Take Along A Spring



0Although Bing Feng was their trump card, Lingnan King's bodyguards were not given to them for no reason. The chances of them getting to the second floor without alerting them were practically zero.    1


As a result, a battle started. The three bodyguards who were sleeping on the sofa woke up one after another and engaged in an intense fight with Bing Feng.    


Bing Feng was truly worthy of being the trump card. In just half a minute, she had defeated two bodyguards, leaving the other bodyguard to fend off the onslaught. He no longer had the strength to fight back!    


However, the fight in the living room alerted the other bodyguards who were resting in the guest room. With a "hu la" sound, more than ten bodyguards rushed out from the guest room. These bodyguards had not taken off their clothes when they slept and had not died.    


Fortunately, they had fought as many as they could, so as to not hurt their companions, the bodyguards with guns didn't shoot, but the other bodyguards with cold weapons weren't so polite. They brandished their daggers or daggers, waving them around vigorously, waving them at Bing Feng's vitals, showing no mercy to her.    


Bing Feng also had a weapon with her, a dagger and a pistol. However, the little woman had lost her mind, and was afraid of causing too much trouble. She had given up on using the gun, and had only used a dagger to fight with a group of bodyguards.    


Yang Fann shook his head in disappointment at the so-called National Trump Card. In his imagination, she was cruel and merciless. He didn't see the female tyrannosaur who was slashing everywhere. All he saw was a wimp who couldn't even let go of her life and death battle.    


Of course, calling Bing Feng a sissy wasn't quite right. It would be more accurate to say that she was someone who didn't have an egg.    


Since he was disappointed with Bing Feng, Yang Fann no longer had any intention of helping her. Let this little girl gain more experience, so as not to embarrass the country.    


Bing Feng was struggling so hard that she was worried of alarming Lingnan King, so she couldn't let go at all. She waited for Yang Fann to come over and help, the two of them first knocked down the bodyguards under Lingnan King, then rushed upstairs to capture Lingnan King.    


Unexpectedly, after fighting for a long time, Bing Feng took a peek and almost died of anger. She saw that not only did Yang Fann not help, he even held his hands in his sleeves as he stood to the side watching.    


The only thing to do was to watch the show. As she watched, she shook her head, as if she was extremely disdainful of her performance. It was as if she was looking down on her.    


This time, Bing Feng was thoroughly enraged. In addition to being besieged by a group of bodyguards, she no longer cared whether Lingnan King was alerted or not, and immediately brought out her true strength.    


The moment Bing Feng made her move, Lingnan King's bodyguards were in danger. A guy who fought the fiercest battle became Bing Feng's main target. Bing Feng slashed his wrist with her dagger. Dark red blood spurted out. It should be his wrist having been cut!    


The moment the radial artery on his wrist was severed, the bodyguard immediately withdrew from the battlefield. If he did not immediately stop the bleeding, it would not be long before he lost too much blood, causing him to faint or even lose his life.    


Bing Feng succeeded in her first move. Her dagger attacked ferociously a few times consecutively. It left another two inch long wound on the arm of the other bodyguard, greatly reducing his fighting strength.    


However, because Bing Feng's offense was too fierce, a bodyguard seized the opportunity and kicked her in the leg, causing her to stagger and stop her momentum!    


Even though Bing Feng's dagger had pierced through the thigh of the bodyguard who had kicked her, his sluggish action had still allowed the bodyguard with the gun to grab the opportunity. He raised his hand and pointed it at Bing Feng, wanting to pull the trigger!    


Bing Feng was in a tight encirclement. She relied entirely on her agility to deal with her enemies. She needed to fight to the death with a few bodyguards with guns, and she needed to be on guard against a few bodyguards with guns. It would be alright if she kept up with them for a short period of time.    


Seeing that Bing Feng was about to die or get hurt, Yang Fann, who was standing to the side and watching the scene, had no choice but to take action. After all, he came with Bing Feng.    




A steel nail shot out from nowhere and struck the wrist of the bodyguard who was about to shoot at Bing Feng. Bing Feng screamed in pain as the gun in his hand fell to the ground.    


The sound of the gun hitting the ground startled Bing Feng. She took a glance out of the corner of her eye and realized that one of the gunmen was injured. Bing Feng was a smart person and immediately understood what was going on.    


Knowing that Yang Fann had saved her, Bing Feng felt both grateful and angry. She felt grateful that Yang Fann had shot her less than she should have, angry that Yang Fann didn't help in time, and was still watching the scene with folded arms, as if he wasn't the one who had injured the gunman just now.    


This time, Bing Feng could no longer remain calm. In the country, she had never met such a powerful bodyguard. She originally thought that the battle, which could be easily resolved in a matter of seconds, was not resolved, but she herself was still a little injured.    


Bing Feng pulled out her gun. There were only two people on her side. As long as she was careful, she would not accidentally injure them. As soon as she pulled out her gun, she fired several shots, knocking down two bodyguards with her gun!    


When Bing Feng pulled out her gun, the other bodyguards also opened fire. However, they were worried that they would accidentally hurt their comrades. Some of them didn't want to shoot because they had to be very careful and didn't hit Bing Feng.    


After Bing Feng had finished firing the magazine, only two bodyguards with guns remained. They used the sofa as a cover and started shooting at Bing Feng. When the other bodyguards saw that there were no more bullets in Bing Feng's gun, they immediately pounced on her, not giving her any chance to change the magazine!    


Bing Feng had gone through special training, and her changing speed was outrageously fast. As long as she had the slightest time, she would be able to change into a new magazine, giving a few bodyguards a head-on attack!    


However, Lingnan King's bodyguards were also well-trained, it was very possible that they were all retired commandos. From the looks of it, all of them had seen blood, and their hands were stained with human life.    


This time, there were a few bodyguards who were besieging Bing Feng crazily. With two bodyguards holding onto their guns, Bing Feng was immediately in danger. One of them might just end up dying.    


Looking at Yang Fann, he still acted like nothing happened as he stood at the side with his arms crossed, watching the scene. It was as if the bullets in the room had nothing to do with him and he wasn't worried that he would get accidentally hurt by the bullets!    


All of Lingnan King's bodyguards attacked Bing Feng crazily, but they turned a blind eye towards Yang Fann, who was standing to the side and watching the show. Although Bing Feng was in danger, she was also extremely surprised and didn't know how Yang Fann did it.    


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