Destined Martial God

C406 dark night

C406 dark night

3"Dammit, just ask me whatever you want to know. I will tell you whatever I know and I won't hide anything from you."    


The black clothed man, who was originally crying miserably due to the pain, suddenly paled after hearing Yu Haoran's kind persuasion. The defenses in his heart had completely collapsed as well, and he couldn't help but beg.    


"I beg of you, hurry up and remove this damned secret technique!"    


"What a coward!"    


Seeing that the black-clothed man's mental defenses had completely collapsed, Yu Haoran complained in dissatisfaction. Then, he extended his finger and helped the black-clothed man temporarily unlock the secret technique's torture method.    


"Who are you?" Seeing that the black-clothed man's breathing had gradually calmed down, Yu Haoran started to interrogate him.    


"My name is Dark 179!" The man in black answered truthfully.    


One hundred seventy-nine!    


Hearing the black-clothed man's reply, Yu Haoran immediately became nervous.    


Because this name made him suddenly think of a force, a super force that the countless experts of the Profound Sky Continent could not help but fear.    


"The exact origin!" Forcefully suppressing the nervousness in his heart, Yu Haoran continued to ask.    


"The Dark Night!" the man in black replied.    


It really was them!    


Hearing the black clothed man say the two words "Dark Night", Yu Haoran's heart couldn't help but sink.    


Night's Night was the top assassin's guild in Profound Sky Continent. It was a first-rate power that could compete with the seven supreme sects of the Fragrant Sky Pavilion.    


In some ways, they were even much stronger than these top powers.    


In his previous life, Yu Haoran had interacted with this organization quite a few times. Since his enemy had sent assassins to kill him through the Dark Night organization, he had also used the Dark Night to kill his enemy who was rich.    


"Are you an assassin from any of the four halls?"    


It was precisely because he knew the origins of the organization, that Yu Haoran needed to know more detailed information in order to confirm why he was being targeted by the assassins of the organization, or to be more precise, who killed him through the organization.    


"Yellow Hall!"    


Hearing Yu Haoran mention the four halls of the Heaven and Earth, Profound Sky and Profound Yellow, they all trembled and looked at Yu Haoran in surprise.    


In Profound Sky Continent, although the reputation of the Dark Night's organization was very well-known, most people only knew that it was a mysterious assassin's organisation, and didn't know about its power structure.    


How did this sixteen or seventeen year old boy come to this conclusion?    


It turned out to be the Huang word for "low status", one of the four great halls, with "staff organization" being the most complicated, and could only be considered as a "non-staff". Hearing the answer from An 79, Yu Haoran heaved a long sigh of relief.    


It was because he had interacted with the Dark Night organization many times in his previous life that Yu Haoran understood them very well.    


The four halls of the Sky, Earth, Profound, and Yellow were the power structure of the dark night organization.    


The mouth of the sky in the mouths of the Four Great Temples was the true core of the Dark Night's organization, and it was also the very reason why the name of the Dark Night could shake Profound Sky Continent.    


In his previous life, an assassin known as Solitary Heaven had successfully assassinated an expert with Martial Saint Realm at the mouth of the Sky Hall, instantly causing a sensation in the entire Profound Sky Continent.    


It was because of this feat that the Dark Night officially became a first-rate power, not inferior to the Tian Xiang Pavilion and the top seven sects.    


However, according to the information Yu Haoran had gathered from his previous life, the number of assassins in the great hall was very few.    


The Earth Hall was an elite assassin from the Dark Night organization. It was also the main force of the Dark Night organization in accepting assassinations.    


The Hall of Mystical Words was an ordinary assassin of the Dark Night. It was mainly responsible for some ordinary assassination missions, and was also the entrance to provide the organisation with wealth and resources.    


As for the Yellow Hall, it was used by the Dark Night's organization to test whether assassins who wanted to become assassins or those who were trained by the Dark Night's organization had the qualification to become assassins.    


The killer of this hall could only take on missions through his own methods, and only then could he finally decide whether or not he was qualified to enter the hall and become a member of the assassination organization according to the circumstances of the missions.    


"How many times have you completed these missions?"    


If one wanted to pass the dark night organization's inspection, they would need to pass at least three perfect assassination missions before they would have the qualification to be promoted to the 'Mystical Palace'.    


Therefore, Yu Haoran wanted to make a judgement on whether or not he had already attracted the dark night organization's attention from the few missions they had executed.    


Because the killers that joined the Yellow Hall would not send anyone to follow them during their first assassination mission, and they would not check the results afterwards either, it was basically due to your own honesty.    


After the second assassination mission was successful, the Dark Night's organization would send someone to check if the killer's mission was successful or not.    


During the third assassination mission, the higher ups of the Dark Night's organization would send elite killers from the Earth Hall to observe and spy on this killer secretly to see if he had the strength and potential to become an assassin from the Profound Hall.    


"The first time!"    


Thinking about his first assassination mission, he was captured alive by his opponents.    


"Why would you want to assassinate me?"    


It was only his first time on a mission, which was an assassination mission he had received on the black market. As Yu Haoran interrogated them, he tried to guess who it was that had issued the assassination mission on the black market.    


"Who wants to assassinate you? My targets this time are He Yu and He Ting of the He clan!"    


Originally, the He sisters couldn't bear Yu Haoran's cruel methods of torturing them. However, after hearing that the target of his assassination was actually their own sister, they immediately panicked and no longer felt the cruelty that Yu Haoran had shown earlier.    


"Did you receive this assassination mission from the black market?"    


The target of the assassination was actually the He sisters. Although Yu Haoran's expression did not change, he secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.    


"That's right!" Nodding his head, Lu Li replied.    


He reached out his hand and pressed it on the top of Dark 179's neck, causing him to immediately faint.    


After that, Yu Haoran interrogated the other two men in black, and got the same answer as the one hundred seventy-nine.    


"Black bear, throw them into the lair of the jungle beast!" After getting up, Yu Haoran instructed.    


Originally, combined with He Ting's description of the He Clan's annihilation, Yu Haoran surmised that the culprit who annihilated the He Clan was most likely a bandit who came like the wind.    


However, after someone released the mission of assassinating the He sisters on the black market, Yu Haoran felt that his guess was wrong.    


Therefore, after the black bear returned, Yu Haoran indicated for it to continue growing bigger. Then, he called for the He sisters to quickly rush to the Emerald Villa where the He Family resided.    


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