Take Along A Spring



1Having his thoughts exposed by Lisa, Yang Fann could only bitterly withdraw his hand from Lisa's chest, but there was no embarrassment on his face. "Hehe, Miss Lisa, since you're already awake, you should hurry up and leave. The sky is about to brighten. If you don't leave now, you'll be discovered."     2


"Don't you want to know why I was bitten by a poisonous snake?" Lisa asked Yang Fann curiously while she was tidying up her clothes.    


"Is that necessary? As long as we enter the mountain, we might be bitten by poisonous snakes at any time. Yang Fann was also packing up his backpack and preparing to leave as soon as possible. Lisa's identity was unknown, so it was better for them to have less interaction.    


"I was bitten by a poisonous snake while tracking Rakshasa Woman. She was in that valley full of poisonous snakes, and the fire last night was also set by her. In order to avoid my pursuit, Rakshasa Woman didn't hesitate to set fire to the mountain, burning the home that your ancestors lived on for generations. Don't you want to capture her?"    


"I want to, but I can't. That's something the police should do, right? Why are you looking for me, an ordinary person?"    


Yang Fann had already packed his bag, picked up his backpack and walked out. Before he left, he turned around and said to Lisa, "Miss Lisa, I don't know your identity, and I don't want to know either. If you encounter any trouble in the future, please contact the police at China, and don't disturb a normal person like me anymore, okay?"    


"Not good, I want to find you. According to your Chinese, since you saved my life last night, I will definitely repay you."    


Hearing Lisa's roguish words, Yang Fann, who was walking out the door, staggered and almost tripped on the doorstep. He turned his head angrily and said, "If I had known, I wouldn't have saved you. I would have let you die here!"    


"Hehe, it's still according to your Chinese's words. If you don't save me, I won't let you off even if I become a ghost. I will definitely pester you everyday."    


"Alright, alright. Miss Lisa, if you tell me your identity and your purpose for coming to China, perhaps I will consider helping you." Yang Fann was really beaten by Lisa's scoundrel. Beautiful girls were indeed someone with the right to act like a scoundrel. If it were a man, he would have most likely slapped his face a long time ago.    


"I can't tell you the exact identity yet, but I can tell you. My goal in coming to Huaxia is to catch or kill Rakshasa Woman. Can you help me now?" Lisa took out a dress from a backpack that she carried with her. In front of Yang Fann, she casually took off her pants without a leg and put the dress on.    


"Damn, foreign woman is intrepid. Changing her pants in front of a man, isn't that a little too open?" When Lisa took off her pants and wore only a small, jade-like butt, Yang Fann's blood vessels immediately expanded and he felt a sudden, evil fire burning in his stomach.    


When Lisa bent down, her waist formed a depression, making her raised buttocks bigger. Yang Fann suddenly had the urge to turn into a hungry wolf and eat up the food with all his might.    


"Does it look good?" When Lisa saw Yang Fann's fiery gaze, not only did she not get angry, she even seemed very happy. She even asked for Yang Fann's opinion.    


"Ugh …" She's pretty, but she's just not used to you foreigners. You know how reserved our Chinese is, if a woman changes her pants in front of a man like you, she's basically giving a silent invitation to that man. I wonder if that's what Miss Lisa meant? "    


"Tsk, a man without guts. If I had that intention, would you dare to go up?" Lisa glanced at Yang Fann with disdain: "You Chinese men are the most hypocritical. You obviously want to die, yet you say no on the surface, right?"    


"To you, big brother, it's not because you're a foreign guest, but because I've already given you a kacha." Yang Fann cursed in his heart: "Such an outspoken slut, who knows if she has those random diseases. What if she infects me?"    


"Yang Fann, what was that look you had?" Do you think I'm a casual woman? To tell you the truth, we European women are not as open-minded as your Chinese is promoting us to be, we are even more reserved than you Chinese women. "    


"Alright, alright. I won't discuss with you about where the women are more reserved. If you have nothing else to do, then I should leave. Goodbye." Yang Fann realized that he made a mistake. He shouldn't argue with a woman and argue with her. He should never think of taking advantage of her unless he was being shameless.    


"Wait a moment, get me some of that medicinal wine. I want to drink now."    


The sudden mention of medicinal wine by Lisa stunned Yang Fann for a moment. "How did you know I had concocted the medicinal wine?"    


At that time, he had asked Lin Xiaoling to say that the medicinal wine was given by Bai Mei, but recently, he and Bai Mei had been so close that Lisa had wandered around Poplar Gully for quite a few days, and he didn't know that the medicinal wine had been brewed by himself.    


"Do you know how much a jar of my secret medicine costs? Moreover, this is not something that can be bought with money. If you want to drink it, you must first book it and wait a while before you can deliver it. "    


Yang Fann originally did not want to sell the medicinal wine to Lisa, but then he thought about it, why not. Yang Fann did not want to sell the medicinal wine to Lisa, but then thought about it, why not sell it.    


"Isn't it just 2,880 Hua Yuan 50 grams and 5,7600 Hua Yuan per kg? You should prepare them first. When I finish my mission and return, bring 10 kg back with me." Lisa's memory was quite good. She still remembered the price Lin Xiaoling had given her.    


"Hehe, my dear Miss Lisa, you are probably mistaken. What you said is the preferential price given to the members by the Jiangnan Crystal Palace Hotel. A few days ago, Dafu Hajek from Southeast Asia and Wang Dafu, a rich man from China, bought ten jars from me. Do you know how much each jar costs? "A hundred thousand dollars. I only agreed to sell it to Wang Dafu because he decided to donate to our village to repair the road. How much do you think my medicinal wine is worth?"    


Yang Fann was truly worthy of being a dry salesman. The moment he opened his mouth, he linked Wang Dafu's road work with the matter of selling him the medicinal wine. He ruthlessly pulled his Spatial Medicinal Wine up by a huge amount, I don't believe that I won't be able to earn that little bit of foreign exchange from European women.    


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