Urban: Super Divine Ring System

C159 There Was a Fight

C159 There Was a Fight

1Early in the morning, the people of Adventure Team were busy with their own tasks.    2


Gerry and Gerry were seriously studying the horse steps, Marlene was thinking hard, the elf archers were thinking about how to shoot two arrows with one bow, the devil people were excited, and Ebner was chopping the water ball.    


Niu Li withdrew his mind consciousness from the Creating Ring, and with a wave of his hand, a pile of red Crystal appeared on the ground.    


Everyone who was busy was stunned, and then looked at the Flame Crystal.    


"The Flame Crystal that we mined yesterday are all here. Beauty Captain, you can distribute them." Niu Li said with a smile.    


Marlene only came back to her senses now. Although she was still shocked, she still said very seriously, "Magician Lord can divide it. I believe you will be fair."    


After all, it was Niu Li who was mining with all his strength. It was already very good that half of them could mine. They should not be picky.    


Niu Li waved his Mental Energy and split the Flame Crystal on the opposite side into two.    


"Let's divide it evenly." After saying that, Niu Li waved his hand and put the pile of Crystal into the Ring Space.    


Marlene ordered Gerry, Gerry, and the others to keep a portion of the ___.    


Niu Li looked at them taking the Crystal and thought that these Crystals would belong to him sooner or later.    


"We have finished distributing the things here. We haven't found any of your herbs. Should we leave as soon as possible?" Niu Li asked with a smile.    


Marlene heard him and took out the map with a serious face to look at it carefully.    


After a moment, Marlene looked up and said, "The last point is more than 300 miles away from us. It will take at least four or five days to get there."    


"Then let's hurry up and go." Niu Li started to tell Ebner to pack.    


After leaving the valley, the group turned around and started to walk towards the border between the Garter Forest and the real Mount Alpha.    


The Mount Alpha was a relatively dangerous place. Countless dangers were hidden in the vast and continuous mountain peaks. It was said that there were no less than twenty kinds of Ninth Grade Devil Beast that had been discovered. Among them, there were three types of King Devil Beast. This had always been the heaven and land of adventurers.    


However, normally, small Adventurer Group teams like Marlene would not dare to come to this kind of place, but they had to come this time.    


So, along the way, everyone's mood was especially heavy. The reason why they placed this dangerous place at the last place was because they hoped that they could find the necessary herbs at the first few points. However, they couldn't find it, so they still needed to go to this dangerous intersection area to find it.    


Niu Li, who did not know what was going on, seemed relaxed and happy. He guided Gerry and Gerry's squatting steps along the way. However, after the two brothers felt the benefits of the horse stance, they had to pay a high fee for the subsequent questions. Every time Niu Li answered a question, they needed to pay him a Flame Crystal. For the more difficult questions, they would have to pay two or three Flame Crystals.    


Without Marlene's interference, they continuously gave Niu Li the Flame Crystal they had on them.    


They walked for two days in a row. It was a sunny day. After a long journey in the morning, they rested in a flat area outside a small forest.    


A roar suddenly appeared in the distance, followed by a series of rumbles.    


The people who were relaxing and resting hurriedly got up, their expressions solemn and vigilant.    


Niu Li did not panic. He knew that the danger was far away from them.    


Niu Li said to Gerry and Gerry, "Don't make a big deal out of it. Even if it's a Fourth 4 magic beast in front of you, you don't need to be so nervous. If a swordsman wanted to step into a higher realm, it needed to have a fearless heart. Look at how cowardly you two are. How can there be a Great Completion in the future?"    


Niu Li's words made Gerry and Gerry's faces turn red.    


However, in these two days, Gerry and Gerry had already regarded Niu Li as an instructor. Of course, they did not dare to resist.    


Marlene and the others were extremely ashamed. They had followed Niu Li for a long time during this period of time, and regarded Niu Li as an expert.    


However, Marlene and the others did not notice that, in fact, this was merely the instinctive action of a person who had lived in Desolate Star for hundreds of thousands of years and had an inheritance that might cause a crisis.    


"This should be someone hunting Devil Beast or Devil Beast to hunt down adventurers." Niu Li stroked his chin and was very interested in this.    


Marlene said angrily, "We have something to do."    


Niu Li said indifferently, "What are you nervous about? The direction you are going is about the same as the place we are going to. I can earn some extra money at the same time. What is there to be surprised about? "    


Marlene could not say anything. She could only look at them angrily.    


However, Gerry and Gerry were eager to try. They had been training for two days. They urgently wanted to know how much their strength had increased.    


"Let's go and take a look."    


They walked towards the source of the sound. Marlene had no choice but to follow them quietly.    


A few minutes later, everyone saw a battle a few hundred meters in front of them.    


This was a massacre. A group of swordsmen, mages, and archers were besieging a three meter tall wolf-shaped Devil Beast that was six or seven meters long.    


However, the Devil Beast was fearlessly fighting against everyone. Everyone who was attacked by the Devil Beast was injured, and some even died.    


The Devil Beast's power was extremely powerful!    


What was even more terrifying was that there was actually a very young woman sitting on the back of this Devil Beast.    


The wolf-shaped Devil Beast once again resisted the two charging swordsmen. The woman on the back of the Devil Beast spoke, "Master Yart, this unnecessary battle can be stopped now. You can't stop me from leaving."    


The surrounding crowd was gathering. On a luxurious flying wheel behind the crowd, a handsome young man wearing luxurious clothes was elegantly drinking wine. He smiled and said, "Myron, I have always been chasing you. Why didn't you give me a chance? Did I not give you enough? "    


The woman on the Devil Beast replied, "No, you did not give me what I wanted."    


"Then I can only force you. If I can't get what I want, no one else can." On the flying wheel, the handsome young man's face revealed a trace of cruelty and coldness.    


"Yart, are you really going to do this? You have to know that if you want to stop me, the price will be very high." The woman on the Devil Beast was not threatened at all. Her tone was still calm.    


"I know. That's why this old man arranged a bodyguard for me." After the handsome young man finished speaking, an ordinary middle-aged uncle walked out from behind the flying wheel. His expression was serious, and his gaze was cold, as if he was a machine.    


However, no matter where he went, everyone automatically opened up a small path for him. Everyone looked at him with eyes full of fear and reverence.    


"Blue-Eye Iron Guard? The old man actually arranged for the Iron Guard in his family to be your bodyguard." At this moment, the woman on the Devil Beast's back spoke in a serious tone. It was obvious that she was afraid of this middle-aged uncle.    


"Therefore, I have a lot of potential. As long as you choose to marry me, you can definitely stand on the shoulders of countless people and become the noblest wife in the future. " The handsome young man lightly laughed, his tone was unquestionable.    


"I don't like that kind of life" The woman directly refused.    


"You have no choice. Thirteen, grab her." The smile on the handsome young man's face disappeared as he spoke in a deep voice.    


" Quickly come down. This Gale Devil Wolf of yours can't withstand a single strike from me. " The middle-aged uncle said in a cold voice.    


The Devil Wolf was not a low grade Devil Beast, it was a high grade Level 5 Devil Beast, its intelligence was very high. Similarly, it could feel the threat from the middle-aged man, it did not dare to move.    


The woman on the Devil Wolf sighed to the doctor. She slowly landed on the ground and faced the middle-aged uncle.    


"Although Blue-Eye Iron Guard's reputation has spread far and wide, you alone cannot stop me. If I am really angry, I will activate the inheritance imprint. I can't control that power." The woman tried to persuade him.    


"The young master has already given the order" The middle-aged man's words blocked her path of retreat.    


The so-called Iron Guard was a powerful guard. However, the Iron Guard was much stronger than the men of sacrifice.    


Therefore, the Iron Guard never considered the path of retreat, they only considered orders.    


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