Ancient Ancestral Emperor

C1718 Restless heart

C1718 Restless heart

3Speak, what do you want?     4


When Qin Shaojie crossed his arms in front of his chest, his eyes narrowed into a crack as he asked.    


In Wu Mei and Bai Mei's eyes, the current matter was basically in an absolutely advantageous situation. In this kind of situation, they did not directly intervene and were still in the state of negotiating. This was clearly not because they showed any mercy or showed any signs of pity in their hearts.    


As for what exactly this map was, it was exactly what Qin Shaojie wanted to know.    


It's simple, we don't care what happens to you in the future. We only need you to agree to one thing and break off contact with the demons.    


If you are not willing to attack the Demon race, then we, the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate, will immediately attack.    


The two of them looked at each other, then looked at Qin Shaojie and spoke seriously. Their words were quite straightforward, and this time, it was even more obvious than before.    


If they had still hoped that the Nine Peaks Tower would replace them with the Gate of Healing, they wouldn't have cared so much right now. They only cared about the demons!    


Why? It doesn't seem to do you any good. Qin Shaojie's eyes revealed a hint of doubt, he clearly didn't understand the other party's motive for doing this.    


Because the demons' killing intent towards our Heaven Gate and Earth Gate is not dead, and they will be a threat to the human race.    


Only by exterminating all of the demons will the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate truly be at ease.    


Abbot Whitebrow's words were said with confidence and righteousness. Anyone could understand and accept his words. After all, the relationship between the two parties could not be described as a sea of blood of enmity. In such a situation, the demons had actually broken through the seal, and even appeared in front of the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate.    


Back then, even after sealing it for over a hundred thousand years, its bloodline still could not be severed. Now that they appeared on the Tian Yuan Continent, with so many resources, it was obvious that the demons would be able to borrow this opportunity to pull themselves together. At that time, the one in trouble would be the Nine Peaks Tower. It was the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate.    


If they had known that Nine Peaks Tower and the demons would be together, the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate would have thought of all possibilities and methods to eliminate the devil race and attack the Nine Peaks Tower.    


This was a grudge that had existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and no one could easily change it. The Heaven Gate and the demons were destined to never exist together. Moreover, only one of the two sides could survive. The other side was destined to be wiped out.    


It looks like you don't want one of you to risk your life. Qin Shaojie's eyes flashed. To him, this was only an excuse that Wu Mei and Bai Mei came up with for him, under this kind of excuse, his only goal was to survive.    


Even though they had the advantage, they could not guarantee their own safety. Under such circumstances, they were still unwilling to end the matter, at the very least, they did not want their lives to go wrong. They had saved their lives for hundreds of thousands of years with great difficulty, so if they lost everything because of a moment of anger, it would not be worth it.    


Even though they had already seen through everything in time and enjoyed things that others could not enjoy, their yearning for immortality could not stop because of their pursuit of power.    


They still had a lot of things to do, and there was only one way to deal with them, and that was to continue living. And the longer they lived, the more opportunities they would have. The more things they could accomplish. Under these circumstances, survival was the most basic and important requirement.    


This point was clear enough. Back then, these two people had disregarded their dignity in order to survive in front of him.    


However, the two of them were still unwilling, because the Heaven Gate and Earth Gate currently held an absolute advantage. They were not willing to let go of their control and influence over the human race, so he had to make the Nine Peaks Tower pay a price, and the best way to do that would be the demons!    


If they handed over the demons, it would be fair to resolve this decisive battle. It would even allow the status of these two ancestors to rise in the hearts of the human race, and would also cause the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate to lose their future worries.    


And in such a situation, the only thing the Nine Peaks Tower could do was to draw a clear line between them and the demons.    


Demon race who had lost their Nine Peaks Tower, in the eyes of Heaven Gate and Earth Gate, simply did not possess any threat at all. They could use the smallest price to kill all of these demon race.    


It could be said that this part-time job was a good plan. Under these circumstances, it could even make the Heaven Gate and Earth Gate's foundation on the Tian Yuan Continent even more stable.    


Of course, the Nine Peaks Tower's reputation would be completely ruined. Even if it could save some reputation, it would be impossible to restore it to its peak.    


It could be said that it would be quite difficult for future Nine Peaks Tower s to arouse any change in the emotions of the people of the world, even to the extent of making it difficult.    


These words were not false, they were even completely correct.    


You all have a good plan. What if I don't agree? Qin Shaojie's face had an additional hint of interest, but he wanted to know the other party's bottom line.    


Not agree? Then you have to think about the absolute price you paid.    


That's right, not only will you die here, all of the strong warriors in Nine Peaks Tower will die here today. Are you willing to accept such a loss?    


The two of them were not surprised at all by Qin Shaojie's rhetorical question, and were not even the least bit worried.    


In their opinion, this was a worthwhile transaction for Qin Shaojie. Today, both sides' armies were facing each other hundreds of miles away, and Nine Peaks Tower had almost sent out all of his troops. Unfortunately, the difference between the two sides was too big, and it still exceeded one's imagination. If one was not careful, it would be normal for blood to stain the ground.    


Maybe this kind of battle would allow the Nine Peaks Tower's reputation to reach a new peak, and would let him stay in everyone's hearts for a long time, but so what?    


The two of them both knew that Qin Shaojie was a smart person, an absolutely smart person. The life and death battle between the two sides did not benefit the Nine Peaks Tower in any way, nor did it benefit Qin Shaojie in any way.    


His hard work from before had been destroyed in this instant. What kind of madness was this? It was naturally impossible for others to understand and accept it.    


Only by surviving would one have a goal.    


Qin Shaojie's current achievements could be clearly seen by everyone. As long as he waited a few more decades or a hundred years, he might be able to surpass his two great ancestors. At that time, who in this world would stop him? Of course, Qin Shaojie could also choose to reject it, but the price was exactly as Wu Mei had said, something he could not afford.    


Sure enough, under these words, Qin Shaojie fell into silence.    


No one knew what he was thinking, but Wu Mei and Bai Mei could feel that at this moment, Qin Shaojie's heart was rather complicated. It was obvious that he was struggling. Moreover, this struggle was not easy. Rather, it was extremely painful.    


Wu Mei and Bai Mei both did not take action in a hurry, and also did not want Qin Shaojie to answer them in a hurry. It was because they knew that this was not a simple decision.    


In their eyes, Qin Shaojie was still young. This kind of youth didn't mean that his strength was weak, but that his mental state had yet to reach a certain level;    


They had seen many of these people before, but none of them had achieved much in the end.    


In the world of martial artists, there was not a single thing that could escape from one word: strength!    


Strength was the only criterion on this continent, and it was also the only desire that everyone had. Everything in the world was for the sake of strength. Everything in the world was for the sake of strength, and as such, was prepared to serve as a foundation. However, if there was something that would hinder a martial artist's strength from rising, then that person should have completely changed everything and cut it off in time!    


Back then, Wu Mei and Bai Mei cut off all ties that prevented them from increasing their strength and cultivation, and could even make a move on nine deficiency!    


It was because they knew that their so-called emotions and feelings were just a burden.    


Qin Shaojie was a top existence whether it was in terms of talent or scheming, but it was a pity that he had too many restrictions and ties, and in the eyes of the two ancestors, these things were useless.    


Using killing to prove one's path and walking the heartless path was the most correct choice in martial dao.    


It was because of this that Abbot Whitebrow and Eyebrows had been able to live to this day.    


They were well aware that if the current Qin Shaojie had lived for another hundred years, today's decision would have seemed extremely simple and normal.    


As time passed, the hesitation and anxiety on Qin Shaojie's face became heavier, but he could not seem to make a final decision!    


In this situation, Abbot Whitebrow and Eyebrows couldn't help but feel uneasy.    


One had to know that the time consumed did not have much of an impact on Qin Shaojie, but for the Heaven Gate and the Earth Gate powerhouses, it was very bad.    


They had lived for hundreds of thousands of years, and they knew better than anyone else what was going on.    


In the Valley of Wind and Thunder, the Gate of Heaven and Earth was already in place. At this moment, as long as he gave the order, he would be able to kill his opponent regardless of anything.    


On the other hand, although the Nine Peaks Tower was filled with fighting spirit after a long journey, his body was not at the peak condition. As such, his fighting strength would be affected.    


They had lured Qin Shaojie away, and given him enough time to think, it could be said that they had given him enough time to think and treat him well. Although Qin Shaojie's inner heart was shaking greatly, it also made the two of them worry that Qin Shaojie was stalling for time.    


However, when the two of them secretly tried to read Qin Shaojie's inner thoughts, they realized that Qin Shaojie did not have any thoughts or thoughts of delaying them.    


He was wholeheartedly weighing the pros and cons, struggling to decide whether or not he should give up on the demons. His thoughts were all about weighing the pros and cons, considering his reputation, considering his future. This situation allowed the two of them to feel slightly more at ease.    


However, there was still a trace of unease in their hearts.    


Just what level of powerful existences were the two of them? If they could sense unease, it meant that the situation was perhaps a little strange.    


As for where the problem was, he was not sure either.    


Because in their eyes, even if Qin Shaojie was stalling for time, it did not seem to be very meaningful.    


Even if the Nine Peaks Tower was able to increase its strength and recover a bit, it would still not be able to make a decisive change in the face of such powerful strength.    


Furthermore, it was impossible for him to rapidly increase his strength while he was stalling for time!    


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