Supreme Violent Young Master



2Using Qingyang Island as a form of excursion to obtain the position of the Qingyang Island in Xihe Ox Prefecture, one side was a white face, one side was a black face. No one knew what exactly Chen Yuyang was thinking, and no one dared to guess. The Moonhowl Heavenly Wolf had, after all, followed Chen Yuyang for far too many years. From these small movements, it was possible to see what Chen Yuyang was thinking. He couldn't help but exclaim in his heart.     1


In reality, Chen Yuyang had only placed a leaf into the water current, he did not want to control where the leaf flowed to. He just watched with cold eyes until everything went smoothly.    


Using Qingyang Island to recruit Qingyang Island, the enforcers and bandits were still one family. At that time, whether it was fake or fake, Chen Yuyang had to control it himself. Although everyone knew that the Saints were not blind, they could only listen to what they had to say. This was like a game of left hand against right hand, with the intention of fighting between the left and the right.    


All in all, Black is mine and White is mine. This game of chess can only be decided by me.    


This is not just for convenience. It is also a warning from the bottom of my heart that you have no chance to play this game anymore. You can only let me do as I please. Otherwise, he would personally destroy this game of chess. Not even a pawn was left.    


"Relationship? The relationship between them is too deep! " Narrowing his eyes, the Howling Moonlight Heavenly Wolf seemed to be waiting for something. Then, it smiled and said, "Because this new marshal is from the Demonic Way, and he is one of us!"    


The Howling Moonlight Heavenly Wolf emphasized the words' our man 'as if it was somewhat proud of itself.    


"Our people?" Demon Ox became even more confused.    


However, just at this moment, the sound of drums could be heard from the sky outside. Waves of evening clouds drifted across the sky, and the sound of gold chanting came from the direction of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall in the Heavenly Court. The sky was filled with auspicious clouds, causing people to feel pressured. On top of the auspicious cloud, a six-eared, golden-armored monkey with a silver rod in its hand was standing tall and upright in the middle.    


On the huge Commander Flag, large golden words were written in a flamboyant manner. Every needle and thread was hollow and hollow, giving off a particularly imposing aura. The two words are nothing but 'War God'. Beside the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey, Li ChangGeng was plastering his beard with a smile. On both sides of the monkey, yellow-robed warriors were incessantly beating gongs and drums, exerting great effort.    


Behind the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey was a heavenly troop of a hundred thousand men. With the help of the gods of the Heavenly Court, it was extremely powerful.    


In the Chinese military tent, Li Qing still hadn't recovered from his earlier panic when he felt the pressure from the sky. Li ChangGeng's voice also slowly rang out at this moment, "Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing has come to receive the decree!"    


He led his son, the Third Prince Nezha of the Three Altar Sea Goddess, one hundred and eight Star Constellation, four Heaven Commanders, five Heaven Masters, and a group of people to the training grounds of the military camp. Li ChangGeng, who was looking up at the sky.    


However, when Li Jing saw a monkey with a serious expression in front of Li ChangGeng and the imposing aura of the Heavenly Court, he knew that things were not going as he had thought. It was especially dazzling. However, he still kneeled on the ground and respectfully listened to the Great Celestial Sovereign's orders.    


Li ChangGeng took out a shiny piece of silk from his robes and unfurled it. He read without emotion, "Great Sky Sovereign's edict, the King of Towers, Li Jing. He is an important official of the Heavenly Court and also a soldier of the Three Realms. I bow, do not exude the power of the Heavenly Court, collude with the demons of the lower realm, plot against you, and fail me. Today, Geoffrey holds a position in the Heavenly Court and is immediately sent back to the Heavenly Court to be tried by the Supreme Judge. "This is my mission, and this is how you do it ~ ~ ~"    


As Li Jing listened to the decree of the Heavenly Court, his entire body began to tremble in anger. Even the Linglong Treasure Pagoda on his left hand began to jump unstably in his hand. It seemed as if he would break out of the siege at any time and hide to the west.    


"You care so much for your life, do you dare to kill your way out?" His father, Mortal Son, Nezha, smiled faintly and ridiculed him. It was as if seeing such a scene made the depression in his heart clear up quite a bit! His childish face revealed a mocking expression that was mature to the point of exploding.    


They had colluded with the demons of the lower realms and plotted against them. The Heavenly Court had changed generals, but no one would have thought that Haotian would actually use such a heinous crime against Li Jing. In everyone's subconscious mind, Haotian should at least give the Buddhist Sect some face. To Li Jing, this was a crime of dereliction of duty and negligence. They really didn't expect Haotian to use such a heinous crime to convict the majestic Heavenly King.    


He had just taken down the four generals of the Devil Clan, but now he had taken down Li Jing again. This was a heinous crime that had never been committed before the establishment of the Heavenly Court. Everyone couldn't help but think to themselves, why did the emperor who was sitting on the dragon throne do this? Why did he thoroughly offend the buddhist faith? This really didn't make sense, really didn't make sense.    


What was even weirder was that the imperial edict only convicted Li Jing. It didn't mention a single word about anyone else. It was just too strange. Quite a number of people could smell some profound meaning behind it. However, at this moment, the majority of the people still stuck to the mediocre and did not dare to say too much.    


Li ChangGeng's gaze fell straight onto Li Jing. With a cold and gloomy voice, he said, "Li Jing, continue with your order!"    


Li Qing wanted to ask something, but soon a wry smile appeared on his face. He shook his head and sighed. "Fine, fine!" Li Jing slowly kowtowed as soon as he finished speaking. His expression was still extremely respectful as he said, "This subject, Li Qing, accepts the decree and thanks for the favor!"    


Li Qing was someone who treasured his own reputation. It was as Nezha had said, he couldn't have escaped from the Heavenly Court. Even if he returned to the west and found his teacher, he wouldn't be able to do anything. The Buddhist sects of the West would never offend the forces of Haotian just because of him.    


If there was no result, then he could only go back and stand trial. Li Jing didn't believe that Haotian would dare to do anything to him. Li Qing was very clear about the person sitting on that chair. Sitting in that chair, everything that was being considered had to be taken from the angle of that chair. Once he was convicted, no matter how Haotian covered it up, he would still leave behind the image of being ungrateful. This was definitely not something Haotian would do.    


Not long after, Li Jing had disappeared into the depths of the sky along with Li ChangGeng and the rest of the people. The clouds in the sky were still as blue as before, but once Li Jing returned to the Heavenly Court, he would never have the chance to see such a deep blue sky again. His beard fluttered in the wind and he walked away lightly, but he was not as vigorous as before.    


In the sky, the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey was standing in the clouds, wearing a military uniform, holding a silver long rod and a red cloak, looking majestic and awe-inspiring. The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey's gaze swept across the crowd of generals below, who had yet to recover from their shock, then he cupped his hands and said, "This marshal has been ordered to take over the Thunder Mountain Battalion.    


"We are here on the orders of the marshal!"    


Many people felt a sense of fear and unease in their hearts when faced with this marshal of the Three Realms, the war god of the Heavenly Court. After all, if they were in a peak, it would be impossible to know what their fate would be. Although Li Qing was not a real person, he was still a familiar figure.    


For strange people and things, regardless of whether they were people or deities, they would all feel an inexplicable sense of resistance.    


Very quickly, the group of people returned to the tent. The Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey looked at the sand table within the tent with a disdainful smile. On the sand table, the red flags seemed to be filled. This was Li Jing's strategy of annihilating Thundercrash Mountain. He surrounded the area and advanced step by step. However, Li Qing's methods were too crude. After all these years, he had only advanced a few hundred li. It was simply a humiliation.    


Playing with the red flag in his hand, the Six-Eared Macaque lightly smiled and said, "I want to beat the drum and gather the generals. This commander wants to adjust the plan of battle!"    


Everyone was taken aback. Although the new official was willing to let the boss get away scot-free, Marshal Monkey was still a bit too impatient. He had to gather all the men the moment he came and adjust the strategy for the battle. However, these people were all elites of the Heavenly Court. Even if they had thoughts in their heads, they wouldn't say it out loud.    


Outside the tent, the beating of drums sounded out with a trace of indescribable deterrence.    


The actions of the Heavenly Court were naturally clear inside the mountain of lightning. It could be said that the Howling Moonlight Heavenly Wolf did not escape the eyes of the wolf at all. The wolf clapped its hands and chuckled, "It's here, it's finally here!"    


"What do you mean?" Demon Ox asked, puzzled.    


"Our people are here." The Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf narrowed its eyes, its expression indifferent as it said, "Old cow, you can no longer stay on the mountain. My junior nephew is a vicious character." If they were going to fight for Thundercrash Mountain, they would naturally do their best. Now that Thunder Mountain has become a thorn in the side of the Heavenly Court, it's best to leave it far behind! "    


"What?" Demon Ox was greatly shocked. He shouted angrily, "How can this be? Old Wolf, didn't you say ?"    


Without waiting for the Demon Ox to finish speaking, the Howling Moon Heavenly Wolf interrupted, "Calm down. It's inevitable that I will ask you to leave the mountain. The Master still has things for you to do, so you can't stay in the mountain forever. At that time, I will safely bring out all of your people from Thunder Mountain. In comparison, no one will be able to stop me. "    


The Demon Ox went silent for a moment before he sat down on his butt. After a long time, he asked, "When are you going to let me do this?"    


"I told you to get to know someone!" Narrowing his eyes, the Howling Moonlight Wolf spoke in an indifferent tone. He then stood up and walked over to Demon Ox's side, whispering something into his ear. The Demon Ox's eyes widened, and his mouth grew wider and wider. It was a truly horrifying sight to behold.    


"When that time comes, you and the Heavenly Court will have another fight. After this is over, you can still return to the Thunder Mountain. I'm guessing that the Heavenly Court won't send troops to guard here!" At that time, you will still be a demon king. "After the trip to the west is over, you can go back to Jinao Island!"    


Demon Ox nodded silently and said with a sad expression, "Fine! Just as you said! "    


The monkey was here. Demon Ox was about to retreat, as if everything was under Chen Yuyang's control. On the surface, it seemed like the Heavenly Court had won a great victory. On the one hand, it was to show off to the Heavenly Court, and on the other hand, it was to stabilize the Three Realms' reputation. Secondly, he had allowed the Six-Eared Rhesus Monkey, the war god of the Heavenly Court, to live up to his reputation. Thirdly, he had also given the Buddhist Sect the opportunity to take action in the west.    


Far to the west, within the three star Crescent Moon Cave, the scholar wearing cassock bitterly smiled and said, "Martial Uncle Qingyang, you are quite magnanimous and have great skills!"    


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