Take Along A Spring



3After Yang Fann's pestering, Bai Mei finally got the psychological satisfaction of telling him her little secret of how she knew Yang Fann's return.    


Yang Fann was stunned after hearing this. It turned out that the one that sold him was a chat software installed on his laptop. Bai Mei used this chat software to check the distance between her and her friends and knew that Yang Fann was nearby, so she judged that he had returned to Jiangnan.    


"Can you pinpoint my exact location?" Yang Fann was sweating profusely. If he could find the specific location of a person through the chat software, he would immediately unload it.    


"Not yet, but if you're willing to share your place, I can." Bai Mei's voice sounded soft and soft, like a gentle little hand constantly brushing against Yang Fann's heart. It made Yang Fann extremely angry and he couldn't lower his head no matter what. He wished that he could just drag his phone's signal past.    


"Alright, I need to sleep. You should get some rest as well." Yang Fann felt that he couldn't continue the conversation with Bai Mei. A bachelor's self-control was quite lacking. If he couldn't hold it in any longer and asked her out, wouldn't his innocence be ruined for the rest of his life!    


"Sleep? Are you hinting at something? " Bai Mei was unrelenting and did not provoke Yang Fann to the point of insanity. It seemed that she would never let the matter rest.    


However, Bai Mei ignored a problem. She was not the only woman in the world, once she made Yang Fann lose his mind, Yang Fann would turn into a beast and the woman closest to Yang Fann would be the first to suffer.    


Just when Bai Mei noticed the rapid breathing coming from her phone as if Yang Fann was about to go berserk, she suddenly heard a woman's voice from her phone. Although she didn't hear the woman's voice clearly, Bai Mei believed she heard it correctly.    


At this moment, Bai Mei had the urge to kick herself in the foot. Why did she tease Yang Fann for nothing? This time, if Yang Fann was teased to vent his anger on another woman, Bai Mei would cry to death!    


She was here to get water for Yang Fann's feet. This was Minako's reserved program. No matter how tired she was or how late she played, she would get a basin of hot water for Yang Fann to wash his feet before resting.    


Nothing could stop him.    


However, this time, Yang Fann refused her good intentions. He already filled up the pot of water before Minako could fetch water. It wasn't that Yang Fannliang felt sorry for Minako, but he was actually afraid of getting too close to her, so he could not help but eat Minako.    


It's all Bai Mei's fault for making it hard for me to sleep!    


After washing his feet, Yang Fann was lying on the bed, tossing and turning. Bai Mei's sexy body kept swaying in front of his eyes, which made Yang Fann unable to relax his mind, let alone sleep!    


Helpless, Yang Fann could only use his mind transfer technique and use his consciousness to enter the Space of Jade Pendant. He wanted to see what those cattle he just got were like.    


A Space of Jade Pendant of 999 to 81 mu, right now it was like a big farm, strictly speaking it should be a pasture.    


Not only were there precious herbs such as ginseng, head crow, Dendrobium Siderosum s and so on, there were also expensive species such as Hainan yellow pear, Indian leaf sandalwood, and all kinds of vegetables and fruits, as well as pheasants, wild boars, and other animals such as cattle.    


In order to speed up the breeding of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa mountain chicken and wild boar, Yang Fann had left a portion of the mountain chicken and wild boar inside the Space of Jade Pendant.    


Right now, Yang Fann was also no exception, he was going to raise dozens of cattle and cattle that he just got not long ago, and then put them into Jade Spring Mountain Villa for raising.    


In theory, there were many places to pay attention to when raising and breeding cattle. Not only would they have to feed all kinds of exquisite fodder, but the legend also had to let He Niu drink beer, give him a massage so that he could maintain a healthy body and a good mood.    


However, since Yang Fann didn't want to let He Niu drink beer and massage them, Yang Fann himself also wanted to massage them. Since when did he have the time to massage a group of cattle?    


The only benefit Yang Fann prepared for cattle was space fodder. Whatever the wild boar ate in Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann prepared to feed the cattle. As a cattle, their digestibility towards coarse fiber like straw should be higher than that of the wild boar, so Yang Fann's diet should be wider, and the rest of the rootstock from the vegetables and fruits should be able to feed them.    


If the cow was too expensive, and if it got sick or something, as long as they were fed with a little of the spatial Spirit Spring, they would not believe that their disease was not good.    


In fact, Yang Fann felt that even using ordinary cattle would make their beef delicious, just like how normal tomatoes, after going through space Spirit Spring breeding, would become the world's unique space tomato.    


The main reason why Yang Fann had to go to the Japan to play with the cattle was to deceive people. Otherwise, everything in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be a new breed cultivated by himself, it would be strange if it did not attract the attention of people.    


However, after Yang Fann fed them some space fodder, they quickly quietened down. Furthermore, they were very close to Yang Fann, just like the bees before, they surrounded Yang Fann happily the moment they saw him, and they didn't recognize him at all.    


Yang Fann didn't dare to be too close with these calves, otherwise, once he developed feelings for them, how could he kill them and sell their meat? Cattle and bees are different, the bees only need to contribute the honey they make, while cattle only contribute their life.    


Alas, there was no other way. After all, there were so many gluttons in the world. Would the world be peaceful if all humans gave up on eating meat and switched to vegetarians?    


Yang Fann touched all the calves that surrounded the calves to let them relax. The calves were very happy to be touched by Yang Fann, it was just like the legend of a Buddhist priest being touched and blessed by a monk.    


Sigh, if there was no trade, then there was no murder!    


Yang Fann didn't know if he was really sad for these little cows, or just acting and sighing, and then, he left the Space of Jade Pendant pitifully, as if he couldn't bear to see these pitiful little cows again.    


Regardless of whether Yang Fann felt compassion for Xiao Niu or not, the flames that he got from Bai Mei were much better. He could finally calm down some restless parts of his body. After a long trip, he would definitely need a good night's sleep to relieve his fatigue.    


However, since Yang Fann wanted to sleep, there was someone who didn't want him to. Just as he was about to fall asleep, the phone beside his bed rang again.    


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