Destined Martial God

C426 Treasury

C426 Treasury



When He Ruyu retreated back into the tunnel obediently, Yu Haoran immediately activated the second drop of the Great Strength Golden Ape's blood essence.    


After transforming back into the Chinese macaque, he roared towards the sky.    


As for the red-robed old woman who was standing outside the bedroom, after hearing the Chinese macaque's angry roar, her expression suddenly changed. Martial King, who was at the peak of the eighth stage, quickly scanned the bedroom with her divine sense.    


Because the red-robed old woman never expected that not only was He Ruyu able to order the Black Bear, who was at the peak of the eighth level of the fifth stage, he also had a Chinese macaque at his side, guarding him.    


At this moment, the red-clothed old woman simply did not have the impulse to take revenge for the green-clothed old man and the white-clothed old man, nor did she capture He Ruyu alive. When the yellow-clothed old man attacked Black Bear, she immediately chose a different direction from the yellow-clothed old man.    


It was a pity that the Martial King at the peak of the eighth stage was considered the most powerful warrior among the Rippling Mountain Bandit Group, but facing a Chinese macaque at the peak of the seventh stage, any thought was just an extravagant hope. In the end, they were all smashed into meat patties by the Giant Ape Palm.    


After easily killing the red-robed old lady with the highest cultivation and strength, Yu Haoran, who had turned into a Chinese macaque, looked at the fifteen bandit leaders who had chased after the red-robed old woman, who had immediately turned around to flee. A sinister smile flashed across his face.    


After that, he climbed up onto the ground like a wolf charging into a flock of sheep, easily snatching away the blood-stained hands of the bandit leaders.    


Just as Yu Haoran killed the leader of the last bandit with a single punch, Black Bear also finished his opponent and returned to his bedroom in excitement.    


"Tower Spirit, use your divine sense to check for me and see if there are any experts of Martial King in the bandit group."    


After killing all the leaders of the Sound Mountain's bandit group, Yu Haoran did not end his secret transformation. Instead, he planned to use the Chinese macaque's transformation to remove any hidden danger that could threaten his and Ruyu's safety.    


"Yes!" Tower Spirit's reply immediately made Yu Haoran reveal a vicious gaze.    


But the next sentence Tower Spirit said, made him retract his vicious gaze, and even ended the Chinese macaque's transformation.    


"However, just as Black Bear was about to easily slaughter the protectors, envoys and leader of the bandits, those bandits of the first to third stage of Martial King had long escaped from the Mausoleum of Zhou."    


"At this very moment, the strongest person among the Eighth Mountain's bandits and the Sound Mountain's bandit group is only the peak Grade Nine Martial Master, the little leader."    


"Ruyu, come out!"    


Returning to the bedroom that was already in tatters due to the battle and the transformations, Yu Haoran asked He Ruyu who was hiding in the passageway after he took the medicinal pellet with a pale face.    


"Haoran, are you alright?" Seeing Yu Haoran, whose face was pale and knees bent, sitting on the ground, He Ruyu, whose face was also pale, asked nervously.    


"It's fine, it's just that the consumption of elemental energy and physical strength is relatively large!"    


Shaking his head, Yu Haoran gave a simple explanation before closing his eyes and starting to recover from the exhaustion that had fallen to his limits.    


He had already used the secret transformation technique to transform into a mutated beast no less than ten times. His body and elemental energy had long since adapted to the secret technique.    


However, he had never attempted two transformations in succession. This resulted in the depletion of his body and elemental energy, surpassing the limits of what his body could handle.    


Fortunately, his second transformation had consumed too much of his physical strength and elemental energy, and had not caused him any harm to his internal organs and dantian. With the help of the pills, he had recovered most of his strength in just half an hour.    


Opening his eyes, Yu Haoran looked at the worried He Ruyu and laughed, signalling that he was fine, he then closed his cultivation and stood up.    


"Ruyu, how are you recovering?" asked with concern as he reached out and grabbed He Ruyu's shoulder.    


"With the help of the top-notch pill you just gave me, my physical strength has been restored. However, my soul and my elemental energy will probably need another day or so to recover." He Ruyu said with a relaxed tone.    


"That's good!"    


The entire Sound Mountain Bandits Group, as well as all the Martial Master and Martial King Realm experts of the eighteen bandit groups had already escaped from the Sound Mountain. Other than the few Martial Saint s who had used their spiritual senses to detect the high ranking Martial Saint experts who were cultivating underground, there were no longer any hidden dangers that could threaten their safety within the mountain range.    


Therefore, it didn't matter to Yu Haoran if He Ruyu recovered his soul and elemental energy one day earlier or one day later.    


"Black Bear, come here!" Waving at the black bear that was standing not too far away, Yu Haoran instructed.    


"Control your body shape to five meters!"    


"Ruyu, where is the treasury of the Sonic Mountain Bandit Group?" Yu Haoran asked as he reached out and grabbed He Ruyu's waist, then jumped onto Black Bear's back with her.    


"Haoran, the treasury is behind this mountain."    


Being hugged tightly by Yu Haoran by the waist, other than feeling bashful at the start, He Ruyu actually liked the feeling of being hugged by Lou Cheng a lot in her heart.    


As she rested her head on Yu Haoran's shoulder, she introduced the location of the treasury.    


Suddenly, He Rubao thought of the method to open the treasury and hurriedly asked.    


"Haoran, on the bodies of the four protectors, there are four jade pendants engraved with different mythical beasts. Those four jade pendants are the keys to the treasury."    


"Black Bear, quickly take me to the place where we killed the Martial King Warriors!"    


After hearing He Ruyu's reminder, Yu Haoran's expression couldn't help but change.    


Regardless of whether it was the black bear or him who had transformed into a Chinese macaque, her favorite method of attack would be to forcefully turn her opponent into a meat patty. He was worried that the red-robed old lady who had killed him earlier or the yellow-clothed old man who had killed Black Bear, would destroy the jade pendant that had opened the treasury.    


Fortunately, when they arrived at the place where the black bear had just slaughtered the experts from the Sound Mountain, they found three gray storage bag s on the bodies of the green and white elderly men and the yellow clothed elder who had been smacked into meat patties.    


After Yu Haoran allowed the Tower Spirit to use his telepathic thoughts to erase the mark of the original owner of the storage bag, among the three storage bag, aside from finding out that He Ruyu had mentioned the jade pendant earlier, Yu Haoran also discovered a large number of spirit stones, medicinal pellets, spirit medicines, and some other refining materials that caused the Tower Spirit to feel extremely relieved.    


Just from the storage bag that they carried around with them, they already possessed such a precious treasure. Then, how many treasures would they have in the treasury that the Bandits of the Sound Mountain had fought over for over for hundreds of years?    


When rushing towards the treasury at the back of the mountain, Yu Haoran took the opportunity to take away the storage bag on the red-robed old woman's body, found the fourth jade pendant, and gave the four jade pendants to He Ruyu.    


The environment behind the mountain peak guarded by the Zongshan Warriors Group did not change much. The only difference was that there were fewer trees in the back mountain and more strange-shaped rocks.    


Under He Ruyu's guidance, they quickly arrived in front of a rock with a shape similar to a wolf's head.    


While gesturing for Yu Haoran to send him off Black Bear's back, He Ruyu took out a jade pendant from his spatial ring with a wolf's head carved on it. Then, he placed five jade pendants on top of the wolf's head.    


As the five pendants were swallowed up by the wolf head, the wolf mouth that was originally tightly shut slowly opened, revealing a path that could accommodate two to three people at the same time.    


"Haoran, let's go!"    


Turning his head to remind Yu Haoran, He Ruyu stepped into the passage.    


Yu Haoran indicated for the black bear to shrink its body and quickly caught up with it. Then, he extended his hand to support He Ruyu's arm.    


The passageway wasn't very long. After walking for about a hundred meters, they arrived at a green copper door that was four meters tall and three meters wide.    


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