Supreme Violent Young Master



3The ashes from the cigarette in her hand and the ash from the volcano dancing in the sky rotated together, forming a beautiful scene. The face of the man in the green robe, however, was rather unsightly. He had a feeling that doomsday had arrived. It was a feeling of compassion towards all living things, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably. His eyes were sharp, and the color of blood was slowly emerging.    


"Abe, calm down, calm down! Seventy years ago, when you saw China being ravaged, you didn't seem to have that kind of expression! " The voice came leisurely. An Beihai said, "You, what are you trying to do? Is it not enough?"    


"It's not up to me to decide if it's enough or not!" Chen Yuyang laughed silently, and said: "Back then, the three Northeast Provinces, were even larger than the small Beihai Road. That period of time should also be when cherry blossoms blossomed, but at that time, it actually became the season of blood in China. "    


Chen Yuyang's miserable smile once again hung on his face, and he spoke to An Beiqing with a serious expression: "Eight years, an entire eight years of time. You don't know what kind of plot the Chinese are living in, so you can't understand it, nor can you understand the anger of the Chinese!"    


"But even so, it should be enough!" An Beiqing still insisted.    


"Enough?" Chen Yuyang laughed coldly: "In eight years time, the population of China decreased by half. Is that enough? "One hundred million people, one hundred million people!" Chen Yuyang screamed at the top of his lungs: "Compared to the people from the Eastern Ocean back then, I am still more gentle. At the very least, I did not ravage the women of the East Ocean Continent, but instead, let them die comfortably.    


"You ?" An Beiqing pointed at Chen Yuyang, but was unable to say a word. At that moment, in his eyes, Chen Yuyang was a devil, a real devil.    


"What is it? Am I wrong? " Chen Yuyang laughed and said: "The Eastern Ocean must calm down. As a China, as the strongest nation in the east. Don't you know that on a sunny day, you can't allow others to sleep on the other side of the bed? The Japanese Ocean has gone too far, to the point where I can't bear it. "Therefore, I am already kind enough to not let this nation go extinct!"    


As he spoke, he continued to admire the chaotic scene below. Chen Yuyang felt even more that his state of mind had already started to approach that legendary figure bit by bit, without any sense of joy or sadness. There was no emotion in him at all. It was as if he did not like this feeling at all.    


This caused a bad mood to spread from the bottom of his heart. Similarly in a bad mood was Long Jiu the little girl. After going through the baptism of Hokkaido, Long Jiu displayed astonishing perseverance and wisdom. However, this bloody scene was still inside her body like a nightmare.    


Especially what Chen Yuyang had told her last sentence, that they didn't kill people like that.    


This was a sentence that still remained in her memory. Indeed, her Ten Thousand Slaughter, in front of Chen Yuyang, was simply a joke. Hokkaido, Fuji Mountain, three families of Ninja had already lost at least hundreds of thousands of people. The most terrifying thing was that Chen Yuyang did not attack, he only watched quietly.    


Some people become rich because they hire countless people to make money for them. Some became butchers because he hired countless people to kill him. This was the highest level one could reach. Although killing with one's own hands was pleasurable, killing on a large scale was enough to give rise to nightmares in one's heart.    


If she couldn't, then she was very sorry. Chen Yuyang could only help Long Jiu wash off this memory, and let her return to the past, to that naive and innocent child. This point, Long Jiu knew, and Chen Yuyang was also clear about it.    


Long Jiu, who had been hiding inside the embassy for countless days, was incomparably pale. In the past few days, apart from a small amount of water, there was almost no other food to be had. She wanted to break through the shackles in her heart and become stronger. Just like what Chen Yuyang had given her, no matter how strong a person's power was, they would only have the courage of a man.    


Therefore, Long Jiu continuously spoke of himself getting rid of the shadow, becoming a true expert, standing by the side of the Brother Chen, and facing everything in front of him with a heartless attitude. At the beginning, she hugged her blanket countless times and was woken up from her dream. That color of blood had never left her sight.    


But gradually, she started to get used to it. She got used to the smell of blood on her nose. Long Jiu's little girl had truly grown up after a few days of getting used to these screams and killings. Although she was just trying to grow up, the results were still there. She was no longer afraid of hesitating, everything was natural in her eyes.    


Inside the embassy, Bai Jingqi and Liang Guanglie kept smoking as they watched the latest news. It was unknown whether it was grief or anger that filled their hearts. Long Jiu's little girl had appeared in front of them at this time. That innocent and cute girl was still as adorable as ever, but her entire body was starting to emit a subtle change.    


Bai Jingqi said in shock: "Xiao Jiu, why did you come out? Rest a bit more!"    


Towards this little girl, Bai Jingqi had a kind of tender affection from the bottom of his heart. When Bai Jingqi saw her trembling while hugging her, he was extremely furious. After all, he was a pearl of the Dragon Group, how could he do such inhumane damage to her spirit?    


Looking at Bai Jingqi, Long Jiu chuckled and said: "No, I've already rested for a long time. If I don't go out now, I might miss a good show. Brother Chen said he would take me to the Emperor Palace. Hehe, I definitely can't miss this main event. I'm so excited! This is even more exciting than killing someone! "    


Bai Jingqi was speechless. He looked at the little girl who was bounding out of the room and thought back to what she had just said. Bai Jingqi helplessly looked at Liang Guanglie, then muttered with a sigh. "It's too crazy, why are all the people nowadays so crazy? Isn't the Dragon Nine Little Girl sick?!"    


Liang Guanglie laughed and said, "Those who are able to follow the military myths and legends are all freaks!"    


Once the mind was opened, everything would be unobstructed. Naturally, the same applied to cultivation as well. What Chen Yuyang needed was a character like the Iron Blooded Queen. If he still pitied the people of the East Ocean Continent today, then he would have no choice but to go against his own nation's supernatural man in the future. No matter how high his cultivation was, he would only be at the mercy of others.    


As for the situation in the East Ocean, the Chinese officials naturally had a better understanding of it through their channels. However, they did not have a complete understanding of it and did not know that such a cruel thing was happening in the East Ocean. Thus, they kept quiet and waited for the best opportunity to take action.    


The old guys up there were smarter than anyone, so they wouldn't make any gestures at the moment. If he didn't do anything, then he would be able to do it well. The two elders within the Zhongnanhai were truly a little excited, because in their lifetime, they were still able to see such a situation, and glory would definitely be left behind in the history books.    


As the leaders of China, they were once young, and their blood boiled. As such, when they saw that the East Ocean Continent had finally walked onto the path of punishment, they felt a sense of indescribable excitement. And Chen Lingfeng, this iron blooded soldier, was the most happy. He was now the only one left among the elders who had fought the most against the little devil in the past.    


He had a vivid memory of the tragic events of the past. Seeing his descendants so proud, he was naturally happy. The wine cup had never been put down ever since the incident in Hokkaido. Zhuge Ming was exceptionally excited as well, and would look for Chen Lingfeng from time to time. The two old men thought back to back then, talking while drinking wine, and was extremely happy.    


However, these events were seen as a natural disaster by the people of the East Ocean Continent. They also left a lot of opportunities for those of the East China Sea to make a move in the darkness. What made them even more excited was that God Tianzhao had finally given them an order. Three days later, on the full moon night, the current Sky Emperor had to abdicate. This was what made them so happy and excited.    


Inside the main hall of the Heaven's Chosen, the Ascetic Cultivator faced Qian Yuan, the Amber Family's An Baishi, the Gong Family's Honda, and the Crimson Army's Grand Commander were seated. He looked at the pure statue of the Goddess of Heaven's Illumination and said excitedly, "Since the God of Heaven has already sent out his decree, the current Emperor of the Sky must abdicate. We should prepare for it!"    


There was a look of disbelief on his face as he said, "To Old Devil, there are no outsiders among us, so why do we need to use the name of God Tianzhao? "Recently, there have been a lot of small affairs in the East Ocean Continent. The people have been seething with resentment, and the time has come. We still need to talk about it!"    


"Three days. Full moon night. This is God's order!" He said to Thousand Yuan in an excited and unbridled manner.    


As for the fact that he would keep using God's will to Thousand Yuan, this made him very unhappy. Although he himself also trusted in God Tianguang, the respect the Gong family had for God Tianyi was far from being equal to these real Gods. They were only holding the flag of God Tianguang and protecting the Gong family's strength.    


Commander Chi Jun was still dressed in flame attire as he coldly said, "Time, location, and plan!"    


It was as if every time he spoke, it was this simple and clear. Furthermore, they would even look at An Baishi from time to time, and seeing the other party's actions, An Baishi was naturally extremely excited. This was because these guys were finally about to make a move, and as expected, it was within the expectations of the Sky Emperor. My Abe family's Twelve Styles of God cannot be easily mobilized, or else it will cause unnecessary trouble! "    


He nodded to Chiyoko and said, "Indeed, and I've heard that the Americans seem to want to intervene in this matter, so we have to do it as soon as possible. "Tonight, I will enter the palace and use the name of the East Ocean Continent's Heavenly Calamity to request the Sky Emperor to sacrifice his life for the full moon. When that time comes, the God of Heaven will descend and the Sky Emperor will step down!"    


"To the old man, you can't be joking, right? "God Skylight really will ?"    


He nodded excitedly to Qian Yuan and said, "Indeed, this is the decree of God's Illumination! Therefore, when the time comes, I hope that everyone can cooperate. "    


Gong Hontian gave a puzzled look and said, "We'll naturally cooperate with you, old fogey. However, once the Sky Emperor stepped down, what would happen to the whole of the East Ocean Continent? "Are we going to elect a new emperor or..." As he spoke, he swept his eyes over the crowd and revealed a wicked smile. He was secretly angry at Qian Yuan. Things haven't succeeded yet, and they're already prepared to share the fruits of their victory. He didn't mind how ugly his food looked.    


As if guessing the thoughts of Japan and Japan, Gong Ben Tian smiled and said: "Of course there will be a reward for this business transaction. "We need to know exactly what this reward is. Otherwise, wouldn't there still be chaos in the future?"    


He gave a symbolic nod to Thousand Yuan, and the Commander of the Red Army also nodded. In the end, he said to Qian Yuan, "God Tianzhao didn't give us the order to do this. I think ? I think we should just abolish the Sky Emperor System and form the Board of Patriarchs to rule over the East Ocean. What do you think ?"    


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