Ancient Ancestral Emperor

C370 Reunion with fructus notoginseng!

C370 Reunion with fructus notoginseng!

3The deepest part of the dungeon was really just water. However, the water was not made of water. It was refined out of liquid.    


Taking in a deep breath, a strong pungent smell swept over as well, causing Qin Shaojie to be unable to refrain from frowning slightly. Although he didn't know what this pungent smell was, he could feel that it should be able to completely numb a person's mind.    


However, thinking about it, it made sense. After all, this was the place where the Kui Temple's disciples were imprisoned. If this disciple was too strong, and was unwilling to die, no matter how many methods the Indigenous peoples s had, it would be useless. In such a situation, it would be better to numb him and wake him up when the time was right.    


Rather than saying that this was a water prison, what if this was a sturdy metal box created from a thousand year old black iron, then this metal box would be buried deep in the ground. Even though the ground around him had cracks in it, the metal box was still safe and sound.    


Appearing on top of the metal box, Qin Shaojie could vaguely see a person being tied up inside the liquid. Immediately, Qin Shaojie clenched both his hands, and a powerful force spread out from the center of his palms, immediately after, he used a force and pulled the figure out from the hole.    


Xiao Qi?    


When the figure appeared in front of Qin Shaojie, Qin Shaojie was also startled. Although the figure was currently completely drenched, when Qin Shaojie's gaze landed on the white face, he was surprised, because he had seen this person before, Xiao Qi, from the Kui Temple's ancient ruins!    


No matter what, he would never have thought that Xiao Qi, whom she had not discovered in the Kui Temple, would be imprisoned in this clan!    


With the spread of his consciousness, Qin Shaojie heaved a sigh of relief. This Xiao Qi had merely sealed his presence, and if he were to place his body in the liquid, he would be able to numb his spirit sense, so that he would not be able to wake up.    


Although he had some internal injuries, they were nothing to Qin Shaojie. After that, he prevented his hand from landing on Xiao Qi's back as a warm feeling of profound energy flowed from Qin Shaojie's palm into Xiao Qi's body. At the same time, another type of hand activated a profound fire, drying Xiao Qi's clothes.    


Only, Qin Shaojie did not notice that the moment Xiao Qi was fished out, her wet clothes did not seem to wrap her body as flat as the man's.    


Under the unceasing flow of warm profound energy, Xiao Qi's clothes were also dried, and immediately after, Xiao Qi's pale white face gradually recovered some color, causing Qin Shaojie to heave a sigh of relief.    


He never thought that the next time he would meet her would be under such circumstances. Fortunately, he had appeared in time, otherwise, if this fellow was really tested and turned into Jiang Yi, he might really blame himself.    


Cough cough cough!    


After a long while, a series of coughing sounds came from Little Seven's throat. Following that, his breathing also gradually became even. The moment he slowly opened his eyes, he saw Qin Shaojie right in front of him. Xiao Qi's face suddenly changed, the profound energy in her body suddenly faced east, her palm aimed at Qin Shaojie's chest and suddenly struck!    


This sudden turn of events, even Qin Shaojie did not expect it. Although his body dodged reflexively, under this rush, there was still some energy left in his shoulder, and he quickly jumped to pull away from Xiao Qi. Luckily, Qin Shaojie's body was extremely strong, otherwise, he would have received some injuries from that palm strike.    


But before Qin Shaojie could speak, Xiao Qi leaped up and attacked Qin Shaojie again. Under such an attack, Qin Shaojie's expression changed, he had not seen Xiao Qi for half a year, her strength had increased by quite a bit, although she has not fully recovered her Spirit Sea Realm Qi, but her attack was extremely vicious, and was completely different from the gentleness he saw in the ancient ruins.    


Xiao Qi, stop, it's me!    


In the face of Xiao Qi's crazy attacks, Qin Shaojie also continuously dodged and dodged, but unfortunately, Xiao Qi did not seem to have any intentions of stopping, so if this continued, it would not be a good thing to be wasting time here, so Qin Shaojie immediately followed suit and drank up.    


After hearing this voice, Xiao Qi's body also came to a sudden stop. She immediately frowned and her eyes flashed as she stared at the man in front of her.    


It was only now that he noticed that the dungeon had long since become dilapidated and there were quite a few corpses lying on the ground. It was obvious that there had been a great battle! The most important thing was that the other side actually called him Xiao Qi!    


It had to be known that Xiao Qi was not his real name, and not many people knew of it even within the Kui Temple, but how did the Indigenous peoples before him know his name? However, even though she had stopped, Xiao Qi's profound strength had not been restrained in the slightest, and was still staring at her opponent quite cautiously.    


Ever since he was captured alive, his bloodline aura had been sealed by the Indigenous peoples, and even his mind had become numb. It was as if he was a living corpse and he had no idea what was happening in the outside world.    


Seeing Xiao Qi stop, Qin Shaojie heaved a sigh of relief, if Xiao Qi were to take action again, he would need to passively defend.    


However, looking at Xiao Qi's cautious face, Qin Shaojie seemed to have thought of something, and a bitter smile appeared on his face. Originally, he had been maintaining his Indigenous peoples appearance, so how could Xiao Qi recognize him?    


Soon after, he also kneaded his face, allowing his facial features to return to its normal state.    


And under this change, as expected, Xiao Qi's pupils suddenly expanded, and immediately after, she looked at Qin Shaojie in disbelief. This person, he naturally would not have forgotten, if not for Qin Shaojie in the ancient ruins, he would have lost his life, and even his seniors would have been in great danger.    


This is a long story, hurry up and leave this place with me!    


Seeing Xiao Qi's reaction, Qin Shaojie also heaved a sigh of relief, which at least meant that the other party still remembered him. However, he didn't have the leisure to explain to Xiao Qi right now, so he directly came over and held her hand, preparing to walk outside.    


The slender hand was suddenly pulled, and Xiao Qi's body also trembled. She stood rooted to the ground, not moving at all.    


Don't worry, I won't harm you.    


As if he thought Xiao Qi was worrying about something, Qin Shaojie hurriedly said as well. And at this time, Xiao Qi had finally regained her senses and allowed Qin Shaojie to drag her forward!    


When Xiao Qi walked out of the dungeon and saw the four figures, she reflexively prepared to attack. However, it was certain that Qin Shaojie had to stop them since these four were the four people he had killed before. However, from the looks of it now, it seemed that no one had discovered it.    


Although the sounds of attacks were very loud before, it was not difficult to cause some activity on the ground as the gambling addict was over a hundred feet deep in the dungeon. Plus, even though these four people had their heads hanging down, they were still standing. Even if someone didn't notice them, they wouldn't have noticed it.    


Qin Shaojie fiercely exhaled and took out a few pills for Xiao Qi to swallow. Among these pills, some were healing and some even concealed their Qi that Jiang Yi had given them.    


Regarding Qin Shaojie, although Xiao Qi currently had too much doubt in her heart, she did not doubt it in the slightest. Putting aside the fact that the other party had saved him and the disciples of the Kui Temple, just the fact that he had killed so many Indigenous peoples was enough to prove that he truly wanted to save him.    


However, what Xiao Qi was most surprised about was still Qin Shaojie's strength. After seven years of hard work, he finally leveled up from Spirit Lake Realm to Spirit Sea Realm, but he never thought that Qin Shaojie had also reached this realm, and from the looks of it, he seemed to be a very powerful existence.    


When he felt that Xiao Qi's aura had already become the aura of the Indigenous peoples, Qin Shaojie heaved a sigh of relief, and immediately took Xiao Qi and shuttled back and forth within the palace.    


Before entering the dungeon, Qin Shaojie had already carefully observed his surroundings, thus bringing Xiao Qi along to constantly avoid the onlookers' inspection, and from a concealed location, he walked towards the outside of the residence.    


However, all of these were extremely familiar to Xiao Qi, and she immediately looked at Qin Shaojie with a complicated expression, but he still did not make a sound, and allowed Qin Shaojie to hold his hand, and wander around the house.    


You put on my suit.    


Finally, in a concealed location, Qin Shaojie also took off his clothes, allowing Xiao Qi to wear them immediately. However, when he saw Xiao Qi's puzzled look, Qin Shaojie could only helplessly give her a set, regardless of her struggles and struggles.    


Although she seemed to be somewhat resistant to it, in the end, she could only helplessly accept it.    


You hold this thing, and I can feel your presence through it.    


With that, Qin Shaojie placed an extremely strange rune on Xiao Qi's palm and said with a low voice. The defence of the tribe is quite tight. It would not be a bad thing to force our way out, and it would be easy for us to be exposed when we are together. Thus, they would split up and flee.    


Remember, find a chance and act like you are the guard of the clan. Escape in the chaos and take out the stronghold of the tribe. Don't stay in this place or try to meet my friends.    


Qin Shaojie turned around and looked at Xiao Qi as he explained each and every word seriously, as if he was afraid that Xiao Qi wouldn't understand.    


Xiao Qi nodded her head vigorously in response. He understood the path Qin Shaojie had taken, the moment he had entered the compaction site, he had felt the tyranny of this place. It was not the slightest bit weaker than the defenses of their Nether Sect.    


The pill you swallowed earlier contained something that could remove your aura, so you only need to do one thing. Find a place to hide and don't reveal yourself no matter what.    


After calculating the time, it should also be about right, and Qin Shaojie's voice also became a bit more hurried.    


Do you see that direction? You will think of yourself as a guard of the clan in the future. If you walk in that direction, you will be able to leave this manor. That wall is at the corner, so your defense is slightly weaker. Right now, your attire should not be easily recognized. Run from the corner of the wall, and don't turn your head back! No matter what happens, don't look back.    


After instructing him with these few words, Qin Shaojie also took a deep breath, and then stood up. I'm running in the other direction, but believe me, I'm sure I can.    


When he got up, he was pulled by the sleeves by Little Seven. Qin Shaojie also said with a smile. Then, without caring about Xiao Qi, a black shadow disappeared in the direction of Xiao Qi.    


Someone had barged in. The Tribal King's manor. Be vigilant, be vigilant!    


Not long after Qin Shaojie disappeared, a hurried voice suddenly came from the depths of the manor. The originally quiet manor instantly became restless.    


Had he finally been discovered?    


Qin Shaojie looked at the mansion which was now bright red, his gaze was gloomy as he spoke slowly!    


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