Son-in-law's Counterattack

C484 Fang Family Pressure

C484 Fang Family Pressure

4"Lee Shaobai, how dare you?" Zhu Lin's anger flared up and he stormed towards me. His eyes looked like they were on fire, as if he had really been provoked by me.    3


I held on to the pain in my shoulder and held out my hands. "Come on, come on, get me done, then take me away."    


Zhu Lin came to the bedside and subconsciously took out the handcuffs.    


Suddenly, Zhu Lin didn't take out his handcuffs and cursed, "Fuck, I haven't brought this thing with me for a long time, but don't think that I can't do anything to you."    


Afterwards, Zhu Lin took out his phone, as if he was going to inform someone, but before the call could come out, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and hung up. He stared at me suspiciously, "Wait, Lee Shaobai, this is illogical. Why do you want me to do it for you?" What do you want? "    


It seems like the bureau chief, Zhu Lin, wasn't someone to be trifled with. In the end, he saw through something fishy.    


I didn't feel like trying to goad him anymore, so I put my hand back in place and asked, "You came this time to persuade me to stop, right?"    


"You still want to ask?" Such a big matter, do you know how evil its nature is? I suggest you to quickly stop. Don't think that just because Zhong Hai's attitude hasn't changed, I won't be able to do anything to you. " Zhu Lin quickly put on a stern face and his whole body was filled with authority.    


"Don't spout such harsh words at me. You can't threaten me yet. If you want to remove Iron River from South Qiu, you need to use conditions to exchange." I said coldly.    


Zhu Lin had lost all of his prestige and authority. He looked like he had suffered a loss. He gritted his teeth and his upper lip continuously twitched, "Condition? Why should I negotiate with you? I'll just do you directly, when you land in my hands, I'll do whatever I want to do, and your people would have to listen. "    


"Then hurry up, but you must think this through clearly. Whether or not using me to threaten the Iron River is the same as what you imagine." I took the initiative to stretch out my hands, intending to let Zhu Lin take me away.    


Zhu Lin is the Chief of National Security. If he wants to keep me in custody, the people from Heaven Sect definitely won't dare to act rashly.    


However, Zhu Lin did not dare to make a hasty decision. He stood still for half a minute on the bed, unsure of what to do, and asked with narrowed eyes, "Lee Shaobai, what exactly is the medicine in your gourd? Why do you want me to kill you so badly? Is he trying to create chaos on purpose? "    


"Are you going to deal with me or not? A straightforward sentence. " I couldn't help but curse.    


Zhu Lin's expression froze as he took a deep breath, and actually avoided speaking about it. On the contrary, he said, "Anyway, I came here today because of the matter with South Qiu, so no matter what, you have to cancel your Iron River today."    


"Since you don't dare to do it, then I will exchange my conditions with those of South Qiu. My conditions are very simple, use your power to monitor the whole hospital and protect my safety." "No," I said.    


"You want us to protect you, a gangster boss? What kind of joke was this? This is simply an insult to our department. Are you afraid that Heaven Sect will attack you? " Zhu Lin opened his eyes wide in disbelief.    


Zhu Lin made me very impatient. This guy didn't dare to do anything to me and didn't want to exchange the conditions. Did he really think he was some kind of god?    


Drinking a mouthful of plain water, I endured my anger until the last bit of patience and said: "If you don't want me to die here, and cause a war of Iron River, and the entire Southern Continent to fall into chaos, then hurry up and do something, stop f * cking pretending."    


"You!" Zhu Lin was so angry that he subconsciously raised his hand, ready to point at my nose.    


However, he seemed to have thought of something and forcefully pulled his hand away. He didn't dare to carelessly point at me, so he swung his hand and righteously said, "Impossible, absolutely impossible."    


"How can our department protect your head? Isn't this equivalent to supporting your actions?"    


"If that's the case, then where will the face of our department go in the future?" "Don't think that if you use the South Qiu to threaten me, then I will lower my head and compromise. Every single one of us in our department is a tough man with strong determination, we will never submit to your despicable methods."    




Hearing these three sentences, my intuition made me speechless. I dare to say that in Zhu Lin's heart, there is not a single person who is a good person. All of them are scum, all of them are despicable and shameless?    


I felt very uncomfortable in my heart. I suppressed my anger and said coldly, "Zhu Lin, let me say one last thing, are we going to cooperate or not? "If you don't cooperate, don't even think about stopping your action with regards to South Qiu. Then, scram and disappear from my sight."    


"You, you, you!" Zhu Lin was so agitated that his beard was blown, and his eyes were bulging. His throat felt like it was stuck, so he couldn't even say a complete sentence.    


After half a minute, Zhu Lin gradually calmed down. His eyes were filled with hesitation as he kept staring at me, as though he was making a choice.    


"Hurry, I only want the answer." I urge him impatiently.    


Zhu Lin gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence with difficulty, "Lee Shaobai, remember, I'm not lowering my head this time. I'm doing it for the peace of South Qiu. Don't be complacent in front of me, this is just a deal."    


"Cut the crap. Since you want to cooperate, then hurry up and implement it." I picked up the landline beside the bed and called Liang Guan right in front of Zhu Lin. No matter what, I immediately ordered Liang Guan to stop his invasion of South Qiu and temporarily retreat to the truce.    


Without waiting for Liang Guan to ask why, I immediately hung up and stared at Zhu Lin, "Now, it's your turn, Bureau Chief Zhu."    


Zhu Lin's expression didn't look good, but according to the agreement, he would inform the people below in person, then organize the people to protect my hospital, and guarantee that all the suspected Heaven Sect personnel would be temporarily taken away.    


Seeing Zhu Lin hang up the phone, I heaved a sigh of relief in my heart. With him protecting me, it is definitely very safe. No matter how long Heaven Sect I have, it is impossible for me to make a move in front of the national security.    


I lay paralyzed on the bed. I hadn't slept for a long time. I was too nervous to care about Zhu Lin beside the bed. I closed my eyes and went to sleep.    


In the end, Zhu Lin suddenly slapped the bedside and cursed: "What are you sleeping for? You actually dare to look down on my existence? Get up, I have other things to ask you. "    


"Ask, ask my ass, do you think you're so awesome just because you're a lousy bureau chief? I have seen a lot of awesome people, who do you think you are? "Don't think that just because you cooperate with me, you're qualified to shit on my head." When I opened my eyes, my last bit of patience was gone. I opened my mouth and started cursing.    


Zhu Lin's face turned dark and veins started popping out as he retorted: "We are the national security, what are you? What right do you have to clamor in front of me? I don't know how many people like you have been defeated, but I have no choice but to cooperate with you. Once Zhong Hai decides it, I will be the first one to deal with you! "    


"Since I dared to provoke Zhong Hai, I have never been afraid. Even if you do, the result will be the same! Zhu Bastard, you better straight up your attitude. In China, there aren't many people who can suppress this young master! " I was angry.    


Zhu Lin suddenly sneered. "How many people can suppress you? Do you think you're so cocky just because you're a Noble Heir Yi? Could it be … Faang Dao can't control you? "As far as I know, the Fang family has already started to exert pressure on Zhong Hai. This time you're dead for sure, the reason I'm locking this place down is so that I can catch you anytime."    




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