Ancient Ancestral Emperor

C674 Semen coriolis

C674 Semen coriolis

3Rumble rumble rumble!    2


Strong energy fluctuations continuously spread out from Little Seven's body. At this moment, the aura of his Earth Origin Stage was also not concealed in the slightest. However, each time this force descended, it would cause a terrifying destructive force that was comparable to Mysterious Life Stage!    


At this moment, Xiao Qi was surrounded by two ancient magical beasts. One had a snake body and wolf head, and the other had the wings of a tiger. Under the joint attack of the two, they formed a strong encirclement that was not the slightest bit weaker than the practitioners of Mysterious Life Stage. However, at this moment, the two magical beasts seemed to have gone mad and were continuously attacking Little Seven.    


In such a situation, Xiao Qi was already at a disadvantage. She gritted her teeth and continued to persevere.    


However, as the Xuan Qi in her body was constantly being depleted, Xiao Qi was already in a state of exhaustion, and blood was still in her mouth. It could be assumed that the previous fight had caused her to pay a heavy price. In this Primordial Era, Xiao Qi was naturally very clear about the strength of these Archaic Beasts, not to mention that she was only a Earth Origin Stage level warrior after all. Even if it was possible to use the nine-star locked dark matter's special abilities, it was still quite weak and passive in front of these powerful Archaic beasts.    


With a flip of his palms, another tyrannical strike landed on the two magical beasts. However, this strike only slightly stopped the two magical beasts from attacking him. In fact, the amount of damage they could inflict on their bodies was quite limited. Her pupils constricted. She knew very well that she was no longer in a position where she could kill these two Archaic beasts. Unless she ran away, she would have no other choice.    


It was a pity that even if they wanted to escape, the two ancient magical beasts would not spare her.    


The eyes of the Archaic Demonic Beast were filled with blood from being angered. As it roared, it once again attacked Xiao Qi, seemingly sensing her current passive state. The two Archaic Demonic Beasts' attacks became even more frenzied, and they were definitely going to kill Xiao Qi here.    


Damn it! Finally, when the mystical Qi was almost exhausted, one of the demonic beast opened its mouth and ruthlessly bit at Xiao Qi's head with its sharp teeth. The bite strength of this Magical Beast was astonishing. Even steel would be instantly split into two under this bite. Once Xiao Qi's head fell into his mouth, how could she possibly survive?    


However, just as despair appeared on Xiao Qi's face, the mouth of the gigantic Archaic Demon Beast didn't move. On the contrary, Xiao Qi could clearly feel that the life force of the ancient Demon Beast in front of her was dissipating at a speed visible to the naked eye. Then, it suddenly collapsed in front of her, and she died!    


However, the instant the ancient demonic beast fell, Xiao Qi also saw the tears that had sunk into her body!    


Cangshu's sharpness had been known for a long time. Under its penetration, even the defenses of the Mysterious Life Stage's practitioners were unable to completely abandon it, let alone a demonic beast that was completely unaware.    


One strike had entered its body and completely shattered all of its internal organs. Perhaps even this ancient beast did not expect that it would die so quickly under this undetectable sharp sword.    


Cang Yi was Qin Shaojie's possession, so Xiao Qi was pleasantly surprised! This meant that Qin Shaojie was nearby!    


Sure enough, after turning around, Xiao Qi's gaze turned. Qin Shaojie had indeed appeared in front of the Ancient Tiger Eagle Winged Beast!    


Facing this Primordial Demon Beast, Qin Shaojie's eyes were cold and filled with killing intent. It was only a Primordial Demon Beast that had just barely reached the Mysterious Life Stage. Furthermore, it seemed to have suffered from a certain degree of injury, so this kind of Primordial Demon Beast posed little threat to the current Qin Shaojie.    


Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw that Xiao Qi was safe and sound, Qin Shaojie also heaved a sigh of relief, but the look in her eyes when he looked at the Primordial Demon Beast was unusually cold. If not for his appearance, these two beasts might have taken his life!    


However, under this roar, he sensed the dense stench of blood on Qin Shaojie's body. This stench of blood was the blood of his comrade, and he could sense that it was definitely not one or two of them. The fact that this Primordial Demon Beast was able to reach the Mysterious Life Stage, was naturally due to its intelligence, and was able to kill so many of its own kind.    


When it saw that its other comrade had died under this sharp sword, it did not hesitate and turned around to flee …    


But how could Qin Shaojie give him this chance? The instant the Primordial Demon Beast turned around, the second chapter of the Great Destructive Palms was immediately displayed, and a huge palm transformed into a strong destructive force. The power of life and death in the area was utilized to the extreme, fiercely smashing onto the body of the Demon Beast.    


Even though the defense of an Primordial Demon Beast was extremely strong, it was still useless in Qin Shaojie's hands.    


Under the attack, even a painful cry was not released. Instead, it turned into a pool of blood. After that, he clenched his hand slightly towards the pool of blood and saw that Qin Shaojie had absorbed all of the demonic beast's blood essence. Of course, this absorption was for the little fellow's nourishment within his consciousness.    


Are you okay?    


He took three steps to the front of Xiao Qi with eyes full of concern. If not for Xiao Budian's Spiritual Sense, this time, Xiao Qi would have been in real danger.    


Qin Shaojie's appearance caused the little guy to feel at ease. Although he still felt a lingering fear now that he thought about it, it was fortunate that the final situation did not turn out to be the worst one.    


There was someone hiding in the hills ahead!    


And just as Qin Shaojie was prepared to help Xiao Qi recover first, the little fellow actually quietly warned her within Qin Shaojie's consciousness. These words caused Qin Shaojie's brows to suddenly knit together. He was extremely cautious in his actions, so he had already scanned the surroundings with his spiritual sense and did not sense any other living beings. As Qin Shaojie stayed in this Primordial Era for a longer time, his consciousness also became more and more accustomed to this world. Although there was still a limit, everything around this small hill was impossible, and he had to escape from his senses.    


Seeing Qin Shaojie's tightly locked gaze on the small hill, Xiao Qi also coughed and looked over with Qin Shaojie.    


I was chased by magical beasts the whole way here. I originally had several times I was able to escape, but I don't know why, but I was still discovered in the end.    


Xiao Qi's mutterings also caused Qin Shaojie's eyes to flicker slightly.    


However, after Qin Shaojie gave Xiao Qi a few pills, he leapt up the hill with Xiao Qi in tow!    


After looking around, he still did not discover anything strange. However, under the little fellow's reminder, Qin Shaojie's gaze locked onto a spot at the bottom of the hill where the grasses were growing!    


Other than the fact that the grass was a little lush, there was nothing else out of the ordinary about the grass. In this world, it was completely inconspicuous.    


Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!    


With a flick of Qin Shaojie's finger, a few clusters of flames instantly burned this grass!    


As the flames burned, two sonic booms suddenly rang out. Following that, two figures rushed towards two different directions in the sky. This speed was too fast, causing Little Seven to not be able to react in time. But Qin Shaojie was different. Although this surprised him, he merely let out a cold snort.    


He was already prepared for this, and with a flick of his hand, the space around him seemed to be restricted. The two bodies that were originally rushing out could only hear two clashing sounds as the two figures shot back inside.    


After that, the surrounding area was shrouded in Qin Shaojie's ice element, forming a huge ice cave. Inside the ice cave, the bone-chilling cold energy enveloped everything within, even Xiao Qi's body couldn't help but tremble slightly, and he immediately pulled a little closer to Qin Shaojie.    


Tell me some useful information, or you two won't be able to escape.    


Looking at the two disciples floating in the air in front of him, Qin Shaojie's pupils contracted as an ice-cold killing intent slowly spread out.    


There were only ten factions that could enter this ancient space, so he was naturally familiar with them. The two of them were the peak Earth Origin Stage disciples of the Jedi Sect, Yu Yuanshan, and the Crimson Sun Sect's Xu Yi. The fact that these two people were together also surprised Qin Shaojie.    


After all, the Scarlet Sun Sect had always existed in a neutral state, but now that they were together with the disciples of the Jedi Sect, it was rather unusual.    


Qin Shaojie, on the other hand, went to the side of the road. We didn't provoke you, why are you doing this?    


Yu Yuan looked at Qin Shaojie with eyes filled with fear. He never thought that he would meet Qin Shaojie here. After all, he had seen his methods during the first stage of the competition. Even Cui Bing had to be wary of him, let alone someone on the first day of Yu Yuan.    


I don't like to talk nonsense.    


His indifferent gaze swept over the two of them. This voice didn't have the slightest emotion, but it seemed to come from hell, causing one's hair to stand on end. Their bodies started trembling uncontrollably.    


Although the two of them were at the peak of Earth Origin Stage, their Mysterious Life Stage was not the least bit inferior to it.    


Even the two magical beasts from before didn't have the slightest bit of resistance against Qin Shaojie, let alone the two of them.    


Qin Shaojie's eyes were like a viper's as they stared at the two of them. Under this kind of gaze, Yu Yuan Dan and Xu Yi couldn't help but swallow their saliva.    


None of my business, it was all suggested on New Year's Day.    


Finally, under this heavy atmosphere of suppression, even Xu Yi was biting her lip as she spoke in a trembling voice. Soon after, she hurriedly pulled away from Yu New Year's Day. He pointed at Yu New Year's Day and said in a hurry.    


Xu Yi, you'd better not speak carelessly!    


Being given a fright by Xu Yi's unforgiving words, Yu New Year's Day also turned his head and shouted in anger. It was just that this waiting state looked somewhat playful in front of Qin Shaojie.    


To be able to hide from his consciousness and not be detected by an Primordial Demon Beast at such a close distance, this was not a method that two disciples at the peak of the Earth Origin Stage could possess. It looked like there was something fishy about this.    


As I said, I don't like to talk nonsense. He can live, but you can't.    


Qin Shaojie looked at Yu Yuan Dan and said softly. When he said that, Yu Yuan Dan felt a burst of coldness in his heart, and his expression immediately darkened. His entire body completely disregarded everything and was prepared to break the ice world Qin Shaojie had constructed and escape.    


But, how could Qin Shaojie give him that chance?    


Just as his body was about to turn into a blur and disappear, Qin Shaojie's palm suddenly pointed towards the sky, and the space around him instantly collapsed. This collapse was completely unexpected, but before he could even struggle, the two different awakened elements of ice and fire crazily twined around him, and the fusion of the two types of energy was something that Qin Shaojie had comprehended during his time in the Primordial World. This fusion of the ice and fire energy was able to more than double the destructive power!    


This had almost become a new method of Qin Shaojie's, to be able to die on this, could be considered as worthy of the reputation of the Jedi Sect's disciples.    


As for Xu Yi, she watched helplessly as Yu Yuan's body was frozen in place and the flames began to burn.    


It had only been the time of a few breaths. The profound practitioners who were originally at the peak of the Earth Origin Stage with strong auras had now turned into a pile of ashes.    


There was no screaming of pain, but it gave off an especially shocking feeling of terror from the depths of one's bones!    


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