood, ready to pounce on their prey at any time.    


Of course, it could also be a normal courtship, but in Yang Fann's eyes, it was evil. That's right, anyone who dared to approach his woman was synonymous with evil.    


Although Yang Fann is not a lion, but that is what it means. Humans are basically no different from animals, the reason why some people can't control a "lion herd" is not because they don't want to, but because they don't have the ability.    


"Eh? You two have pretty good stuff, why don't you borrow this bro to play with? "    


Yang Fann arrived before Minako and Sofia's agreement to board the two handsome men's inflatable boat at a lightning speed. While greeting the two handsome men, he directly lifted them off the inflatable boat.    


In the beach, you weren't allowed to use an oar boat because it could easily injure people, so the two young men's inflatable boat didn't have any oars, it could only be used as a floating boat and couldn't be used as a normal boat paddle.    


Minako and Sofia were swimming with such concentration that they didn't notice that there were already quite a few berserk butterflies around them. They had been startled by the two handsome men's inflatable boats, and before they could react, Yang Fann had become the owner of the inflatable boats.    


Minako and Sofia were both very happy this time. They could be said to be well-behaved girls, and normally they would do everything in accordance with the rules. They had never seen Yang Fann casually steal someone's inflatable boat, so they were very excited and wanted to immediately jump in and enjoy Yang Fann's spoils of war.    


How could Yang Fann not see the excitement of the two beauties? He knew that they were bound by reality, so it was hard for them to relax in the sea. He laughed and reached out to drag them into the inflatable boat while he himself jumped into the sea and quickly swam away with the inflatable boat.    


As for the two screaming handsome boys, that wasn't something Yang Fann needed to worry about. If they wanted to return to the inflatable boat, he could ask for it after Yang Fann got annoyed with the two beauties.    


Minako and Sofia both had sunscreen, but it wasn't Yang Fann who did it for them, it was the two of them rubbing each other, which filled Yang Fann with resentment. The two girls weren't open at all.    


The ultraviolet rays of the South China Sea were very strong. If they were exposed to the sun for a little longer, their skin would be scorched. If they didn't use sunscreen, their skin would be stripped of a layer of skin after swimming.    


"Minako, I have a question for you. Is it convenient to ask?"    


Yang Fann pushed the inflatable boat closer to the sand net. This was what Sofia had requested. She wanted to see what the sand net looked like and whether there were any sharks outside.    


"Ask Lord Yang Fann if you have any questions. Minako is glad to be able to answer them."    


Minako was as obedient as always. She would never be so humble just because she was familiar with Yang Fann.    


"I heard that all of you, Japanese, share a bath with a man and a woman. Is there anything like this?"    


He had been curious about the legendary matter of Japanese bathing together with his wife for a long time. Previously, he didn't have the nerve to ask Minako about it, but today, he took the opportunity to ask about it while he was swimming.    


Minako did not seem to find Yang Fann's question too surprising, or perhaps Japanese and the others were already mentally prepared for this question. After all, the phenomenon of Japanese sharing a bath with a man and a woman was unacceptable to many of the countries and peoples, so they were already prepared for the answer to this question.    


After Minako's explanation, Yang Fann finally has a certain understanding of Japanese's phenomenon of men and women bathing together.    


In Japan, people call bathing "Feng Lu" and bathing hall "Feng Lu House".    


More than a hundred years ago, public houses usually shared the baths of men and women, and it was perfectly natural for all of them to soak in the same hot water for an hour or so, regardless of their sex.    


Blended baths between males and females in the Japan was a situation that should have existed since ancient times. The so called "mixed baths" occurred mostly in the same region, a situation where both parties were acquainted with each other.    


In ancient times, there were clear levels of Japan and everyone was usually very polite. However, when everyone took off all their clothes in the bathhouse, there would no longer be any difference in status. Everyone was equal at that time, but there was no need for sexual intercourse or inappropriate behavior. This custom was good in Japanese's eyes. They believed that they could use it to communicate their feelings.    


Actually, Japanese's way of bathing from the original in the river, lake, and other artificial places gradually developed in the bath together. The hot spring bath was different from a normal Chinese bath. It was not a soap bath, but a water bath that was washed clean. The purpose of this was to enjoy the beauty effect of a hot spring on one's body. The hot spring pool was often located in an open area where the scenery was excellent. Rather than taking a bath, it was more like a social event.    


In the current Japan, only a portion of the hot springs were mixed with the baths of men and women at a certain time. Usually male bath special time and female bath special time, some hot springs are set for a period of time for men and women mixed baths.    


As for the Japan's public bathhouse, men and women had different pools, and the changing rooms for men and women were also separate.    


Fortunately, not all baths were mixed, so there was no need for people from other nations to be too nervous while bathing in Japan. They just needed to understand what was going on, and not go in to find out if something was amiss and embarrass themselves.    


Of course, if you are a man, and you are willing to see a naked woman, or a woman who is willing to be seen naked, you can choose a bathhouse for men and women to experience!    


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