Ancient Ancestral Emperor

C1383 Stone giant

C1383 Stone giant

3Brother, how should we deal with these three people?    4


Several hours later, Qin Shaojie woke up. He pointed at the trio and asked.    


Currently, the Great Elder and Second Elder were heavily injured. If it were not for the fact that their strengths and weaknesses were not bad, it was likely that they would not even be able to stay alive. However, the two of them were not in the same condition right now. It was likely that they would not be able to hold on for long if they did not treat them.    


Although his current breathing was normal and his vitality was unharmed, his soul consciousness had actually been completely devoured by Qin Shaojie. He was currently a living dead, and might as well be heavily injured like the other two.    


After all, these three would be of great use.    


After looking at the three of them for a bit, Qin Shaojie also seriously said that he had already heard some information and clues about the stone giant from Fourth Young Master's Divine Sense. The real secret was hidden within the stone giant's body, and if he wanted to enter, he would need to obtain sacrifices!    


Previously, the Fourth Young Master allowed Qin Shaojie and the others to enter this place, and was not anxious to kill them directly because they still had some value in this place. Only those who are still alive can become sacrifices, but it is a pity that the changes and developments have surpassed everyone's imagination, no one expected that the situation before would completely change, and the Fourth Young Master and the others actually became Qin Shaojie's sacrifices.    


Bi Meng also nodded slightly, after that he directly used his own body to carry the three of them on his back, with no effort at all.    


I've checked, the so-called stone giant they speak of is at the end of it. Bi Meng hurriedly said as he pointed to the end of the space. Qin Shaojie and Jin Feier then followed behind Bi Meng and gradually disappeared from this space!    


This stone giant, truly deserved this name!    


When he reappeared, Qin Shaojie's eyes narrowed slightly. Right now, not far in front of him, was a giant that seemed to be in deep sleep. This giant was made of piles of stones, but it was more than three hundred meters tall, and could be compared to the stone giant s of the past. Most importantly, even though this stone giant was in a deep slumber, it still gave people a strong feeling.    


He did not reveal any aura, but it gave off an extremely strong pressure. It seemed that as long as he accidentally woke it up, he would have to pay an enormous price. Under this kind of state, Qin Shaojie couldn't help but take a deep breath as well.    


He had already seen it through the fourth young master's divine sense earlier. Even if the four of them worked together, they wouldn't be able to gain the slightest advantage over the stone giant. On the contrary, the four of them were injured to different degrees.    


Under their joint attack, even the Third-rank Saints would have to be cautious and not ignore them, but in front of the stone giant, they did not receive any benefits. If it were not for them stopping in time, the final situation would have been even worse!    


I have tested before, as long as you are more than 500 meters away from him, this stone giant will not wake up, but once we get close, this stone giant will immediately wake up, and the energy inside will not be something even I can resist!    


Looking at the vast stone giant, Bi Meng said with a deep voice. His words were not wrong, after all he had tried to do so earlier, if it were not for the fact that he was already prepared to escape, he would have been left behind. Thinking about that, Bi Meng's body shivered, that fellow was too powerful, he had never seen something like that!    


You are not his match, and even the Third-rank Saints is unable to battle against him. Taking a deep breath, the stone giant in front of him looked like an ordinary human, only that he was a lot taller than an ordinary human. It was a pity that this stone giant was not refined by the same ancestor, otherwise things would not have been so complicated.    


According to what the Fourth Young Master had gathered, this stone giant seemed to have existed for a long time, perhaps tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years. No one knew when he had appeared, in any case, he had existed before the Old Ancestor of the Earth Sect came to this place.    


The carving of the entire stone giant was extremely perfect and natural, there were almost no flaws on his body, and even the expression on his face was vivid and lifelike, as though he was a real person who had fallen asleep. However, Qin Shaojie was very clear, this seemingly sleeping real person contained a lot of energy, and the energy was enough to completely exterminate them!    


500 meters was the limit. It seemed like the memories in the fourth young master's soul were indeed correct.    


As long as it was not within five hundred meters, it would not excite the stone giant and it would naturally be in a safe state. This was probably the real reason why the fourth young master had been so lucky. As long as they weren't within five hundred meters, the danger would disappear, so they had plenty of time to escape.    


It was a pity that this stone giant seemed to have an inexhaustible supply of energy, they had not seen the slightest change in this stone giant for the past few days.    


It was as if he didn't know how tired he was and used an inexhaustible energy.    


It might be easier if he was here. At this time, Bi Meng thought about Wuxin as his eyes also flickered with light.    


It was unintentional for them to be able to conceal their auras completely. With such a concealment, it was extremely likely that they would be able to deceive this stone giant.    


On the other hand, Qin Shaojie shook his head, they would have more chances if he was not there, but there was no chance now.    


According to Fourth Young Master's Spiritual Sense, the Lone Peak would only open three times a year, and they had already used up their last chance to enter.    


If they went out now, they wouldn't be able to get in. Even they would be trapped here.    


The real purpose of this trip to the Endless Sea was to find the Island of Death. If he was trapped here, he wouldn't be able to hold on for more than a year. After all, Patriarch Subhuti and Prophet had clearly stated this point, and so Qin Shaojie couldn't wait any longer.    


Qin Shaojie's words also caused Bi Meng's eyes to slightly sink.    


However, it was not difficult to find the secret of the stone giant, because the three of them were still here. However, Qin Shaojie did not seem to be in a hurry, as he pointed to the fourth young master and the second elder and spoke in a low voice.    


Hehe, you all don't know how to use it, but it's a waste of our lives.    


At this moment, the Second Elder coughed and blood was flowing out of his wounds. He had already regained his consciousness but his condition was still quite terrible. However, he only needed to take a look around to know what had happened, and when his gaze finally landed on the fourth young master, a trace of regret appeared on his face.    


If they landed on their bodies today, it might be the end of their lives.    


However, there was warmth in his eyes, and even some sense of relief. He had been sitting beside the fourth young master for the past few years and didn't dare to act rashly. Even his own family was in danger.    


This might be the best way.    


Living was sometimes not like being a Good thing. Death was where one would eventually return to.    


It was a pity that he did not see the hidden secrets of the stone giant. Perhaps this would become a huge regret, but he was sure that the hidden secrets were extremely powerful even in the entire Tian Yuan Continent.    


Is that so? I know how to use it.    


The Fourth Young Master has always wanted your deaths to be of value, but unfortunately, he was unable to do so. Qin Shaojie's gaze swept across the Second Elder's weak body. His voice was not loud, and even using the word "indifferent" was not an exaggeration.    


He knew very well that he was the only one left in this world who knew how to make sacrifices.    


When Qin Shaojie said this, the Second Elder also closed his eyes slightly. He knew that he was already powerless to turn the situation around, but he felt much more gratified when he saw the Fourth Young Master's expression. We have followed the fourth young master for so many years, and now we are going to die together.    


Qin Shaojie did not care about what they thought, he only kept sweeping his gaze across stone giant's body, and in the end, his gaze landed on the hundred palm strikes in front of stone giant.    


On the floor there was a depression about a palm deep.    


That place could not be considered as obvious, but Qin Shaojie knew clearly that it was the only place of sacrifice.    


Do you really think that the Fourth Young Master is doing this for your own good? It's not that they don't want to sacrifice you, but that he has no other choice. As if he had thought of something, Qin Shaojie let out a low laugh.    


Only by placing the offerings at a fixed location one hundred meters away from stone giant would one be able to obtain the stone giant's approval.    


It was a pity that stone giant had the ability to attack when he was at a distance of five hundred meters from stone giant.    


Therefore, the prerequisite for a sacrifice was that someone had to block the stone giant's attack. Only then would there be a chance.    


However, there are only the Fourth Young Master and the three Saints in this lone mountain. If you let the three Saints stall the stone giant's attacks, you guys would not have any offerings. If the Fourth Young Master had thought of a way to hold back stone giant, he did not believe that these three Saints would commit suicide in that fixed location!    


Moreover, in the eyes of the fourth young master, it was extremely difficult for a single person to withstand the attack. If one was not careful, it was very possible that one would be severely injured or even die.    


Therefore, in the eyes of the three Saints, perhaps the fourth young master was saving them to survive, but they did not know that it was only because the conditions did not allow it.    


As long as the conditions allowed, the fourth young master would not show such mercy. What else could he not do in order to achieve his goals?    


Qin Shaojie's words caused the Second Elder to vomit blood once again. He knew that Qin Shaojie was not deceiving him about the reason and the necessity, but everything was true!    


He looked at the unconscious body of the fourth young master and felt a tinge of disappointment.    


He knew that the fourth young master was vicious and merciless, but he did not know that he was still concealing himself at such a critical time.    


The thing that chilled him the most was that the fourth young master had been doubting the loyalty of these three people. If he had really given such an order, even though the three of them were unwilling, they would not have hesitated to commit suicide in front of the stone giant.    


Because this was their mission.    


But from the looks of it, they had never been able to enter the fourth young master's heart. In the eyes of the fourth young master, they had never been anything more than tools.    


Suddenly, he felt helpless. His voice was filled with bitterness.    


Under such a state, Qin Shaojie could only sigh softly. He knew that he was powerless to help with these matters.    


Letting them know the truth before they died was perhaps the only thing he could do.    


The fourth young master had a treasure on him, if you didn't take it off, the scene of him being killed would be seen by the Earth Gate.    


However, at this time, the Second Elder suddenly opened his mouth!    


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