Supreme Violent Young Master

C6 Jiuyuanqie

C6 Jiuyuanqie

2Chen Yuyang looked at the three family of generals' tower, and couldn't help to have some doubts in his heart.     1


In ancient times, elders were respected, while the right side was revered. How could his grandfather's house appear on the right, while his eldest grandfather's house appeared on the left? This didn't seem logical.    


Chen Luoshu seemed to be able to see the doubt in Chen Yuyang's heart, and said in a low voice: "Although father is not as old as uncle, but an official is higher than uncle, so according to the rules of the government, his house will only appear on the right side!"    


Chen Yuyang nodded once again. In fact, he knew that his uncle was trying to tell him that his grandfather was at the helm of the Chen family, not his grandfather.    


The three of them walked to the door in quick steps, before Chen Luoshu could knock on it, two smart girls rushed out, they looked around, and in the end, their gaze landed on Chen Yuyang. Chen Yuyang thought, these two should be his cousins. He couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart.    


The two girls then giggled and shouted at Chen Luohe: "First Uncle!" Then, with a swoosh, he walked in front of Chen Yuyang, carefully and earnestly sized him up from top to bottom as if he was looking at a monster. After a long time, the two girls finally stopped looking at each other and said, "Hello, Cousin Yuyang. I'm your second cousin, Huang Nuo!"    


The other one also said, "I'm your third cousin, Gu Ling'er!"    


The appearance of the two girls made Chen Yuyang puzzled, but what was even more strange was that what happened afterwards? Three young men around twenty years old rushed out, all three of them had the look of seeing a soldier's family member, one of them was a gentle boy with gold-rimmed glasses, he pulled Chen Yuyang and said: "Elder Cousin Yuyang, I've brought you here!"    


At this moment, Chen Xinchen who had been silently smiling the entire time walked over, and said with a cold expression: "Gu Qi, what's the matter? Do you want to steal your Big Cousin Sister!? "    


As soon as he finished speaking, the three girls immediately formed a group to suppress the one called Gu Qi. The two boys beside Gu Qi looked helpless. After being bombarded by the one thousand and five hundred ducks, Chen Yuyang finally understood why these men who were oppressed by the women looked like villains when they saw him. The peasants looked like they were liberating themselves.    


Helplessly shaking his head, Chen Yuyang who was just about to speak heard a powerful voice from inside: "Alright, it's enough already, and you aren't letting Yang Yang in!"    


In a short moment, Chen Yuyang noticed that his three cousins, two cousins, and one cousin had all wilted and silently walked back. Only Gu Qi purposely slowed down his pace and spoke softly in front of Chen Yuyang: "Cousin Yuyang, you don't know this, but the current fourth generation you are the one in charge of this house. In the past, our few cousins couldn't find an organization and were always suppressed by these women. "Now that you're here, we finally have hope!"    


"Is it that tragic?" Chen Yuyang laughed and asked.    


Gu Qi was stunned and said, "More than miserable! It was too horrible to look at. Every year, our three cousins would have to hand over half of their new year's money. Every time they would intentionally pull us out to play cards and then join hands to win our money. Big brother, I'm so poor right now, I can't even afford a girl! "    


"Ha ha!" Chen Yuyang laughed. He felt that he was rather close with Gu Qi, so they chatted along the way. Although Gu Qi's words were most likely true, Chen Yuyang still listened to it as if it was a joke.    


Inside the living room, the three elders were already sitting at the dining table waiting for them. The moment they saw Chen Yuyang, Chen Lingfeng immediately laughed and said, "Yang Yang, come and sit at Great Grandfather's side!"    


Although this action was normal, it revealed a deep meaning within these large clans. Everyone also understood, thinking to themselves, "The Old Ancestor is really going to help this cousin up, and in the future, I want to be more intimate with him!"    


Chen Yuyang appeared very respectful and polite at the table, he was clear on the inside. Especially when drinking wine, it was extremely refreshing. Even after drinking two or three catties of wine and drinking one cup after another, his expression still did not change. Causing Gu Qi to be angered, Li Yingwei and Huang Ziqiang secretly clucked in their hearts: What a monster. He was so handsome and he could even drink wine. How could he let others live?    


After putting down the meal, Chen Yuyang had a rough understanding of these new family members. While he was constantly observing his cousins, the three elders were also observing him without any change in their expressions. The three of them looked at each other and revealed a satisfied smile.    


After drinking until the end, Chen Family?s ancestor put down the jade ivory chopsticks in his hand and chuckled, "Yang Yang, in the future, your father-in-law will know that you have come to the capital, so he specially sent someone to send you an invitation to eat a meal tonight. Don't blame the old man for not reminding you, but just do your best. The daughter of Zhuge Family is a water spirit! "    


Chen Yuyang almost put down his chopsticks at the same time as Chen Lingfeng, creased his eyebrows slightly, and muttered: "Divine calculation Zhuge Family? What a fast movement! "    


The Chen family's first reunion dinner was considered a happy meal, after which the old man Chen Lingfeng ignored everyone and went to sleep. Chen Zhenqian and Chen Zhenkun also rushed to the mysterious authority center. As for Chen Luoshu, he went back to the army, he was a major general after all, and the army had to go back.    


At this moment, only the fourth generation members of the Chen Clan remained in the tower. Gu Qi lazily leaned against the sofa, gloating while looking at Chen Yuyang, "Cousin Yuyang, big brother truly sympathizes with you! This little girl is an iceberg, who knows how many people in the capital would want to be intimate with her, all of those childe s will suffer! "    


"En, Gu Qi is speaking the truth!" Huang Ziqiang, who always spoke with golden words, nodded.    


Li Yingwei had an even more helpless and innocent expression. Chen Xinchen was a little annoyed and snorted: "Yuyang, don't listen to what these people are saying. Which one of them did not have an idea on Qing Qing, but in the end, they were completely beaten up by him, and that's why they were taking revenge in private! "    


"Big Sister Xin Chen, I don't agree with what you're saying. Although Zhu Geqingqing was beautiful, she was still an ice beauty. Anyone who dared to enter within three meters of her would feel a bone-chilling cold! I've only seen her twice, but the memories of her pain are still fresh in my mind! Cousin Yuyang, I feel great sympathy for your miserable fate! " Huang Nuo was quite different from his brother, Huang Ziqiang. He was lively and had a lot to say.    


"Nuo, although Zhu Geqingqing is a little cold, she is not as terrifying as you say! You're exaggerating a little! " Gu Ling'er unintentionally placed her fingertip on her lips, smiling foolishly as she spoke.    


"You'll know once you've seen it! "Why are you guessing so randomly!" Chen Yuyang didn't really believe his own cousins. He had always thought that what his cousins told him was true.    


Huang Nuo clapped helplessly and said, "Fine! Hopefully, you won't be like them, infatuated with beautiful women. "If not, I would be really worried for your happiness!"    


"I suggest, how about we go shopping? It just so happens that I have to pick out some clothes for cousin Yuyang to wear for his blind date! " Gu Ling'er suddenly stood up.    


The other two girls immediately responded to Gu Ling'er's suggestion. "Great! "Alright!"    


But no one noticed that Li Yingwei, Huang Ziqiang, and Gu Qi were looking at Chen Yuyang with dark expressions, as if the world was coming to an end. Li Yingwei immediately stood up, coughed and said, "I still have some things to do in the afternoon, I'll go first!"    


As he spoke, he rushed out the door. Of course, Huang Ziqiang was not far behind, "Nono, accompany your cousin and play around. About that, about this, I have a case to settle today, and then hand it over to Dad! I'm leaving too! "    


"Brother, you don't want to leave too, right? You have nothing to do all day, so you should be fine! " Gu Ling'er smiled at her brother, while the other two girls looked like they were about to kill someone. Gu Qi smiled awkwardly, pushing his gold-rimmed glasses and pretending to be calm as he said, "This, this, of course. Big brother's fine, big brother won't leave!"    


Seeing the reaction of his cousins when they saw ghosts, Chen Yuyang knew that they would definitely be able to torture a person to death in the afternoon.    


Three beauties, two handsome men driving a Mercedes-Benz on the street, that was definitely an eye-catching thing. All the famous shopping malls in the capital had almost been visited, and Chen Yuyang had been acting as a model for almost the entire afternoon. Every time he came out of the fitting room, the three girls screamed.    


If Chen Yuyang had not stopped them, these three rich women would have been able to wrap around all of the clothes he tried on. This made Gu Qi, who hadn't had the chance to try yet, feel that it was a bit unfair. Thinking about how he had bought all of the clothes for this kid out of all the pocket money he'd squeezed out over the years, Gu Qi felt a bit unbalanced in his heart.    


Chen Yuyang who was wearing a white Armani suit and a refined temperament spoke in a sour tone, "Brother, why do you think that the gap between being a man is so huge?"    


Chen Yuyang smiled indifferently, patted Gu Qi's shoulder and said: "Do you have a name card? Give me one? "    


Not knowing why, Gu Qi casually took out a name card and gave it to Chen Yuyang. Chen Yuyang smiled brightly as he walked over to the little girl on the platform. Seeing Chen Yuyang walking towards her with large strides, the little girl lowered her head in embarrassment.    


"May I offer you a cup of coffee, miss?" Chen Yuyang's voice was extremely magnetic, and it coaxed the little girl into a daze.    


"Is that really possible?" The little girl was surprised, then she said with some disappointment, "But I'm at work right now!"    


"It's alright. This is my name card. Remember to contact me after work!" Chen Yuyang elegantly handed over Gu Qi's name card. Then he turned and left.    


However, before he could get far, he heard an excited voice exclaiming, "He asked me out! He asked me out!"    


Chen Yuyang didn't pay any attention to them and directly walked in front of the four dumbstruck people. Then he said to Gu Qi, "How is it? He should be quite charming! This girl will definitely contact you when she gets off duty. Didn't you say that you are so poor that you don't have the money to pick up girls? Don't say that I didn't give you a chance, just cherish this beautiful night! "    


Chen Xinchen and the other two girls did not think that their little brother would have such an unruly side to him, he had truly broadened his horizons.    


After tossing and turning for an entire afternoon, these three sisters had brought Chen Yuyang over a dozen sets of clothes back. Each of them were worth quite a bit. However, there wasn't any pain in their eyes, and they still looked happy. After all, with Chen Yuyang's face that could bewitch any living being coupled with these clothes, he was so handsome that it made them inexplicably excited.    


At night, the one accompanying Chen Yuyang to the blind date was naturally Chen Xinchen, his cousin. No matter what, he was a member of the Chen Family, making his appearance a little more formal. Besides, Chen Xinchen and Zhuge Family were relatively close, so it would be best if she came out.    


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