Supreme Violent Young Master

C905 Too disappointing

C905 Too disappointing

4Chen Yuyang nodded, and said helplessly: "So Old Ancestor, please find my Big Brother as soon as possible. "But in these twenty years, with me here, I can guarantee the Chen family's safety."    1


Old Man Chen Lingfeng sighed and asked: "Can't you stay in the human world for a while longer?"    


Suddenly, Old Master Chen Lingfeng slapped his thigh in pleasant surprise and said, "Twenty years, twenty years is enough. When the time comes, as long as you give me a grandson, that's fine, that's fine too! "    


A black line immediately appeared on Chen Yuyang's forehead, "Eh!" He thought to himself, "I didn't think that the old tutor would be so scheming. He really has been defeated."    


The two important figures of the Chen family stayed in the Flower Hall and discussed for a long time. When Chen Yuyang left the room again, the family feast had already ended. Only Chen Luoshu sat quietly on the sofa, looked at Chen Yuyang, and threw an invitation at him: "Your father-in-law invites you to a gathering tonight, kid."    


My father-in-law, Chen Yuyang's father-in-law was naturally Zhu Gerizhao. Thinking about that unreliable guy, Chen Yuyang felt a sense of helplessness in his heart. However, this helplessness was a type of happiness, even with Chen Yuyang's cultivation, he was feeling uneasy at the moment. Because he could see Qing Qing, for the sake of this goal, Chen Yuyang had anxiously waited for a long time.    


Chen Xinchen also teased from the side, "Cousin Yuyang, let me accompany you this afternoon to choose a set of clothes. Look at you, look at how you're acting, how do you look like you're going to a blind date!"    


Chen Yuyang squinted his eyes and shook his head: "There's no need, I want to go out for a walk by myself!"    


As he said that, Chen Yuyang silently stepped forward, slowly walking out of the Chen family residence. In the courtyard of the capital, it was already winter. The snowy scenery that could be seen everywhere was very beautiful, and also very enchanting. Chen Yuyang faintly mocked himself as he laughed. His smile looked very pretty, as if he was a bright sun that hung above the nine heavens. "Qing Qing, I'm back. Chen Yuyang laughed: "However, even if you're not here, it doesn't matter. I will go back and find you."    


At this moment, the snowflakes in the sky were falling down bit by bit. They were hexagonal in shape, like plum blossoms; they were pure and beautiful.    


As he stood foolishly in the middle of the snow, Chen Yuyang didn't know how long he had stood there, but he couldn't feel any trace of ice. The falling snowflakes all turned into ice water beside Chen Yuyang. It was as if Chen Yuyang was like the sun, able to shine upon everything.    


Slowly walking forward, on a small field in the capital's courtyard, Chen Yuyang's fiery hot palm brushed against the parallel bars. The parallel bars became slightly hot, dispersing all the snowflakes and once again becoming dry. Chen Yuyang suddenly jumped onto the parallel bars and lazily sat. Under the falling snowflakes, he seemed to have become an insulator. He did not land on Chen Yuyang's body, and just sat there quietly with a cigarette in his mouth.    


After an unknown period of time, the number of people in the sports field started to increase. However, they were all children. Laughing children were playing and smashing snowballs at each other. These children should all be children from the capital's courtyard, right? Chen Yuyang thought.    


As he read, Chen Yuyang couldn't help but become immersed in his thought: The Capital's courtyard is indeed the capital's courtyard.    


The group of children split into two groups and began to fight with each other. He even knew that he had to dig a ditch to hide the snowballs in the snow. From far away, the adults watched the competition between the kids, as if they didn't want to bother with the kids. Chen Yuyang knew that in the Capital's courtyard, only the strong were respected. Ten to twenty years later, a crown prince would appear among this group of people.    


To become a core member of this circle, one must have the ability to lead from a young age. This had nothing to do with family background.    


Chen Yuyang did not want to evaluate whether they were good or bad. After all, in their midst, Zhang Hao was also present. However, there were also people like Yojanda. Therefore, the quality of a red child depended on the education of the family.    


Not long after, a snowball shot towards Chen Yuyang.    


All the children were giggling happily, as if they wanted to see this stranger make a fool of himself. All of their interesting and childish gazes fell on Chen Yuyang. However, Chen Chen Yuyang still smoked without batting an eyelid, the smile on his face suddenly stopped. He was slightly unhappy.    


When the snowball flew in front of Chen Yuyang, it instantly melted into ice and snow, and landed on the ground. The child leading the group from far away said unhappily, "Damn it, this father doesn't believe that I can't kill you. Brothers, smash him!"    


Another tradition of the capital's great courtyard was to exclude all outsiders. They treated Chen Yuyang as an outsider, someone who could easily bully him, and even their children were the same. In an instant, a dozen or so snowballs already smashed in front of Chen Yuyang. Chen Yuyang's eyes lit up, and in the next moment, these snowballs melted once again into ice and snow, falling to the ground. Chen Yuyang jumped down the parallel bars, his eyes were sharp, but he did not want to lower himself to the children's level.    


Therefore, he chose to leave.    


However, at this time, a childish voice sounded out, "Hold it right there. I didn't let you go. How dare you?"    


Chen Yuyang suppressed the anger in his heart and sneered: "I have no interest in playing with you kids!"    


The leading child sneered, "You must be a newcomer, right? Whose relative!? "    


As he spoke, the child exuded a natural sense of overbearing arrogance, as if he was looking down on him. However, the child beside him pulled him and said, "Liangzi ge, he is a relative of Grandpa Chen!" As he spoke, he seemed to be afraid and afraid.    


The child called Liangzi didn't seem to mind and said, "Oh, so you're a relative of Grandpa Chen's. Alright then, since you recognize me as your boss, I'll let you go!"    


"How ignorant!" Chen Yuyang coldly snorted. Then he turned around and left.    


"Hmph, if you want to leave, it won't be that easy. Brothers, attack!"    


All of a sudden, all the children rushed forward. In the capital, the people who were most afraid were not the nobles, nor the wealthy merchants, but the devil kings. This was because these little fellows were naturally inclined towards bloodlust. However, they did not know why that bloodlust was happening. They killed people and had homes to clean up, so this group of children could be said to be a disaster for the capital. There was no reason to stomp on others. It was only because they liked and hated each other that they were so terrifying.    


But what a pity, he had met Chen Yuyang, who was he? Now that he was already at the top of Earth, even without the military myths or authority, he was still at the top.    


These children looked at Chen Yuyang's back, which was disappearing very slowly, but they couldn't catch up to him. It was as if they were forever separated by a mountain, and no matter how fast they ran, they couldn't catch up. The corner of Riko's mouth curved upwards as she cursed, "What the f * ck, what the f * ck!"    


The rest of the children seemed to be out of breath and indignant. Deep in his heart, he felt that he had been played by someone. In the distance, a few familiar figures were looking at this scene with interest. They were also very surprised. Finally, someone said, "Haozi, I told you not to mess with him. He is not someone you can mess with. We will definitely be the ones to suffer."    


Zhang Hao coldly snorted, and said: "What the hell, what kind of background does this guy have?!"    


Chen Yuyang's figure gradually moved further and further away, but not far in front of him, a woman wearing a military uniform coldly stood there. Looking at Chen Yuyang, she coldly said: "Halt, did you not hear my little brother call you?    


The girl's domineering attitude was the same as the children's. It was exactly the same, making him feel displeased.    


Chen Yuyang had long heard that the Son of Heaven was unruly and unruly, but he never thought that such a thing would actually happen to him. No matter what, Chen Yuyang was still the Chen Family's nominal successor, a person like the capital's rich descendants. Forget about his previous life who was a military myth, even in the countless millions of years in the Primordial Flood Dragon Country, no one dared to speak to Chen Yuyang in such a manner. This was also a taboo in prehistoric times.    


Narrowing his eyes, Chen Yuyang sneered, and said: "And who are you? Am I supposed to listen obediently when your brother calls me? Do you think that his crown prince? "    


Chen Yuyang's gloomy voice even emphasized on the word 'crown prince', as if reminding him of something. However, the woman pretended not to hear him and sneered. "The words of my You family in the capital's courtyard are an order, an imperial edict. How about it?"    


"Arrogant, ignorant fool!" Chen Yuyang coldly said. He glared fiercely at the woman and said, "You better get out of the way, or don't blame me for being impolite. I don't like to hit women, but I think I can't help but want to make a move on ignorant and fearless women like you!"    


"What a joke, if you dare to come, then give it a try!" The woman sneered. She still had a domineering attitude, as if she was born to be a level higher than others.    


Just as the girl was talking to Chen Yuyang, the group of Demon Kings behind Chen Yuyang had already caught up. The leading good man laughed sinisterly: "Kid, I told you to run, I told you to run, if you dare to run again, I'll break your legs!"    


For a young man, who was only ten years old, to call Chen Yuyang your father and you even call Chen Yuyang a brat, this was simply a big joke. Even though they were still young, the popinjay's personality had already revealed itself. Chen Yuyang laughed: It seems like if I do not take care of all of you little things today, you will not let it go. That's fine too, even if I help your parents to educate you little things who do not know your place!    


"Big Panting Toad, don't think that just because you have a relationship with Grandpa Chen that you can act so impudently in the capital's courtyard. Today, I'll let you know just who is in charge in the capital's courtyard." The good son said in an arrogant tone.    


The girl sneered and said, "You really are the big bully, but don't you go peeing and see what you are. You actually dare to talk big. If I don't teach you a lesson today, don't you know your surname?"    


'Pa! 'A crisp sound was heard. Just as the girl finished speaking, a clear and melodious sound came out, and Chen Yuyang's fiery hot palm slapped the girl's face. The girl was at a loss of what to do. Within the large courtyard of the capital, no one had dared to make a move against her. Even Zhang Hao, the Crown Prince of the capital, did not have the guts to do so. After all, Zhang Hao and You Junda were almost on the same level as each other, and You Junda was even taller than him by a head.    


But just because Zhang Hao did not dare, did that not mean that no one would dare to.    


She overestimated Chen Yuyang's patience, and also underestimated Chen Yuyang's strength. It was a very scary thing to underestimate Chen Yuyang.    


Pointing at Chen Yuyang, he said in a cold voice, "Hello, prepare to accept today's challenge. If I don't beat you up until your mother doesn't recognize you, I won't be surnamed You!"    


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