Take Along A Spring



3When Yang Fann drove to Songyuan Hotel, it was already 2 in the morning. The manager on duty told him that the person in charge of handling food poisoning had already gotten off work.     0


As for the situation of those people who were poisoned by food, the manager on duty said that he was not clear about it. With Yang Fann's observation skills, he could tell that he was lying with a single glance.    


Although Yang Fann knew it was very likely someone was up to something, he had no choice. The person who was in charge of this matter was not here, so he couldn't force him to come over in the middle of the night, could he?    


Therefore, Yang Fann could only prepare to get an apartment. He might as well stay in Songyuan Hotel and talk to the other party at any time.    


In theory, as the Partner of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and also the owner of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Fann should have come personally to deal with the food poisoning incident and Songyuan Hotel should have provided free accommodation and food. However, not only did Songyuan Hotel not provide free accommodation and food, they even said that the guest rooms were full and had Yang Fann find somewhere else to stay.    


Lin Xiaoling wanted to say something, but Yang Fann stopped her and didn't let her say anything. Take them and leave, since they already knew that there was a problem with the Songyuan Hotel, there was no need to get angry at it.    


Since Yang Fann couldn't be bothered to run away, he found a motel nearby and stayed there. Each of them had their own room, so no one was affected by it, although they could live together in twos or threes, but Yang Fann didn't care about the extra money.    


Besides, even if they lived in twos or threes, the rooms would not be easily shared. Who was Yang Fann living with? Lin Xiaoling? Minako? Or was it Sofia?    


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, it didn't seem appropriate for Yang Fann to live with anyone.    


Of course, if it was a male boss, it was a female employee. If it was a female boss, it could be a male employee, but this time Yang Fann seemed to have brought more people with him and it was not easy to operate.    


Lying on the soft bed, Yang Fann was also thinking whether it was right or wrong to bring Minako and Sofia out this time. If they didn't come, and only Lin Xiaoling and himself came, would they share a room to save money?    


Yes, the reason the two could only live in the same room was to save money. It definitely wasn't for any other reason. Yang Fann believed that he had this little bit of integrity.    


However, Lin Xiaoling was tossing and turning in the room next door, unable to fall asleep no matter how hard she tried. She was thinking about how to deal with the food poisoning the next day, wondering if Yang Fann would knock on Minako's or Sofia's door in the middle of the night, wondering if anything terrible would happen after Yang Fann had taken Minako and Sofia on a long trip …    


On the morning of the second day, Yang Fann brought the three beauties to Songyuan Hotel. He finally met the opposite party's vice president, who was responsible for handling the food poisoning incident.    


This 50 year old Vice President looked very rich. Without saying a word, he first wore a smiling face that looked very friendly, just like the Maitreya Buddha in the temple.    


However, while others couldn't tell, Yang Fann could clearly see that in this Vice President Liu's smile, there was a hidden craftiness. If it wasn't for Yang Fann's observation skills far surpassing that of an ordinary person, they would never have been able to see how deep this Vice President Liu's shrewdness was.    


After a few simple pleasantries, Yang Fann got straight to the point and asked to visit the customers who had been poisoned. As for the specific process of food poisoning and other trivial matters, Yang Fann would have to wait until he saw the patient.    


It wasn't that Yang Fann suspected that Songyuan Hotel was lying, but that the director had come up with a fake food poisoning incident to deceive him. Even if Songyuan Hotel was messing with him, at least the food poisoning couldn't be fake.    


But as to how exactly those people were poisoned and how poisoned they were, Yang Fann had to personally go and see the situation. Just based on Songyuan Hotel's words, there was no need for Yang Fann to specially come over.    


Vice President Liu acted very cordially, as if he was not unhappy about Yang Fann's straightforward reply. He directly took them to the hospital and met with the customers who were poisoned by the food.    


The moment Yang Fann entered the ward, he was surrounded by a group of patients' families. These people knew that Yang Fann was the boss of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and their family members were poisoned because of eating the food from Jade Spring Mountain Villa. They all questioned Yang Fann, asking him for an explanation.    


He said to everyone in a neither humble nor arrogant manner, "Everyone is worried about their family, I'm also worried about my company. No one wants this to happen, I came today to give everyone an explanation, but before that, I have to see the patient first, this request isn't too much right?"    


The patient's family saw that Yang Fann didn't have any intention to push the responsibility away, so they weren't as angry. They slowly made a path for Yang Fann to walk in front of those patients.    


Yang Fann first walked to the bed of a 60-year-old old man and said to the old man who was in the middle of transfusion, "Gramps, how are you feeling now? Are you still not feeling well?"    


The old man knew that this brat in front of him was the culprit that caused him to be hospitalized. How could he give Yang Fann any face? He snorted angrily and said, "I'm not feeling well anywhere. If I didn't send him to the hospital in time, I might have lost my life!"    


Yang Fann was both angry and amused. His heart was humming loudly and his voice was loud enough. How did this look like he almost lost his life? He looked even more spirited than Minako and Sofia, who were travelling in the middle of the night.    


However, Yang Fann was also able to tell from the eyes of the old man that he was not in cahoots with that Vice President Liu from Songyuan Hotel. It seems like he was really poisoned by food, and not because he colluded with someone to pretend to be sick.    


After that, Yang Fann went around asking every patient who was poisoned about the food, asking them in detail about the process of their illness and the specific symptoms. He also indirectly understood how Songyuan Hotel handled this matter, and obtained firsthand information.    


"Everyone, quiet down!" Standing in the middle of a group of patients' families, he solemnly said: "No matter how Songyuan Hotel promises everyone, I will first pay everyone the hospitalization fee of 10,000 yuan. After the police investigation finishes, we will formally discuss the compensation, okay?"    


Although the 10,000 yuan hospitalization fee wasn't much, it showed Yang Fann's attitude. Many people felt that Yang Fann was here to deal with the problem, not to pass on the responsibility. It seemed that this matter wasn't as difficult as they imagined, and might be solved soon!    


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