Take Along A Spring



4Although Shen Tianlin was rich, he was very stingy. As soon as he recovered, he thought of the motorcycle they left on the mountain road.    


Shen Tianlin wanted to find someone to bring back the two motorcycles. They couldn't walk without a motorbike, and Chenjia Ridge did have a motorcycle, but the villagers said that it would be dark soon and the lights would be dim.    


As long as the money was enough, they could negotiate. They had four people in total, and if they were given 100 yuan each, the village would find four people to ride a motorcycle to send them to Qingshan Town.    


Shen Tianlin was a stingy guy, how could he have spent 400 yuan for nothing? Plus, if they left like this, he would lose more than 400 yuan, and there were also those two motorcycles. If the owner of the rental car shop was a little unscrupulous, those two motorcycles would definitely kill him.    


Just when Shen Tianlin was at his wit's end, a motorcycle drove in from outside the village. In the car sat two young people. Shen Tianlin hurriedly waved at them, calling them to come over to talk.    


The one who came back on the motorcycle was none other than Chen Ergou, an old acquaintance of Yang Fann. Chen Ergou also came back with one of his hoodlums, the two hoodlums stopped the car and asked what was going on when they saw a stranger calling them.    


Shen Tianlin was very generous. He told Chen Ergou that two of their motorcycles had broken down on the way to Poplar Gully, so as long as he brought people to repair the tires on the two motorcycles and then ride them back, he would give Chen Ergou 100 yuan.    


Although Chen Ergou hadn't seen the market much, he could tell that Shen Tianlin and the others weren't poor people. Since Shen Tianlin had something to ask of him, he would let this opportunity go if he didn't ruthlessly beat him up.    


So after a bargain, Wu agreed to get Shen Tianlin's two motorcycles back, and Shen Tianlin wanted to give him 300 yuan.    


Chen Ergou was very smart and let Shen Tianlin pay the bill first before he was willing to do something. Shen Tianlin felt that this was Chen Ergou's home and since he couldn't get away, he gave the money to him and told him to do it quickly.    


Chen Ergou took the money and left as soon as he received the money. He brought the hoodlum to find Shen Tianlin's two motorcycles, and the two of them moved quite quickly. Although Chen Ergou was a hoodlum, countryman fixing a tire was not a big deal.    


After patching up the tires and filling up his lungs, Chen Ergou got an idea. Together with his henchmen, he drove the two motorcycles to a small fork in the road nearby and hid them in a forest.    


Afterwards, the two lackeys returned to Chenjia Ridge and regretfully told Shen Tianlin. They had searched the entire way and found Poplar Gully, but didn't see even a shadow of the motorcycle. It was probably taken away by the people from Poplar Gully.    


Shen Tianlin was on the verge of tears. Although he suspected that Chen Ergou lied, he couldn't verify it, so he didn't know whether Chen Ergou hid the motorcycle or was really taken away by the Poplar Gully people.    


"Then return the money to me. I can't let you come here for nothing, just return the money to me for two hundred years."    


Shen Tianlin wanted to take back the three hundred yuan that was given to Chen Ergou, but how could Chen Ergou return it to him? Chen Ergou glared at him and said, "You're so unkind, not finding the car is not our reason, we even ran a little further, and you think that Poplar Gully is easy for us, it's good enough that we didn't ask you for any more, you still want the money back, how could you imagine it's so beautiful!"    


When Chen Ergou got angry, Shen Tianlin did not dare to ask him for more money. The villagers of Chenjia Ridge seemed to be even more unreasonable than the villagers of Poplar Gully.    


In the end, the villagers agreed that they would pay four hundred yuan to send them to Qingshan Town, but Chen Ergou denied it with a single sentence. He told the other villagers that he had done this business and told everyone else to step aside!    


Chen Ergou was a hoodlum in Chenjia Ridge, and there weren't many youths in the village. No one wanted to offend Chen Ergou, otherwise, he would desperately seek revenge, which was extremely disgusting.    


The road was slippery at night, and Shen Tianlin had four people. He needed to use four motorcycles to send them out at once, so Chen Ergou said that no one in Chenjia Ridge would do this without 1000 yuan.    


Chen Ergou said that since the sky was so dark, it was not a joke to ride a motorcycle into the mountain ravine. If Shen Tianlin and the others didn't want to pay that much money, they could stay in the village for the night and walk tomorrow. It would be much safer if they took the mountain road during the day.    


Due to overwork, Director General Wang didn't want to go back in the dark. He thought what Chen Ergou said was reasonable, it was so dark and the mountain road was hard to walk. What if an accident happened?    


Wang doesn't have enough authority to be a director yet, but his days will still be good, so why take the risk!    


He might as well stay the night. He didn't need Director General Wang to pay for it anyways. Maybe there would be some romance happening tonight, and it wasn't like he hadn't met them before.    


When Chen Ergou heard that Shen Tianlin and the others wanted to stay at Chenjia Ridge, he was so happy that he busied himself.    


When Shen Tianlin and the others had also eaten dinner and arranged their living quarters, Chen Ergou left. He patted his chest and promised that after breakfast tomorrow, he would personally arrange to send them off. If they didn't want to take a motorcycle, Chen Ergou was willing to go to the town to help them pack a car.    


Director General Wang was very satisfied with Chen Ergou's service. Finally, he looked at Shen Tianlin with a softer gaze. He hated Shen Tianlin quite a lot today. If Chen Ergou didn't ease his mood, he would have really scolded Shen Tianlin.    


Unfortunately, Director General Wang didn't have any romantic encounters that night, which made him slightly disappointed. However, after a tiring day, he indeed dozed off and quickly fell asleep. If there weren't any romantic encounters, then there wouldn't be any.    


The next morning, Chen Ergou arranged for them to go eat breakfast. The service was so meticulous that Shen Tianlin didn't want it anymore. Who said that the poor and evil water were making trouble for the common people?    


"Leaders, do you think I should take a motorcycle or go to town and call a car for you guys?" Chen Ergou nodded and bowed, his attitude was very sincere.    


"Well, okay. Our car is in town. Can you drive? Can you drive us in?"    


The more Director General Wang looked at Chen Ergou, the more satisfied he became. How come his men don't have this kind of discerning ability? Look at him, a villager has such high awareness. Then, look at the two men he brought.    


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