Take Along A Spring



3Yang Fann recruited ten employees from his Jade Spring Mountain Villa, which was equivalent to ten families. In total, there were only two or three hundred people in his Poplar Gully, so ten families combined would definitely be a lot of power.    


When these people heard that someone was trying to harm Yang Fann, it was as if that someone was trying to harm them. All of them ran to the Village Committee and strongly demanded that they punish Yang Dun, saying that chasing him out of Poplar Gully was too light, and had to drive him into the mountains to fend for himself.    


Of course, these were all angry words from everyone, which showed how much importance everyone attached to Yang Fann, who didn't have to leave home to get a good job, how could they find such a good thing. If Yang Fann was angry and involved the people who worked at the villa, their family's good days might come to an end.    


Therefore, if everyone went out together, it was obvious what would happen to Yang Dun.    


Now was the best chance for them to show their support. If they did not stand up for Yang Fann at this moment, Yang Fann would definitely be blacklisted and it would be easier said than done. Wanting to enter Yang Fann's villa was easier said than done.    


Looking at the aggressive crowd of villagers, Yang Dun was extremely scared. Even if he was not allowed to leave now, he did not dare to stay in Poplar Gully anymore, because who knows if so many people would secretly hit his black brick, and before long, he might fall to his death in the ravine.    


A gloomy person would often use the most vicious way of thinking to guess the thoughts of others. Yang Dun felt that since he could frame others, of course others could use despicable way to deal with him, Yang Dun. He couldn't stay here anymore, he was prepared to leave tomorrow.    


After dealing with Yang Dun, Yang Fann didn't pay any more attention to Yang Sanmao and went straight home.    


Yang Fann didn't intentionally throw Yang Sanmao's face, Yang Sanmao was indeed careless in the security aspect of the villa.    


Yang Fann told Yang Sanmao to recruit four security guards because he wanted them to be responsible for the safety of the Manor. However, they didn't even have people on guard at night. What else could it be if this wasn't Yang Sanmao's dereliction of duty?    


As for the day, was there even a need for security? The construction site was filled with people, and the Pear Ridge was also filled with helpers.    


After all, Yang Sanmao was still young, and worked according to his previous experiences. The fact that there were very few incidents of theft in Poplar Gully did not mean that there wouldn't be in the future.    


As Yang Fann's assets increased and his business became better, there would be more and more people with ulterior motives. If they were to treat Yang Fann according to their past experiences, then they shouldn't have too many things like tonight.    


Yang Fann left, but his attitude was very clear, and that was for Yang Sanmao to decide. The guards asked that from today onwards, they would take turns to watch the night, and the four of them would be divided into two groups: two during the day and two during the night.    


In fact, Yang Fann was also infuriated. With such a large Pear Ridge, not to mention the four security guards, even if it was double the number, they wouldn't be able to protect it.    


Fortunately, these difficulties were only temporary. As long as the whole project was completed, Yang Fann would completely repair the rattan surrounding the villa, leaving only one gate open for Yang Fann to go in and out. Then, he would let Black Bear and Xue'er to stand guard at the villa at night.    


On the way home, Yang Fann realized that he was a bit too hasty. The four security guards were obviously not enough, but there were no more young people available in the village. If he wanted to recruit more security guards, he had to go outside.    


Suddenly, Yang Fann thought of the gold shop security officer he met at Xincheng County. Although this young man chose to protect himself, he still had a righteous heart, and under the situation where the Mercedes-Benz man was obviously not easy to mess with, he still stood up and reminded himself that the gold shop had a camera. This young man did not have a bad heart, so he should be a qualified good security guard.    


Ask him if he's willing to come to Poplar Gully, and the conditions that you give should be better than the treatment of Xincheng County. However, Poplar Gully is after all, a little too remote, and it's not easy to attract talents.    


What a company needed the most were its employees. Of course, the first class were people with both talent and virtue, but in today's society, these types of people were extremely rare, even fewer than bosses. It was not easy to encounter even one, not to mention recruiting one's own subordinates.    


There weren't many people like this anymore, and if they could recruit under his command, it would be very rare. For example, a security guard doesn't need any talent, as long as they are good in character, then it would be fine, but how could they expect a security guard to be used as a special forces soldier?    


As for the last two kinds of people, Yang Fann didn't plan to take any of them. Talent is immoral, talent is immoral, they're not good stuff, he might even get bitten by them. Rather than letting them enter the company and cause trouble, he might as well just not recruit anyone from the start.    


When they got home, Yang Xiangdong and Zhong Runjuan also heard about Yang Dun burying wooden people in their new room. The couple was furious, and after being coaxed by Yang Fann for a long time, the couple finally went to sleep.    


Yang Fann also lost his appetite after Yang Dun made a ruckus. After eating a few casual bites of dinner, he went to bed and started to organize his Space of Jade Pendant.    


In addition to the outermost circle of soybeans and peanuts, most of them were watermelons. There was also a variety of vegetables, followed by a bunch of blueberry seedlings, as well as high-grade crops such as ginseng, Dendrobium Siderosum, truffles, and monkey mushrooms.    


Of course, there were also pure Spatial Vegetable s that were completely bred and watered by the Spatial Spring Water, which Yang Fann kept for himself and his family to eat.    


The secret tomato sauce and secret chilli sauce made for Bai Mei also used pure Spatial Vegetable like that. Otherwise, how could they be sold at such a high price and taste so good?    


The Carp in the pond didn't grow slowly either. They had grown to twice their original size, and when they bought them, they were only worth ten centimeters, but now, they were almost all longer than twenty centimeters. It was just that this length of length was still far from being valuable.    


Compared to the Carp in the small pond, the eel loaches, fish, river shrimp and the like grew very quickly. These guys with strong adaptability were like fish in water within the Space of Jade Pendant, not only were they growing fast, many of them had already begun to reproduce.    


Yang Fann considered it, if his Space of Jade Pendant expanded in the future, wouldn't he be able to open up a pond for raising these ordinary fish and prawns? These ordinary fish and prawns have strong vitality and reproduce quickly.    


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