Take Along A Spring



2Lee Mingxuan told Yang Fann that the Deputy Chief of Fishing Eye had been taken away and that the exact location to be locked up for investigation was unknown to the people from Xincheng County and Public Security Bureau.    


The old classmate of the Deputy Chief Yu Feng, Alcalde Chen, still regarded him as the head of Qingshan Town. As for why he didn't dig him out, Lee Mingxuan still didn't know.    


These were all matters for the superior leaders to consider. Even if Lee Mingxuan wanted to ask, he wouldn't be able to find out. Yang Fann saw that he was extremely busy, so he just sat there for a while before leaving.    


Yang Fann didn't return to Poplar Gully after driving the car back. Instead, he turned a corner and went to Jinjia Viilage first.    


Both Jin Cuier and Old Man Jin were at home, and they were delighted to see Yang Fann, who put down his bag of Spatial Vegetable and said to Jin Cuier, "Cuier, my company still needs a secretary. Would you like to do it?"    


Jin Cuier didn't expect Yang Fann to let her be a secretary. She thought for a moment and replied, "Brother Fan, I want to go, but I haven't learned it yet. Secretaries need a certificate, don't they?"    


Yang Fann laughed: "To work at my company, what certificate do you need? It doesn't matter if you haven't learned it, can you learn it now? If you are willing to go, I can send you to train in Jiangnan City, and if you want to take the exam, you can also take it.    


Yang Fann was going to recruit a lot of talents. His goal was to be a rich old man with a door facing the sea and flowers blooming in the spring, not to become a tired dog.    


Jin Cuier had only graduated from high school, but her academic performance had always been good. If it wasn't because of her family background and having to take care of her grandfather, she would have been admitted to university last year. Now that she heard Yang Fann was sending her to train, she was very happy.    


As for who paid for the training fees, it was not a problem for Jin Cuier at all. Yang Fann even paid for her 30,000 yuan, so what difference did it make if she spent more? In the future, all she needed to do was to pay him back.    


If Yang Fann knew what Jin Cuier was thinking, he would probably reconsider whether he should send her to train or not.    


Seeing that Jin Cuier was willing to study, Yang Fann took his leave and left. Jin Cuier's granddaughter and grandfather told him to stay for dinner, but Yang Fann didn't agree. After dinner, Yang Fann couldn't stay for the night and had to find his way to drive back to Poplar Gully. He didn't dare to stay either!    


At Poplar Gully, just as Yang Fann stopped the car, Black Bear and Xue'er rushed out of the courtyard, jumping and jumping in joy, making Yang Fann extremely happy. He repeatedly praised the two little fellows for their love, unlike Xiaoming, Xiaohong and the two old eagle s, who would welcome him just by standing on the roof and calling out a few times.    


Therefore, Yang Fann threw a spatial grass fish to Black Bear and Xue'er to let the two little guys enjoy themselves.    


The two little fellows hadn't eaten anything rich in Spatial Spirit Qi for a long time, they ate like they were devouring a wolf and gulping down its food, admiring the two old eagle s that kept chirping. However, their actions made Yang Fann unhappy, so he ignored them and went straight into the house to talk to Yang Xiangdong and his wife.    


Black Bear and Xue'er became even more proud of themselves. As they ate, they shouted at Xiaoming and Xiaohong on the roof, angering the two old eagle that were almost fighting with them.    


After dinner, Yang Fann started to call Bai Mei, asking her if she knew which secretary training institution in Jiangnan City was more formal.    


"What?" You want to find a female secretary? Go look for it at Jiangnan University, isn't that your alma mater? She just graduated from Elementary School, and she's pretty smart and innocent at the same time. She just so happens to be a close female secretary. Bai Mei didn't let go of any opportunity to tease Yang Fann, she just didn't know if there were other factors behind it.    


"No, no, you know what university is like right now. When you went to college, you had done quite a number of shameless things, right? "I need to find a secretary to train by myself. These days, there aren't many students who are pure after graduating from high school. Only those who have a thorough knowledge can be at ease."    


Before Yang Fann could finish his sentence, Bai Mei, who was on the other end of the line, flew into a rage, "Surnamed Yang, you heartless bastard." Before Yang Fann had even finished his sentence, Bai Mei, who was on the other end of the phone, said, "Surnamed Yang, you heartless bastard.    


Yang Fann was sweating profusely. How did Bai Mei, this girl, know about what he did when he was young?    


Thinking about it carefully, it was hard to tell which long-tongued woman in the village told her. How could this kind of glorious deed be spread randomly, how much would it affect my heroic image if it were spread!    


When he thought about how he peeked at Aunt Lee bathing next door when he was young, Yang Fann felt that he had been wronged.    


When Yang Fann was nine years old, the village's bachelor Yang Qian told him that there was a treasure in Aunt Lee's house next door that would light up in the evening. As long as he could catch a glimpse of it, he would never forget it.    


He also told Yang Fann that Aunt Lee treasured her treasures very badly and would often take them out and wash them at night. If Yang Fann wanted to watch them, he could only sneak up on the wall and not let Aunt Lee see them.    


At that time, Aunt Lee wasn't very old; she wasn't even thirty. However, to Yang Fann, who was only nine years old, she was definitely an old lady.    


Yangfan was so obsessed with the treasure that he was almost obsessed with it. Finally, one day, Yang Fann did as he was told, and when the sound of water came again from Aunt Lee's house, he quietly climbed on top of the wall.    


It was a summer. Yang Fann could still remember clearly that the moon in the sky only had a crescent moon, but the stars were especially bright. It was unlike the past few years where only a few stars were visible.    


In Aunt Lee's yard, there was a big wooden basin, and in the big wooden basin, there was actually a white woman.    


The woman in white was Aunt Lee. She did not have a single piece of clothing on her. Under the moonlight and starlight, many parts of her body looked hazy, making it hard for people to look away.    


That was the first time Yang Fann saw a naked woman in his life. However, he was still young and didn't understand the affairs between a man and a woman. He just thought that Aunt Lee was very pretty, much prettier than when she was wearing clothes.    


However, good times did not last long. Before Yang Fann could clearly see the details of Aunt Lee's body, he heard an extremely high decibel scream. He was discovered by Aunt Lee!    


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