Supreme Violent Young Master



0However, he would not do that. It would undoubtedly make his long life uninteresting. By doing so, it had undoubtedly solidified his emotions. A hundred years. A hundred years. That was a very long time, and he had to make good use of it. Only by doing so could he make these hundred years go by brilliantly.     4


No matter if it is the bird's eye view of the earth or the people's eyes looking up to them, they all have their own unique places. People's wisdom and ideals are limitless, and only by possessing wisdom and endless power, can one's life be considered interesting and fruitful.    


Taoist cultivation and Buddhist tribulations were all like this. The most important thing they cultivated was not their cultivation, but their mental state. In the three thousand boundless worlds, he was just a drop in the ocean. He would run about in this world, feeling the rage and greed, feeling it and feeling it, only then would he be able to calm his mind and become an immortal.    


A man who has never picked it up, he tells you to put it down, that's a lie, after all. Because he had never picked it up before, how could he put it down?    


Just as Chen Yuyang was feeling the touch of the salty sea breeze and the allure of the ocean, his phone rang. When he saw the number, he smiled and said, "Mantis, you still remember me. You are really something."    


After he picked up the phone, he heard Tang Yan Jue's voice from the other side of the phone. It sounded very anxious as he asked, "Yu Yang, where are you?"    


Chen Yuyang frowned, upon hearing Tang Yan Jue's voice, he felt that something bad had happened. It was a very bad thing, Chen Yuyang said: "Uncle Tang, I'm in Shang Hai, what's wrong? Did something happen? Did something happen to Tang Bo? "    


"Yu Yang, I know you're very busy right now, but Tang Bo can be considered as your childhood friend. Can you find some time to come over and take a look? He's not in a good condition right now, it's not good at all!"    


"Uncle, don't be in such a hurry. What's the matter?" Uncle, don't be in such a hurry.    


After hanging up the phone, Chen Yuyang still did not know what exactly had happened to Tang Bo, but he knew that it was definitely not a good thing. It could be that something had happened to Miao Yue, he shook his head and immediately rushed to Su Zhou City, which was Tang Bo's base of operations.    


Chen Yuyang did not stop and quickly reached Su Zhou City. He drove straight to the Tang Clan's villa.    


At this moment, Tang Yan Jue was anxiously waiting. Both of his hands were constantly rubbing each other. His face was dripping with sweat and his eyes were filled with anxiety. Seeing Chen Yuyang's car, he let out a long breath, and said: "Yuyang, you finally came. Hurry, go in and see what happened to Tang Bo!"    


Chen Yuyang immediately calmed down, and asked: "What happened to Uncle Tang in the end?"    


Tang Yan Jue sighed and said, "What a injustice!" He stared straight at Chen Yuyang, who said in horror: "Is it Miao Yue?"    


Tang Yan Jue shook his head and said, "That girl, Miao Yi Yi Yi, has a kind heart. Bo'er really did have the fortune to marry her, but this boy was born in a world of blessings. With such a virtuous wife, he actually, unexpectedly ?"    


Chen Yuyang wrinkled his brows, and asked tentatively: "Is this matter related to that Feifei?"    


Tang Yan nodded his head and said in a heavy voice: "That slut, if anything happens to Bo'er, I will definitely not let her off. I will make sure your family will not be able to live in peace!" As he spoke, Tang Yan Jue's expression calmed down and said: "But, this slut seems to have hooked up with a great character. My Tang Clan ?"    


As he spoke, Tang Yan Jue looked at Chen Yuyang, his eyes filled with anticipation. Chen Yuyang heavily patted Tang Yan Jue's shoulder and said: "Uncle Tang, don't worry. With me, Chen Yuyang, here, you can leave these matters to me. Even if you have a huge background, you can't touch a single hair on my brother's head! "    


Tang Yan Jue let out a sigh, and seemed to be somewhat powerless as he said: "Then, then thank you!"    


Chen Yuyang waved his hand: "Uncle Tang, do we really need to be so formal with each other?"    


He led Chen Yuyang to the door of a room. Outside the door, there was a woman in white standing there. She was pure and lovely, with a head of flowing hair that was like a waterfall, and a faint fragrance wafting in the air.    


Without the slightest bit of blood, Tang Yan Jue looked at her and said with a pained heart: "Yi Yi, you're a good girl. For the sake of that brat Tang Bo, it's not worth it. You haven't slept for three days and three nights already."    


Miao Yiyi turned her head and bowed to Tang Yan. "Father, I'm not sleepy. I want to stay here with him. He's in a bad mood!"    


After saying that, Miao Yi and Chen Yuyang nodded, and said, "Young Master Chen! I'm counting on you! "    


As he said that, he stepped aside and wanted to let Chen Yuyang in. However, Chen Yuyang looked at Miao Yiyi with a playful look and asked, "Is what you're doing worth it?" Saying this, he ignored Tang Yan Jue's embarrassment and said: "You should still be a virgin right now!" With a sigh, Chen Yuyang stepped onto the muddy ground and continued: "If I had known this would happen, I wouldn't have helped that brat Tang Bo."    


Miao Yiyi nodded with a blush and said, "I'm already Tang Bo's wife. It doesn't matter if he wants me or not. I love him, so I want him to be happy. Young Master Chen, it's up to you! "    


Just by looking at Miao Yiyi, who had become so skinny that only her bones remained, Chen Yuyang felt an indescribable pain in his heart as he thought to himself, Mantis, you little brat, you really don't know when you're lucky!    


At this moment, Miao Yiyi's body seemed to sway a little. Although she had some cultivation base, supernatural man was not a god after all. Chen Yuyang promptly used his hand to support Miao Yiyi, then passed her to Tang Yan Jue and instructed: "Uncle Tang, she's tired. Let him have a good rest!"    


After saying that, Chen Yuyang sighed once again, and said: "Loving women, ungrateful sons, is indeed not a lie!"    


Looking at Tang Yan Jue's figure disappearing into the distance, Chen Yuyang was puzzled, just what in the world was wrong with Tang Bo's brain? In terms of looks, Miao Yiyi could be said to be a devastatingly beautiful woman, much better than that flying figure. In terms of consideration, Miao Yiyi had not slept for three days and three nights, just waiting for you.    


The daughter of the Miao Family's Patriarch, Jingui, was like a princess. She actually gave you rice and water for three days and three nights.    


The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Chen Yuyang rumbled and kicked open Tang Bo's door, causing the entire door to fall to the ground. There was no light in the room. It was dark, showing a kind of sinister darkness.    


The room was very big, very big. Looking around, only then did Chen Yuyang see the man curled up in the corner with a shivering body, his face withered, his hands hugging his knees, constantly sobbing at the corner of the room. His gray hair was greasy, and it was unknown how long it had been since he cleaned it up.    


The huge sound gave him a fright. He raised his head, and his sunken eyes lost all of their former elegance.    


Chen Yuyang was shocked, was this still Tang Bo? Was this still that handsome and charming Tang Bo?    


Chen Yuyang didn't know that lovelorn could actually cause someone to become like this. When he got closer, he discovered that there were all kinds of bottles scattered beneath Tang Bo's feet. There were all kinds of empty bottles that emitted a clear echo.    


Tang Bo slowly looked at him and forced out a smile that was uglier than crying as he said: "Bitch, you're here!"    


This voice was incomparably hoarse, and when listening to it, it had a kind of ear-piercing buzzing sound. Chen Yuyang's eyes began to congeal, and slowly, he arrived beside Tang Bo. He looked at Tang Bo with an incomparably sorrowful gaze, and Tang Bo once again said: "What? Don't you know me? "    


The corner of Chen Yuyang's mouth continuously trembled, "Y-you're still that mantis?"    


Tang Bo stood up. His trembling hands were like dried twigs as they continuously dusted off the dust on his body. He said: "I'm Tang Bo, you slut, don't you feel that I've changed a lot?!"    


This made Chen Yuyang feel that it was inconceivable. Looking at Tang Bo's face, which was thinner and more terrifying than Miao Yiyi's, he angrily said: "Dammit, even at a time like this, you still fucking have the mood to joke around! "What happened?"    


Chen Yuyang's voice couldn't help but rise. Tang Bo once again let out a bitter laugh, and said: "Bitch, in the past, I was unable to understand you. "But I can't compare to you. You're a real man, so you can just let it go. You don't even have to look at He Lingling, you're a real man."    


Saying this, Tang Bo began to sob and wail: "But me, what about me? Fei Fei didn't want me anymore. She left with a man who had a good family. She said she didn't want to see me anymore. Bitch, do you think this is retribution? "Back when we were in school, I, I, I, I was in retribution, retribution!"    


Chen Yuyang said very impolitely, and stared at Tang Bo: "Retribution my ass, it's like the two of us against each other, and against the heavens and earth, what retribution do you have!"    


Chen Yuyang turned and said to Tang Bo: "You should be glad that there is such a girl that loves you in your home. How come you don't know how to cherish her? "The world is so big, and there are flowers and plants everywhere. Why must you hang yourself from a tree? Could it be that you can't get used to seeing Miao Yiyi like this?"    


Tang Bo did not pay attention to Chen Yuyang and continued to sob: "Bitch, what you don't know, in the past, I, Tang Bo, have always thought of myself as having thousands of flowers that did not stick to my body. I have never thought of loving anyone, I never liked anyone. Fei Fei is the only girl that I like, she ? she just left me like this, how can I not be sad, not be sad! "    


Chen Yuyang suddenly retreated two steps. He didn't understand how love could turn a person into this, but he suddenly remembered that if Zhu Geqingqing left him one day, he wouldn't be like Tang Bo. Think about it. He shook his head. He knew that a heartless woman would never ask him to do something like this. It was not worth it.    


Even more so, he would not hate it, because only love could have hatred. The opposite of love was also not hatred, but boundless indifference.    


There was only one thing he would do, and that would be to ascend into the heavens and go to the distant Earthly Immortal Realm. He would never come back. At this moment, he looked at Tang Bo and smiled: "Are you still that mantis? Are you still the cool mantis that walks through the cracks of love? "    


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