Ancient Ancestral Emperor

C411 Nether cave

C411 Nether cave

3Qin Shaojie carefully controlled his own Qi. As he walked forward, he discovered that he was surrounded by more and more corpses. Countless lives were lost to Zhai Min, blood dyed the ground red, a thick stench of blood rose to the sky, corpses littered the ground, it looked rather miserable.    


Qin Shaojie also did not stop for a moment, and continued to increase his pace. He was very clear that if he was faster, perhaps the Nether Cave s were more likely to have Zhai Min alive. With this speed, he could even hear the sound of wind in his ears. The grass and trees around him also disappeared from his sight like lightning.    


Finally, just as he heard the sound of howling coming from the other side, Qin Shaojie's footsteps also stopped. From this sort of pause, his expression turned cold, and what appeared before his eyes was not a cave, but a mountain that was not considered small, only that the entire mountain range had been enveloped by a energy shield that could be seen with the naked eye.    


Countless figures could be seen floating above the barrier, and as they moved, a strong destructive attack came from the hands of the people outside the barrier. As the destructive attack energy landed on the barrier, it caused the surface of the barrier to ripple like ocean waves, causing the energy shield, which was initially like a half bowl that had fallen from the sky, to always give off the feeling that it was about to crumble at any time.    


He focused his eyes and saw that these people who had attacked were just like the black clothed people he had killed earlier. They were all wearing black clothes and the hostility on their bodies was extremely obvious.    


Within the energy shield, Qin Shaojie could vaguely see the flickering of quite a few figures within the mountain range. The clothes of these figures may seem different, but they were all extremely simple and honest. If his eyesight was good, it was not hard to detect some fear on their faces!    


It was clear that this mountain was the Nether Cave that the black clothed man spoke of before.    


As one of the Jinlan Mountain's Nine Stronghold's eighteen caves, Nether Cave was considered a rather strong existence among them. Almost all the warriors in the entire Jinlan Mountain were gathered there. It was not only because the Nether Cave's Heaven and Earth Profound Energy was more abundant, but also because the Nether Cave had a hard protective array. Once the array opened, it would allow the Nether Cave to be safe and sound in the chaos of war.    


It was a pity that with the formation activated, although the protective shield could temporarily protect Zhai Min, but from the looks of it, he would not be able to hold on for long.    


Qin Shaojie moved his body, and in the middle, he killed a black-clothed man, stole his clothes, then turned into a person and appeared in the air above the energy shield. Like the others, he activated his profound energy and attacked the energy shield. However, his attacks ended up like smoke bullets. Other than the massive momentum, there was almost no real attack power.    


At this moment, only Qin Shaojie was able to see clearly that there were a lot of Zhai Min s gathered within the Nether Cave. All of their faces were filled with worry and hatred, the enemy was right in front of them, but they were helpless. Not to mention the power of battle, once the great formation was broken, all that was left was the fate of being massacred!    


They were unwilling, they were angry, he wanted revenge, but at the same time there was nothing they could do.    


However, these Zhai Min s were almost all holding large blades and spears. It was obvious that once they reached the final stage, they would disregard their own safety and go all out. Even if they knew that this was a path of death, they had no choice.    


Withdrawing his gaze from these Zhai Min's body, although most of these Zhai Min's were ordinary people, Qin Shaojie still felt a few powerful auras from them. Presumably, they were also the true experts within the Nether Cave. Adding on the Three Spiritual Realms and the Genuine Force among them, there were quite a few people who had the ability to fight.    


If the eighteen caves of the Jinlan Mountain's Nine Stronghold, which were able to survive on this continent for so long, were to be completely useless, how could the dynasty let go of such a fat piece of meat? It was a pity that what they met today was not the eagle claws of an ordinary empire, but rather the annihilation of a warrior from the Japanese Empire who had gone through hundreds of battles.    


There were about dozens of warriors above the energy shield. These warriors could all fly into the air, and their strength had all reached the level of Three Spiritual Realms!    


And at the foot of the Abyssal Mountain, there were thousands of soldiers stationed there! Although the soldiers were panting for breath in the black gown, their fighting intent was high and they were in an orderly manner, the blood on the long hilt weapons in their hands was still there, they were like butchers, waiting for the formation to be broken, they raised the weapons in their hands and wanted to kill Zhai Min who was still alive in Nether Cave.    


All of these black clothed men had experienced countless life and death arrays, and had been trained in true battle. They were like machines of war, and even the regular armies of other empires could not match up to them, let alone these Zhai Min.    


It was as if Zhai Min was aware of this fact, and quite a few Zhai Min's eyes revealed traces of despair.    


Unfortunately, they had no other choice. If they tried to forcibly break through the encirclement, the only thing left for them was death. Now, the only thing he could do was to entrust this energy shield to it. He could only hope that it would last as long as possible.    


Damn it, under such circumstances, wanting to protect Zhai Min, who was still alive in Nether Cave, was not an easy thing to do.    


Qin Shaojie, who was in the air, had a grave expression on his face. If he took action now, he would at most be able to kill some of the enemy's men, but in front of such a large number of people, it was impossible for him to turn the tide.    


As he continued to ponder, Qin Shaojie slowly observed the huge energy shield, but the more he observed, the brighter his eyes shone. The formation that had formed the energy shield did not seem to be that simple, and the defensive power it produced far surpassed Qin Shaojie's imagination at the start. Even though dozens of Three Spiritual Realms level practitioners had joined hands to attack, they were still unable to shake the defensive barrier in a short amount of time.    


As he hid amongst the black clothed men, Qin Shaojie did not have any flaws, but he was looking for the heart of the formation and the person controlling it.    


Qin Shaojie's attainments in formations could not be compared to ordinary people, but after a quarter of an hour, his face revealed a hint of joy, because this array was truly not as simple as it looked. If he hadn't guessed wrongly, this formation should have been left behind from the ancient era. Even if it wasn't as powerful as a complete formation, it was definitely not a small matter.    


Unfortunately, the person controlling the formation didn't seem to know much about formations, so he was only displaying a tiny bit of the array's power. If the large formation was completely released, not only would the defensive power be increased by several times, the strong offensive strength would also be enough to completely engulf the so-called Three Spiritual Realms and the thousands of soldiers guarding the Nether Cave.    


But if the formation was maintained as it was now, in at most another day, the formation would be broken. At that time, the black-clothed men outside would be in a state where no one would be around, and when that time came, in a single effort, they would kill all of the Zhai Min remaining in the last 18 holes of the Jinlan Mountain!    


Inside the Nether Cave, the bodies of the tens of thousands of Zhai Min were trembling, as huge energy ripples constantly emanated from the energy shield, causing the fear in their hearts to become even heavier. Countless people had expressions of despair on their faces.    


Who knew how many people had died in the originally bustling Jinlan Mountain's eighteen Nine Towers of the Eighteen Caves? The cruel methods of the black-clothed men, they killed as soon as they saw people, disregarding everything else, as if their goal was to completely exterminate everyone in the Jinlan Mountain. They didn't even have the time to fight back. Of course, they also had no strength to fight back. These black-clothed men were truly too powerful.    


Even if they were to escape with all they had, there was not one in ten who managed to win over the Nether Cave.    


Initially, they had thought that the experts of the Nether Cave were tyrannical, that they could force back powerful enemies and kill them in the Jinlan Mountain to avenge the dead. However, who would have thought that these black clothed people were so powerful that even the Three Spiritual Realm Warriors within the Nether Cave could do nothing and were killed by them.    


By now, almost everyone understood that once the formation was destroyed, there wasn't much they could do.    


Survival and fear of death were the normal behaviour of everyone. It was just that they could no longer find a way to continue living.    


He held the scepter in his hand, and his body was as straight as a steel spear. Standing at the same place, a powerful aura continuously spread out from his body, and the people around him were filled with respect.    


Great Clan Elder, I'm afraid the great array of my Nether Cave won't be able to hold on much longer.    


At this time, the face of the Nether Cave's Master of the caves, Wu Guang, had also darkened to the extreme. With not even a hint of a sigh, she spoke to the Jinlan Mountain's Great Elder Wu Meng of the eighteen caves. The entire Abyssal Mountain, including Wu Guang, had done their best to resist until now.    


However, the continuous combined attack from dozens of Three Spiritual Realm Warriors had already surpassed the limit that they could endure.    


Wu Guang's words made Wu Meng use more strength to grip the Scepter in his hand.    


Once he chose to break out of the encirclement, he would have no chance of winning against Zhai Min.    


Wu Meng's words caused the people around him to suddenly raise their heads as well. Did they finally have to prepare for the worst? Everyone knew clearly that once they chose to break through, it wasn't because Wu Meng, Wu Guang and the rest of the Rankers had to think of a way to escape, but rather they had to think of a way to force even more Zhai Min out.    


And if they stayed and fought to the death, there was only one path of no return!    


But now, everyone knew that they had no other choice.    


Very few, perhaps. Or, they could be completely wiped out. Taking in a deep breath, Wu Guang tried his best to keep his voice calm while forcing himself to say the words' the army is wiped out '. However, when the surrounding people heard this, they could not help but suck in a deep breath.    


Who exactly was the other party? Why did he do it?! Even more so, he wanted to massacre all of the Zhai Min in the eighteen caves of the Jinlan Mountain.    


If he couldn't break through the encirclement, then he would have to let everyone be prepared. Killing one was enough and killing two would earn him a lot! Although my Jinlan Mountain's Nine Stronghold's eighteen caves are neither born nor contend with the world, and although our strength is weak, we are by no means just a fish to be slaughtered!    


Finished speaking, Wu Meng suddenly opened his eyes, the originally turbid color had disappeared, his clear eyes flashed, a strong killing intent surged out from his body.    


Since that was the case, what more was there to worry about?    


Grand Elder, there seems to be something wrong with the person above!    


A somewhat flustered figure hurriedly rushed over after the First Elder finished speaking. He spoke in a deep voice to the First Elder and the others. Everyone followed the person's instructions and looked at the black clothed man, it was Qin Shaojie!    


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