Ancient Ancestral Emperor

C77 Initial integral

C77 Initial integral

4The Wen Domain Points Pavilion!     3


This was one of the areas with the highest frequency of disciples entering and leaving the Holy Flame Academy. After all, this was the point pavilion that all the students were concerned about. All the points were exchanged for in the point pavilion.    


When Qin Shaojie and Liu Mubai arrived at the entrance of the Points Pavilion, Qin Shaojie was also quite surprised, because there were actually a few long queues here. But upon closer inspection, he realized that there was a special freshman ranking window here.    


Using Liu Mubai's words, this window was a specially opened window for every year's new students. Freshmen who had chosen a good teacher could exchange their points here.    


Overall, the more powerful the instructor, the more points each student would receive. This was also the reason why so many students would think of ways to become the student of an outstanding teacher, which was related to the change in their points for the first time since they had entered the Holy Flame Academy.    


One could tell that these people were currently revealing an excited smile on their faces. Being able to determine a teacher within a couple of days was sufficient to allow them to relax a little for a period of time. The ones who were truly pressured were the students who had yet to confirm a teacher.    


As his gaze swept across the hundred plus people present, Qin Shaojie also raised his eyebrows. How could he not see that the auras of these students were not weak, they were basically all in the Genuine Force realm, and there were even some who were able to discern that they belonged to the stronger existences within the Genuine Force.    


The more people were able to get a spot in advance, the more powerful they would be.    


Liu Mubai stood behind Qin Shaojie and said in a low voice.    


There were more than a thousand new students in this year's tournament, gathering from all over the Great Yan Dynasty. These people were all talented, and even their hearts were strong, their methods weren't simple. Being able to obtain the recognition of the instructors in such a short period of time was enough to prove their strength. After all, Liu Mubai had truly experienced such selections. Even with his innate talent, she was still worried about the entire process.    


Moreover, in this group, Liu Mubai had met two of her own Instructor Group students. However, since no one had any contact with each other, Liu Mubai was too lazy to go up and greet them.    


Three days had passed, so now the older students were starting to come out. Exchanging points had already become the norm in the entire academy.    


Not far from them, there were tens of older students lined up quietly like them. However, these older students would look at Qin Shaojie and the others from time to time, revealing meaningful looks in their eyes. It was very obvious that every batch of new students entering the academy was an excellent opportunity for many older students.    


This was because he could obtain a large amount of benefits from these freshmen.    


Although the rules of the academy clearly stated that new students were not allowed to forcibly snatch away their points, there were still many other methods by which these seniors could do so.    


They seem to be after you.    


Suddenly, Liu Mubai's tone became heavy. Because he saw that not far away, there were three older students who did not leave after exchanging their points. Instead, their eyes were locked onto Qin Shaojie, and this state was not Good thing.    


Obviously, Qin Shaojie had also noticed the three older students, but he did not show any signs of worry on his face. If these people were only looking at their points, he didn't mind, but if they were looking at him, then it was a different matter.    


Seeing that Qin Shaojie did not have any reaction, Liu Mubai also sighed softly.    


Perhaps, Qin Shaojie was not clear about the current situation, but Liu Mubai knew best, once Qin Shaojie finished exchanging points, those older students would take action.    


Many new students would be taken away by the older students when they first entered the Holy Flame Academy. If some of the new students were unwilling, they would get beaten up. No matter how strong the new students were in the various families in the cities, in the eyes of the older students in Holy Flame Academy, even if they were dragons, they had to be tigers!    


Of course, at the same time, Qin Shaojie was not the only one being targeted, many of the new students who were preparing to exchange their points were probably within the range of the older students' targets.    


If they relied on this method to earn points, it meant that the older students weren't that strong. Maybe you can handle them.    


Qin Shaojie was right, the older students who were truly powerful had already gone to complete other missions, who would have the time to look at the new students' points?    


They were just a bunch of incompetent guys who could only bully the freshmen. Qin Shaojie could immediately tell that these people were just Genuine Force, although compared to the majority of the new students, they were much more tyrannical, but so what? If his growth in the Holy Flame Academy was only this much, then these few years would truly be a waste.    


Regarding what Qin Shaojie said, Liu Mubai was also startled, but after that she shook her head. These seniors might not be particularly strong, but they did have a lot of tricks up their sleeves.    


In the Holy Flame Academy, if one did not have a few tricks up his sleeve, it would be difficult to survive. After all, every year, there was a requirement to go out and gain experience, and many students would lose their lives due to this training. This had already become a normal occurrence.    


Even if a freshman with a strong cultivation was to fight against an older student, he would most likely be at a disadvantage.    


During a battle, aside from the realm, there were other factors that would affect the outcome of the battle.    


But Liu Mubai seemed to have thought of something. Although Qin Shaojie was not strong, he had a lot of methods. If they really had their eyes on Qin Shaojie, the older students would not have it easy.    


But no matter what, Liu Mubai did not hold high hopes for the outcome.    




Qin Shaojie!    


Where did it come from?    


Tiangyou City, Qin family.    




Su Baichen!    


When it was Qin Shaojie's turn, an old man who looked like he was born did not even bat an eyelid as he mechanically repeated the questions he had asked countless of times. However, when he finished asking these questions. The old man finally raised his head.    


The eyes that looked at Qin Shaojie seemed as if they could see through him. Those who were in charge of the new students' points were all sorting out the information on the new students.    


In the process of arrangement, Qin Shaojie was obviously one of the few freshmen academies that the old man paid attention to. After all, there were too many people with talent, but there were extremely few like Qin Shaojie who did not have any talent and still appeared in the Holy Flame Academy.    


Su Baichen?    


As he muttered to himself, the old man's eyes revealed a trace of suspicion. He had obviously been in the Holy Flame Academy for a very long time, and knew some things that the other instructors did not. Su Baichen may seem like he didn't have any requirements for the enrollment process, but it was still rather harsh.    


After all these years, countless of outstanding youths had never entered his eyes. He did not expect to actually choose Qin Shaojie today, how could he not be surprised.    


However, this was not fake. After all, when Qin Shaojie's palm landed on a golden ball in front of the old man, a faint light flashed out.    


This golden ball was as clear as the thoughts of over a hundred instructors. As long as the students were to inform the old man, the old man would be able to inform the instructors to make a match once the information was imprinted into the ball. After which, when the student placed his palm on the ball, that aura could also be sensed by the instructor. Whether it was real or fake, he would know after a single try.    


The light that flickered out from the ball was obviously confirming Qin Shaojie's information.    


Was Su Baichen finally accepting a student?    


However, this student seemed to disappoint him. However, after thinking about Qin Shaojie's situation in the blink of an eye, it seemed that only a teacher like Su Baichen who didn't set a threshold for success could choose him.    


In the eyes of the old man, accepting Qin Shaojie was just a stopgap measure for Su Baichen, as it would not make things difficult for the other teachers and academies, if he was recruited and had no instructors to receive him, it would not be good for it to spread.    


This is your point plate, remember to keep it well.    


After that, the old man also threw out a palm-sized jade tablet to Qin Shaojie.    


As the sister passed through the jade tablet, Qin Shaojie actually felt a faint energy fluctuation on it, followed by an ice-cold feeling being diffused out.    


This was the contribution point token that was very important to him in the Holy Flame Academy?    


Looking straight at the contribution point token, Qin Shaojie did not find anything special. Soon after, just like the others, Qin Shaojie also placed his point tablet on the ball to obtain the points chosen by the instructor.    


This scene made Liu Mubai a little nervous. He too wanted to know how many points it would cost to choose Su Baichen.    


Under normal circumstances, most instructors would get around 10 points, while the more powerful instructors could get up to 20 points or even more. For example, Qiu Feng's students had around 30 points. For many students, these points were already pretty good.    


After all, under normal circumstances, cleaning the Scripture Pavilion for a month would only give five points.    


Killing a magical beast of the first rank was worth only around ten points.    


Thus, having 30 points right away was quite good. These points could be exchanged for a pill.    


Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!    


A low humming sound came from the point tablet as it was placed on top of the ball. After which, the ball also dimmed down.    


A hundred?    


However, when he withdrew the points medallion, Qin Shaojie discovered that a string of numbers had appeared on the points medallion.    




This data caused Liu Mubai's body to fiercely tremble, and his face to turn pale in fright. Even the old man suddenly stood up and snatched the points badge from Qin Shaojie's hands without any warning. His face was filled with disbelief!    




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