Supreme Violent Young Master

C50 You've all fallen haven't you

C50 You've all fallen haven't you

4The fatty nodded in agreement and said, "See, we can only destroy his unlucky lackeys and force Li Mingzhe to disperse his gang, but we can't hurt him, okay?"    


The nigger looked up and asked, "Li Mingzhe can take this lying down?"    


Fatty smiled and said, "So what if I can't swallow it?" The Li family's old man had wanted him to go back to inherit his family's business since a long time ago. At that time, we even helped him a lot, so no matter what, he wouldn't use the public property privately, right? "    


"That's only your wishful thinking!" said the nigger, squinting.    


"Whether it is wishful thinking or something else, this matter must be done. And the sooner the better. Otherwise, when he becomes stronger, we'll all be finished! "    


"Mm, that's the only way!" The nigger shook his head and continued, "The day after tomorrow, I'll hold a banquet at the Sect of Dragon and Tiger, and when that happens, you and Li Mingzhe will both be invited. At that time, we will try our best to persuade him. As long as he is willing to withdraw, we can arrange for his brothers to retreat. If he is unwilling, then we can only use force! "    


"Good idea. It's not like it's disrespectful to be the first to go, so let's do it this way!" The fat guy knocked on the table.    


In a dark corner of Yu Yang Club, Li Mingzhe was in a daze as he shook the invitation in his hand. The wine cup on the table was glowing a devilish blood-red under the gentle light of the lamp. After a long silence, Li Mingzhe took out his phone and pressed a shortcut button. The call quickly connected, "Hello, Little Puppet, what's the matter?"    


"Yang Zi, the Sect of Dragon and Tiger and the Axe Gang have united to issue an invitation, inviting me to the banquet!"    


"Hmm?" Chen Yuyang pondered for a moment, then said: "Why not? "This is a great opportunity. When the time comes, I'll ask Haozi to arrange for the people from the sixth branch to come with you and take them down in one fell swoop!"    


Li Mingzhe took a deep breath and said, "Do you know how to alert the snake?"    


Chen Yuyang laughed, "No way, when the time comes, we will use our power to control him, and he will not cause any problems."    


"That's good!"    


After hanging up, Chen Yuyang seemed to be quite excited, he immediately dialed Zhang Hao's number and said: "Haozi, quickly start preparing! It's going to be a good show. "    


"Hur hur, I understand!"    


With a slight smile on his face, Chen Yuyang jogged all the way to Zhao Qizhen's office.    


"Come in!"    


A military salute was given. Chen Yuyang said respectfully: "Reporting to Chief, Colonel Chen Yuyang is here to report!"    


Zhao Qi saw Chen Yuyang's smiling face and said: "Yu Yang, you've come. What business do you have here?"    


"Grandpa Zhao, everything is ready here. I'm here to see if you have any other instructions? "    


"Hmm?" Zhao Qizhen was stunned for a moment before saying, "Ready? "So fast?"    


"Yes!" After Chen Yuyang gave a brief report to the old man, Zhao Qizhen's eyes slightly narrowed. After a long while, he said: "Isn't this a little too dangerous, letting Ming Zhe enter the tiger's cave? This, this ?"    


Chen Yuyang naturally knew what Zhao Qi was truly worried about and said straightforwardly, "Don't worry! "Grandpa Zhao, I've already asked Haozi to send people from the Sixth Department to follow Ming Zhe. There won't be a problem. Besides, don't you still have me?"    


"En!" Only then did Zhao Qizhen nod his head in relief, saying, "Since that's the case, then I won't ask anymore." How much do you want Snow Wolf Team? "    


"A hundred people is enough. Let's let them train!"    


"Alright, I'll leave this matter to you. You must ensure the safety of Ming Zhe!" The old man explained once again.    


"Don't worry!" "I will!"    


After they finished their business, the pair of elders talked about the trivial matters of life for a bit longer. Only when another person came in did Chen Yuyang respectfully pay his respects and leave.    


Looking at Chen Yuyang's back view, Zhao Qizhen's eyes revealed an unexplainable expression, and muttered: "This child, it's a pity he can't stay in the northeast for long, it's a pity!"    


After exiting Zhao Qi's office, Chen Yuyang felt extremely relaxed. However, the sudden appearance of a figure made him frown once again.    


"What is it? That's the expression you get when you see me? "    


The girl seemed to be angry, but at the same time, she seemed to be acting coquettishly. Ever since he showed his cards to Chen Yuyang, Li Pingping had rarely appeared in his line of sight, but he still used his phone to launch a series of attacks. She had originally thought that after leaving for a period of time, Chen Yuyang would take her seriously and reconsider her.    


Chen Yuyang exhaled and asked: "What are you looking for me for?"    


Li Pingping pouted, "Can't I look for you if I don't have anything to say?"    


Chen Yuyang coldly glanced at her, and said: "If there's nothing else, I'll be going back. "I'm not accompanying you!"    


Looking at Chen Yuyang who was about to leave, Li Pingping stomped her feet in anger, but there was nothing she could do!    


"Idiots, idiots, wood!" Li Pingping, who had returned to her apartment in a depressed mood, was holding a giant Winnie bear. However, her eyes were filled with grievance and love.    


"Chen Yuyang, you idiot, why do you always treat others so coldly? You, you ?" As he spoke, Li Pingping was on the verge of tears.    


"Crack crack." The sound of the door opening could be heard, followed by a burst of laughter. "Yo, who is our Mage's Assistant Instructor angry at?"    


As soon as Li Pingping saw who it was, she immediately put down the huge little bear in her hands and said, "Sister Luo, it's you!"    


"What is it? Not your sweetheart. Disappointed? "    


Luo Yijuan could be said to be Li Pingping's best friend in the army. As an assistant professor, she was not only beautiful, but also possessed a very strong and honest style. However, the only thing Li Pingping didn't like was that this Sister Luo was too flowery. Her boyfriend was enough to form a strong platoon in the army.    


With a pout, Li Pingping said, "Sister Luo, you're laughing at me too!"    


Luo Jun sat beside Li Pingping with a smile and said, "You little girl, how are the moves that elder sister gave you? It's been so long since I've seen you, you think that kid can't hold himself back? "    


Li Pingping said dejectedly, "Don't mention it, I'll go see him today, but he's still as cold as ever!" It was not like what my sister said! "    


"What?" Luo Yijuan was surprised for a moment, then murmured, "He must be an extraordinary boy!"    


While speaking, a trace of curiosity and expectation was revealed in Luo Jun's eyes. Looking at Luo Jian's shining eyes, Li Pingping panicked and asked, "Sister, you can't be?"    


Luo Jun burst out laughing and said, "Silly sister, although sister loves to play with emotions, she will not set her sights on the one she loves. You can rest assured!" Elder sister, I am just curious! "    


"Elder sister, what should I do?" Li Pingping pouted and asked.    


Luo Jian lowered her voice and said, "Stupid sister, why do you want to hang yourself on a tree? Furthermore, he's a man who has a fiancee, it's not worth it! "    


"But, but I just like him!" Li Pingping said in grievance.    


"Sigh!" Chen Yuyang was indeed a rare outstanding boy, to be honest, even his elder sister was moved. But there must be a lot of people chasing after this handsome, golden-haired boy. It's said that he receives a basket of love letters every time he goes to the female military camp to teach. Why do you have to go through so much trouble? "    


"Elder sister, is there any other way?" Li Pingping was still unwilling to give up.    


"Rest assured, we still have a second attack if the first one isn't enough!" Put your ear close! " Luo Jian let out a mysterious laugh and said.    


The two of them muttered for a long time. The more Li Pingping heard, the more shocked she became. Finally, she blushed and said, "How, how can this be? It's such a shame. I, I ?"    


"My silly little sister, since you like him, why do you care about this? This technique is usually the most effective and practical! "    


"Elder sister, you ? you've used this move before?" Li Pingping asked in a low voice.    


Luo Jun Juan said with disdain, "Elder sister, who am I? Was there a need to use this move? In the entire army camp, as long as elder sister hooks her fingers, which man won't take the bait?! "    


Li Pingping snorted in dissatisfaction, "That idiot can't take the bait!"    


Hearing Li Pingping's words, Luo Jian's expression was somewhat different as she laughed, "That kid is an exception! I'm not sure how strong his self-control is! However, little girl, if you want to conquer a man like this, it's impossible for you to not sacrifice a bit of your looks. "Since you admitted that I'm your man, then it's up to you to decide what to do!"    


In the northeast, at Dawn International Hotel, the fat nigger Li Mingzhe and the other two entered. The hotel was surrounded by a group of men in black. From the square to the door, to the backyard, there were almost all of them standing guard. The men in black looked very solemn and nervous, as if not even a bird dared to enter.    


In Violet Room, Li Mingzhe glanced at the black guy and the fat guy, and impolitely sat down: "I wonder what the two of you are going to invite me for today?"    


The nigger glanced at Fatty, who happily said, "Brother Li, you must be joking. There are only three of us left in the Northeast region. "Of course we have to get closer. If you're reckless, please forgive us!"    


Li Mingzhe didn't believe the fatty's nonsense, and smiled as he said: "Brother Fatty is too polite, to be able to have a long chat with these two seniors, I am willing!"    


The nigger's eyes turned cold as he waved his hand, "Waiter, serve the dishes!"    


Hearing the nigger's call, a dozen waiters trembled as they carried a plate of dishes up to them. "Sir, please enjoy!" As they spoke, they slowly retreated, not daring to stay in front of these three for too long.    


Li Mingzhe lit a cigarette for himself, looked at the dishes on the table, and said with a smile, "It seems like the two brothers have spent a lot this time!"    


The fat man smiled and said, "Brother Li, you don't have to say that. This is just a small matter."    


The three of them, each with their own thoughts, began chatting and eating. However, none of them brought up the main topic at hand. Only when the cups and plates on the dining table were all messed up did Li Mingzhe leisurely say, "My two brothers, calling me over would not be as simple as eating, right? Now that we've eaten and drank, can we get down to business? "    


"Brother Li, let's get straight to the point. "Then I, Fatty, will not hide anything. I just want to ask, if you have a good future, why do you have to work so hard on this path?"    


The fatty's words caused the temperature in the Hall of Violet to drop to zero. After a long while, Li Mingzhe laughed out loud and said, "I won't hide this from my brothers. The reason why I took this route was because I couldn't let my hundreds of brothers go."    


"What about now?" The fatty seemed to be able to hear the meaning behind Li Mingzhe's words, so he asked.    


He let out a long sigh, stirred the dishes on the plate, and said indifferently: "Now? Now, I have no choice but to do so! " With that, Li Mingzhe pointed at the ceiling and laughed, "Now that the situation has changed, the higher-ups have spoken, so I can only obey. Otherwise, my life won't be so good!"    


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